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Mircegg's Black Market Lead Application
Mircegg Player
1 posts
1 topics
about 1 month ago

Preferred Name: Mircegg




IGN (In-game name): Mircegg




Discord: mircegg




Age (optional): N/A








Why do you want to be a black market lead?: I would love to become a black market dealer, as I have never had the chance to roleplay selling weapons and earning money that way. I believe this path would be a good fit for my character, and I would be excited to take on the role of a dealer.




What are responsibilities as one of the leads?: As one of the leads, my responsibilities include generating revenue through the sale of weapons and helping to keep GangRP thriving by providing players with weapons and other resources. My personal goal is to ensure that everyone has a good time and to maintain a positive and non-toxic environment in GangRP.




How would you preform your deals?: I would conduct my transactions in various discreet locations, ensuring that the police cannot see what is happening. I would always take payment before handing over any weapon. To facilitate this, I would provide the customer with a code to confirm their identity when we meet. Upon arrival, they would tell me the code, and I would verify that I have the correct weapons ready. After I receive the payment, I would then hand over the weapon.


Additionally, I would ensure that I have one or two other people with me who are armed for safety. It’s also important to have an escape route in case law enforcement arrives unexpectedly. Another option would be to have the customer hand me the money while I leave the weapon in a location known only to them, minimizing the risk of theft.




What are your accomplishments, criminal wise, on Echoes: 1984?: N/A. Echoes' not open.




What is your character's back story, and how did they come to be a black market lead?: Try to limit yourself to 1,500 words (2,500 max):


Early life (1-4)


Nobu Rykari was born in a small town in Tokyo, Japan his parents weren't the richest of families but they weren't too poor either his father was an officer of law his mother was a nurse. His father was called Tomite Rykari his mother was called Ueda Rykari they had Nobu at the age of 50 and 55 they were married when they had him but Nobu wasn't alone he was born into a large family when he was born there were around 10 members of his family all female or male his parents worked hared to keep all of them hungry. When the male turned 1 he began to walk and said his first word it was of a pet bird they had the bird was called 'coco' for the first year of his life not much happened life was good he just played with his brothers and went on walks with his mom because she didn't work too much.


Middle life (5-12)

At the age of five, the boy began school with his brothers. Until that age, he really liked school. One day, while relaxing in the school playground on a swing, the school’s so-called bully approached him. The bully, who was four years older, demanded that Nobu get off the swing. Nobu refused, and the bully kicked him in the nose, causing it to bleed. Nobu cried, and from that day on, he changed.

At six, his parents brought him to a therapist to find out what was wrong. Nobu had gone from a happy boy to a sad, depressed one. However, he stayed quiet, wishing he could tell them but deciding not to.

The next day, Nobu and his family went to a park where he saw the bully again. Luckily, his older brother was with him. The bully tried to attack Nobu, but his brother defended him. The bully yelled and threatened Nobu, saying he would "get hurt" the next day at school.

When the day came, the bully confronted Nobu, unaware that Nobu’s brothers had taught him a little about fighting. When the bully attacked, Nobu managed to block and attempted to push him down. However, the bully was much stronger. He kicked Nobu hard in the nose, shattering the bone with a loud crack. Nobu cried as the school nurse rushed to help, and the principal punished the bully. However, Nobu’s nose was permanently damaged. The doctors applied a cast but informed his parents there was little they could do. For the rest of his sixth year, Nobu lived with a broken nose.

At seven, the bully was nearing the end of his time at school, and Nobu had made new friends. They all shared an unusual obsession with the Yakuza, often pretending to be gangsters. One day, they decided to confront the bully. Though they managed to knock him down, the situation escalated. Nobu kicked the bully hard, injuring his shin and nose. As teachers and the principal rushed over, Nobu panicked and ran. He dodged a teacher’s tackle and eventually hid in a classroom. Cornered and caught, Nobu was suspended.

At eight, Nobu began spending more time with his friends outside of school. One weekend, while walking around, they spotted something they wanted in a shop but didn’t have money. They decided to steal it. Acting normal, they slipped the item into their pockets, but someone saw them. Though they escaped that day, the security guard was ready when they returned a week later—this time with officers.

