Preferred Name: I do not have a preferred name.
Discord: sp4d3rofficial
Age (Optiona)l: N/A
➢ Why do you want a Business on Echoes:1984?: I want a business within Echoes: "1984" for a wide range of reasons, and one of them being that as the server develops and prospers, I wish to provide a place where members of the community can enjoy some simplistic roleplay but also a place they can make a memorable experience at. I wish to enhance the roleplay within the server by running a realistic and casual speakeasy that would be owned in character by an Italian male/family. I want a place where gangs, civilians, and everyone in between can come and have an enjoyable time. Of course, the in-character reason behind the want for the business is Lorenzo Santarossa, wishes to own something that he can make a form of income from, to help his family prosper but also have something that presents himself and his family in a grand light.
➢ Business Discord:
➢ What will your Business sell and/or do?
Well, due to it being a two in one type of business, there are multiple things that the business sells. What the average person sees is a Mechanic Shop that does repairs and tune ups on vehicles. When you go deeper, and under the Mechanic shop for the more adventures type of people, you will find a speakeasy.
alcoholic drinks - (e.g.) Whiskey, Wine, Beers, etc
➢ Provide the lore of your character and how they came to open a business. Please attempt to limit yourself to more or less 1,500 words ( maximum 2,500):
Back in Sicily, Italy, the Santarossa Family was well known for their grandfather and grandmother's cooking. In the city of Palermo, cuisine was something treasured and respected. They enjoyed teaching their Grandsons and Granddaughters their recipe in hopes they’d continue the family business. However, eventually the family was driven out of Sicily for reasons unbeknownst to the kids. Their grandparents stayed behind to continue running their business however they felt it unsafe for their grandchildren to remain. Offering them and their parent's tickets to the United States where they eventually moved to a small city known as East Falls.
Still growing up cooking the fine cuisine their family taught them from their childhood, ensuring their children never lost sight of their culture just because they were surrounded by arrays of new foods and dishes to try and enjoy. Of course, they found love in other foods, but nothing could beat their families' unique food. Their parents had nearly opened a business however due to being low on money at the time it didn’t seem rather possible, so they eventually gave up on such a dream. Instead, of raising their children to be beneficial and upstanding citizens to the best of their ability.
Getting involved in anything horrible could look bad on their parents and bad on a business if they dared open it. Considering their children seemed to be turning on dark paths they forgot the idea of the business instead finding ways to discipline the children and stop them from going down an awful path. Eventually, their parents passed away, leaving the children and Lorenzo Santarossa alone in the United States. Only having their siblings with him. He thought about opening something that would allow his parents to be proud, but also something that allowed what they were taught with fine drinks and food to be used. He sought to have something that allowed himself and his siblings alike to grow within the new place they call home.
Lorenzo came to find a location that would be able to be used for something simple but would be able to have something much deeper below. He found a location to open a Mechanic shop above, as a form of cover what his true business was, which happens to be a speakeasy below it, allowing himself and his family to use their knowledge in drinks to make a presence within the town that they are currently in.
➢ What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble OOC?
“Excuse me, but we’ll need to ask you to stop, or we’ll have to call the staff”. They’ll have about 3 warnings before we contact staff to come talk to them. If it persisted, we’d try to find other means to keep them from the speakeasy. Such as asking staff to warn them etc.
➢ What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble IC?
Well, it truly depends on the part of the business that the individual is located at, of course if it was within the Mechanic shop someone would be taken aside and away to breath, since people working on your vehicle can lead to people being upset or something along the lines. When it comes to the speakeasy, one of the security workers would escort them out, since the place is supposed to be a location where men and women alike come to relax and enjoy a drink.
➢ How would your business greet and provide service to customers (e.g. “Hello, what will you be getting today? The man began to click into the register, getting ready to serve the customer. )?:
“Good Morning/Afternoon! Welcome to La Bonne Nuit, how many will be with you today?” The Worker began to type in the details for the table, grabbing [insert number of menus] before guiding the party of [insert number of people] to a table.
Placed [insert number of menus] at the head of the table allowing them to pass the menus around. “Here are your menus, take your time to decide what you’d like.” - “The Worker took out a notepad taking note of the drink orders.
Last edited: 25 days ago