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'ACCEPTED' Kerqn Reporter Application
Kerqn Player
1 posts
1 topics
26 days ago

IGN: Kerqn

Preferred Names: Keran (keer-an, not karen) or Kellan

Discord: @Kerqn

Motivation behind applying: My current motivation is the Wysteria flower. I find the flower and the symptoms to be highly interesting, and I plan on doing in depth research on it like how it would affect people in real life and so on. I also enjoy writing about things that do peak my interests. I've also always loved uncovering interesting facts that aren't known to others.

Punishment History on Echoes 1984: To my knowledge, I have never been in trouble or punished.

Do you understand if caught plagiarizing or using Ai in your application you have a chance of being blacklisted from the factions?: I fully understand.

Do you understand if you receive 3 strikes for any reason you will be removed from the faction?: I fully understand.

In-Character Section

Name: Sawyer V. Finch

Age: 19

What qualifies you as a quality reporter: Back when I lived in Idaho, I used to be in a journalism club in high school and I grew to be a very liked member throughout my high school years, writing and documenting everything that happened within the school, leaving a mark in Idaho until I had to move for money reasons. I also have a very creative mind when I have specific passions.

Write a short example of what you can do; an article of 100 words minimum, 500 maximum: 'The Wysteria flower is a very unique plant. Many people don’t know its symptoms nor much about it. The information we can learn about it is from one of its more popular relative, the ‘Poison Ivy’ plant. Poison Ivy is a plant that originates from the ‘Solanaceae’ family, or better known as the ‘Nightshade Family’ which contains different types of plants, including very harmful ones. If you come into contact with the plant, it leaves the oil called ‘urushiol’ from it onto the part of your body that touched the plant. The oil then can cause ‘allergic contact dermatitis’, causing the skin’s immune system to produce itchy red rashes, blisters, scaling, scabbing, oozing, or even swelling on the skin. Now Poison Ivy isn’t completely similar to the Wysteria flower, since there have been reports of people going insane from auditory or visual hallucinations. A plant that is more similar to the Wysteria flower is the ‘Angel’s Trumpet’, which is also in the Nightshade Family. The symptoms that come from digestion of the Angel’s trumpet is confusion, fever, dilated pupils, delirium, seizures, coma, difficulty in speech and swallowing, intense thirst, vomiting along with diarrhea, and Hallucinations. The flower without treatment or digesting too many of these flowers can even lead to death. One of the differences between the Angel’s Trumpet and the Wysteria flower that is known is the aroma produced by the Wysteria flower. Currently we know that the Wysteria flower produces an aroma, instead of needing to eat it, that can cause hallucinations after being in the proximity near them for even just a short period of time, and within time we will be able to figure out more about these plants through chemical practices and other practices.'

Backstory 150 words minimum, 2,000 maximum: All throughout my school life, up until high school, I had never been in a place of comfort. I never had extra curricular activities like others did, and I was usually alone when school came around. When I got into high school that all changed for me. I didn't get to pick my schedule due to being a homeschooler from seventh to eighth grade, and because of that I was put into a journalism class that immediately enrolls you into its similar, the journal club. I didn't particularly want to do anything in the club so I didn't, letting others create the school's event papers and everything else. In the class I wasn't completely engaged until the teacher picked on me one day, a few weeks after school started, to make up a poem on the spot about horror. I wasn't even a fan of horror, but somehow my brain, in the moment, made a poem that wowed the whole class, although I have no remembrance of anything in that poem. From after that class I was placed as the head writer for the month's event paper, and it turned my grade from an 85% to a 97% for the semester. I didn't particularly enjoy it until there were rumors about paranormal activity on the school roof, with sightings of a supposed ghost. I got infatuated with writing on it and the teachers were surprised about how in detail the school event papers talked about the rumor. Throughout the years I had in high school, I continued to write about paranormal rumors that were spread in school, even if others took the head spot of the event papers in the school instead of me. I've always had a knack for the paranormal and the unexplained, and the Wysteria flower is another case I'd be excited to write about.

Last edited: 19 days ago
vCrim Player
16 posts
6 topics
25 days ago


Welcome to the New's Faction please be patient as we give your roles. Make sure to join the Fall Chronicle Discord