The boys ran, but the police caught up. Nobu even tried punching an officer but failed. When questioned about where he lived, Nobu stayed silent. As a result, he spent a few days in detention. Upon returning home, he told his parents he had stayed at a friend’s house. They didn’t believe him but had no proof otherwise.

By nine, Nobu began distancing himself from friends and partaking in more dangerous activities with his brothers. One day, his brothers forced him to knock someone out, and he complied out of fear of defying them.

During a street altercation with officers, a brawl broke out. Nobu grabbed a baton and taser from an officer, breaking the taser and passing the baton to his brother. Though they knocked one officer out, reinforcements arrived, forcing the group to flee. One of Nobu’s brothers was tased and left behind. Nobu considered going back for him but ultimately followed the group’s decision to keep running.

At ten, Nobu and his brothers’ activities became even more reckless. They targeted a known Yakuza member who carried a gun. They disarmed him, but the police arrived before they could leave. Nobu’s eldest brother fired the Yakuza member’s gun at the officers, forcing them to retreat.

The group fled home, only for the police to arrive an hour later with a warrant. Nobu and his brothers escaped through the back door, jumping fences and hiding in a forest. They built a makeshift den, taking turns on guard duty.

One night, they heard gunshots. Nobu looked out to see special forces nearby. Though the den wasn’t discovered, the group decided to move deeper into the forest. From that point on, Nobu and his brothers avoided their home entirely, choosing a life of constant movement and danger.


Later life (13-17)

At the age of 13, Nobu's brothers began developing bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. Understanding the risks of addiction and the potential for financial ruin later in life, Nobu chose not to engage in these activities and decided to remain silent about it.


One day, while they were out walking, a rival gang known as the Mitsuo family attempted to ambush them. The Rykari family, to which Nobu belonged, had a longstanding rivalry with the Mitsuos, as they had consistently outperformed them. However, this time the Mitsuos had the advantage in numbers. Nobu decided to confront two of them while his brothers took on the rest. He targeted the youngest members of the rival gang, who were about the same age as him.


As the fight began, Nobu knocked one of the rivals out and then went for the second. The struggle was intense, but Nobu ultimately emerged victorious. He noticed that weapons like knives and bats were being used in the fight. Without any weapon of his own, Nobu decided to take a bat from one of the opponents. When he attempted to grab it, the rival swung the bat at him but missed. Nobu seized the opportunity to grab the bat again, succeeding this time. He swung it at the side of the male's head, but during this moment, one of his brothers restrained him, making it difficult for Nobu to defend himself against the rival's attacks.


With the bat now in hand, Nobu managed to knock the rival out. His brothers took the opportunity to loot the weapons and money from their opponents. Nobu kept around 20,000 yen, a ballistic mask, a pocket knife, and the wooden bat. His brothers taught him how to use the weapons and the importance of cleaning them after use. From that day on, Nobu wore his mask when going outside to avoid getting caught by the police. Since the Rykari members all wore masks, it was nearly impossible for law enforcement to identify them.


However, Nobu still had school to contend with, which became a significant distraction for him. Eventually, he decided to quit school but realized he needed his guardians' permission. Ultimately, he chose to leave school altogether without looking back. Nobu used some of the money to rent an apartment for himself and the other younger members of the group. They often sparred there, leading to complaints from angry neighbors.


On one occasion, a complainant drew a knife on them, but Nobu quickly disarmed him and used the knife against him. When the police arrived, Nobu hid under the bed with the knife and bat, and fortunately, they did not find him.


By the age of 14, Nobu had stopped growing, reaching a height of 5'8". He prayed he would eventually grow to 6 feet like his brothers and father, but he was content for the time being. From ages 14 to 16, not much significant happened in his life.


At 17, Nobu decided to join the Yakuza, alongside his brothers. He brought weapons and masks with him, but this particular Yakuza was well-known, and smart individuals knew to stay away from them. The Yakuza trained their members to fight, and Nobu was considered a decent fighter, although they recognized that he was not yet ready for any promotions. Nobu was frustrated by this, as he wanted a gun, but he understood that earning their trust was essential.


