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URBAN LEGEND | Walk up to Paradise
SanrioRoll Manager Event Lore Player
15 posts
6 topics
29 days ago


Stairway to Paradise


A Tale of East Falls



       There exists a staircase, in the middle of the woods, completely untouched and unconnected from civilization. 


       Why are they there? No one knows. Nor the people of the town, nor the mayor, nor the farm, nor the big corporation, and not even the founders of the land. Mysteriously, this staircase sits alone in the woods with no answer to its origin or its purpose. What could be the reason for a random set of stairs to be in the deep woods?


       Skeptics point fingers at the corporations, claiming it must be a failed project. Others say it's the government playing around. The reality, despite all these theories, is that there is no way to truly tell who or what left these stairs ominously in the woods. It may be the work of a company, or the work of a group of people, or perhaps it’s nothing more than just a random set of stairs.


       Whatever you do, though, Do not seek out these stairs. They will mess with your head, alter your brain, and make you question the reality you live in. If, however, you still embark to seek these stairs, you must absolutely never walk up them. 




       Victims of the stairs have reported incidents in which they had the curiosity to walk up these mysterious stairs, in which, in all accounts the results are all similar. Almost all victims report  that upon reaching the ground after walking back down the stairs, it feels as if nothing had changed, however, upon leaving the stair area, they discover that while a few minutes had passed for them, it had been quite a bit longer than they had originally remembered. Victims have reported that in a matter of minutes, hours, days, and even whole weeks had apparently transpired whilst they were walking the stairs, unbeknownst to the victim. Other effects reported by victims are: 


  • Extreme sense of confusion

  • Impaired vision 

  • Temporary memory loss 

  • In dire cases, an impending sense of doom.


       The stairs seem to have a time dilation effect on the victim. Dilating time whilst the victim walks the stairs, the stairs seem to lock the victim in a different time frame, one that is much slower than ours, and which causes time to go faster in our reality while going much slower in the victim’s reality (whilst they walk the stairs). This effect creates the illusion that the victim has seemingly gone forward in time, without scientific reason. Time dilation only occurs at speeds approaching the speed of light, yet somehow, the stairs match the effect on victims without any apparent speed involved. 


       The stairs have no apparent reasoning for its existence or why it causes this effect. 


       They simply stay put, with no disturbances, empty and quietly in the void of the deep forest. 


       The only sign of life near the stairs is a singular  message, written on the side with dried blood, that simply states:


                       “Walk up to Paradise


       Please be careful when seeking out these stairs. And remember, whatever you do, 


                   Do not walk up the stairs.





Many still wonder if the rumor is true. . .



This urban legend can only be learned ICLY and has no affect on any character


Written by : @JujutsuSorcerer

Photos taken by : @mmelv



Last edited: 29 days ago