One day, while walking around wearing his Yakuza clothing and carrying a knife and bat, an officer shouted, "SIR, ON THE WALL!" Nobu knew he couldn't run, so as the officer approached, he turned around and brandished his knife. A brawl ensued; he kicked the taser away from the officer and grabbed the baton. Attempting to stab the officer, Nobu missed. When the officer reached for pepper spray, Nobu took off his mask and tried to knock it out of the officer's hand but failed.


The officer then had one chance to disarm Nobu, but he missed as well. However, the officer’s next kick successfully sent the pepper spray flying. This time, Nobu hit the officer in the head with the bat, knocking him out. But just then, another officer arrived with a gun. Realizing he needed to stay calm, Nobu didn't make any moves. Fortunately, a member of the Yakuza arrived along with two others, and they shot the officer. At that moment, Nobu found himself extremely wanted by the Japanese authorities.


Adult life (18-19)

At 18, he spent an entire year living in Japan. However, for his birthday, he discovered that his brothers had moved to East Falls, America. Now 19 and new to the city, he found himself drawn to a life of crime, particularly the black market. Eager to learn more, he decided to become a dealer.


To start, he focused on making a name for himself in the community and building connections with others. His efforts paid off, and he was eventually invited to take on a leadership role in the black market. He accepted this opportunity, determined to be a responsible dealer who wouldn’t create problems. He followed all the rules, as he was not a rule-breaker.


From that point on, he dealt weapons as needed or when he felt like it. In his free time, he relaxed with his brothers from the Rykari or engaged in other activities to keep the crime scene active and ensure the black market continued to thrive.




Provide us with 2 complete fighting scenarios. Include information such as the ages, names, and the commands that would be performed (/m, /roll, etc):

Scenario #1:

Nobu - 19

Takei - 21


Nobu "Hey, man could you leave sir I'm trying to do something."



Harry "What happens if I don't you loser I'm walking around too you know right?" (insult 1)



Nobu "I understand that sir just leave are you deaf or something you can come back later."



Harry "Nah man I'm not tryna leave what do you think you are? Some pathetic gangster that can't do nothing to me?" (insult 2)



Nobu "What did I do to you sir? Why do you insult me I just want to chill down here and you won't leave me alone."


Harry "I am making fun of you because I want to now go away this is a warning you pathetic loser." (insult 3)


Nobu "Last warning go away before something happens."


Harry "No you're not going to start anything you're just pathetic man." (insult 4 ko perms now)


Nobu /me Would approach the male from behind.


Nobu /roll 30 (22)


Harry /roll 30 (10)


Harry /me Would attempt to swap with the male.


Nobu /roll 30 (7)



Harry /roll 30 (12)


Nobu "Oi what you doing man?"


Harry "Beating you."


Nobu /me Would elbow the male in the nose.


Nobu /roll 30 (21)



Harry /roll 30 (17)


/it 1-0 to Nobu


Harry "OW!"


Nobu "What did you say? You're 'beating' me?"


Harry /me Would sent a right hook to the males head.


Nobu /roll 30 (9)



Harry /roll 30 (30)


/it 1-1


Nobu "Ow! Why the hell did you punch me?"


Harry "Maybe cause you punched me!"


Nobu /me Would attempt to elbow the male in the eye.


Nobu /roll 30 (13)


Harry /roll 30 (25)


Harry "Ha! You missed!"


Nobu "Shhhh."


Harry /me Would deliver a side kick to the side of Nobu's head.


Nobu /roll 30 (25)



Harry /roll 30 (29)


/it 2-1 to Harry


Nobu /me Would deliver an elbow the male in the jaw.


Nobu /roll 30 (1)



Harry /roll 30 (9)


Nobu "Shit!"


Harry "How pathetic."


Harry /me Would right hook the male in the back of the head.


Nobu /roll 30 (26)



Harry /roll 30 (30)


/it 3-1


Nobu /me Would elbow the male in the nose.


Nobu /roll 30 (9)



Harry /roll 30 (2)


/it 3-2


Harry "OW that one hurt bud now I am going to knock you out buddy."


Nobu "Nah you won't buddy."


Harry /me Would right hook the male in the back of the head.


Nobu /roll 30 (24)


Harry /roll 30 (7)


Nobu /me Would elbow the male in the face causing a bruise to form!


Nobu /roll 30 (14)



Harry /roll 30 (8)


/it 3-3


Harry /me Would attempt to right hook the male once again.


Nobu /roll 30 (30)



Harry /roll 30 (22)


Nobu /me Would swap with the female then right hook her in the back of the head.


Nobu /roll 30 (28)


Nobu /roll 30 (11)



Harry /roll 30 (2)



Harry /roll 30 (1)


/it KO!


Nobu /me Would spit on the male "Yeah listen to me from now on."


Scenario #2:


Nobu: 23


Alan: 28


Context: Alan and Nobu's gang are rivals and they were having a gang were before Alan killed a gang member of Nobu's, Alan would run from Nobu he would run into the apartment Nobu would have a metallic baseball bat a kitchen knife and a fire axe.


Nobu /me Would make as little noise as possible so the male inside dod not know he was outside he would prepare the fire axe he would then send it into the door knocking it down he would then take out his baseball bat.


/it Door kicked down.




Alan "Try me buddy I'll stab you just like I stabbed your gang member."


Alan /me Would approach the male from the front.


Nobu /roll 30 (30)



Alan /roll 30 (21)


Nobu /me Would take out his baseball bat. (isn't in range so he doesn't need to roll)


Alan "Don't do nothing buddy."


Alan /me Would approach the male from the front.


Nobu /roll 30 (5)




Alan /roll 30 (28)


Nobu "Get away buddy."


Nobu /me Would swap with the male.


Nobu /roll 30 (4)




Alan /roll 30 (1)


Alan /me Would swap.


Nobu /roll 30 (11)




Alan /roll 30 (9)


Alan  "Stay where you were buddy."


Nobu "Nah I'll pass."


Nobu /me Would send the baseball bat to the side of the head.


Nobu /roll 30 (14)




Alan /roll 30 (4)


/it 2-0 to Nobu


Alan "OW! Why are you using a bat and I have no weapon?"


Nobu "You have a knife g."


Alan /me Would elbow the male in the nose.


Nobu /roll 30 (23)




Alan /roll 30 (11)


Nobu /me Would whack the bat to the side of the males head.


Nobu /roll 30 (22)




Alan /roll 30 (19)


/it KO!


Nobu /me Would stare at the male he would the pull out the kitchen knife he would stare at the male smiling he would then look at the kitchen knife he would ask the male "This is what happens if you mess with us buddy." just make sure next time you do not do anything alright buddy? Well there will most likely be no next time he would then jab the knife into the males hearth 19 times he would then stab the males neck 4 more times killing him.


Nobu /me Would dip blowing him a kiss.


Provide us with 3 examples of permission escalation on an OOC POV (i.e., You're KOed and you gain minor permissions on them). Include the IC scenario as well:


Nobu's brother and fellow gang member was killed by a rival gang, granting Nobu and his gang kill permissions against any members of the rival group. Nobu acted on these permissions while fully blacked out and masked, ensuring the rival gang members could not retaliate against him.


Nobu was knocked out by an unmasked individual, granting him minor permissions in retaliation. He responded by stomping on the man's nose, breaking it. Nobu carried out this action unmasked, which escalated the situation and granted the rival gang major permissions. In response, they broke one of Nobu's major bones, such as a leg, but they acted while blacked out and masked. As a result, Nobu's gang did not gain kill permissions.


Nobu was insulted four times by Alan, granting him knockout (KO) permissions. Nobu used these permissions openly, without wearing a mask or blacking out. In retaliation, the rival group used their minor permissions while masked and blacked out, leaving Nobu with no further permissions against them.

Last edited: about 1 month ago