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ACCEPTED | Evan3scence Clinician App
Evan3scence Player
2 posts
2 topics
25 days ago

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How much do you know about first-aid and general medicine?:


General first aid knowledge - I’ve taken basic first aid classes and attend a university that has paramedics come in for events. I’ve seen equipment such as external defibrillators, first aid kits, splints, ECG monitors, and other medical equipment put to use during demonstrations. I’ve used ECG monitors, pulse ox readers, first aid kits, and smaller splints (for broken fingers) myself. 


Give us three examples of injuries, and their resolution:


Deep lacerations:


One of the most commonly seen injuries in the medical field. When treating deep lacerations your first priority is to stop any bleeding, applying pressure to the wound, and in some cases applying a tourniquet (cauterization is necessary in severe cases). The next priority is repairing the wound in a way that it will heal with minimal scarring and a decreased risk of infection. Initially, the wound can be irrigated with saline to flush out any debris and dilute bacteria. Then a numbing cream or other local anesthetic should be applied to reduce any pain or discomfort while the wound is being repaired. There are various suture techniques that may be applied during this process depending on the type of laceration. After the wound is repaired, antibiotic ointment should be applied, then a dressing of gauze and bandages.




The most commonly seen burn types are first, second, and third degree. I will go over the severity of each burn type, and how they should individually be treated.


First degree burns are superficial burns that affect the outermost layer of the skin. They don’t typically require medical intervention, and can be treated at home by cooling the wound, then using antibiotic ointment and loose gauze dressings. Ibuprofen or other over the counter painkillers can be used for pain relief. 

Second degree burns are more severe, affecting more than just the top layer of skin. Typically second degree burns become red and develop blisters. The burn should first be cooled off with water, then antibiotic ointment applied and a non-stick dressing placed over the wound. The burn should then be monitored by the patient’s physician.


Third degree burns are a serious type of burn that affect below the first two layers of skin - and require immediate medical attention. The main priorities for treating third degree burns is assessing and treating damage, as well as eliminating infection. The patient should first be administered IV fluids, as third degree burns drop fluid levels and can lead to shock and low blood pressure without the necessary intervention. The patient will also likely need oxygen, morphine, and should be hooked up to an ECG monitor. The wound should then be assessed and the patient put under anesthesia, provided the wound needs surgery. Most third degree burns require dead tissue to be removed. As third degree burns don’t heal on their own, it is most likely the patient will need a skin graft. Skin grafts can be performed by removing skin from a donor site (typically somewhere unnoticeable, like the back of the thigh), then applying the skin to the burn site and attaching it via staples, stitches, or glue. Follow up care could see the patient in the infirmary for quite some time. Their wound should be dressed and carefully monitored by a physician, as well as pain medication and physical therapy administered. 


Sprains or Strains: 


Another common injury seen, especially in patients active in sports or outdoor activities. Sprains can be identified by swelling and tenderness - and a broken bone or fracture can be ruled out via an X-Ray. Sprains are relatively simple to treat - the patient should be advised to rest and should be prescribed a brace or compression sleeve. Elevation, ice, and anti-inflammatories can be advised to reduce swelling. The patient should also be advised to follow up if there is any drastic changes in pain, swelling, or other physical symptoms.


Why do you want to join the hospital faction on Echoes? Answer OOCLY:


I’ve worked as EMS in a few different servers, including on the prior server to this one - Ridgeston. I truly enjoyed the company of the community, and I valued my time as an EMS worker. I heard the server was back up, and I was more than excited to hear there were EMS positions available. I would like to be part of the EMS team again, serving the community and providing good roleplay to anyone seeking medical attention in game. My main point of interest is bringing a positive experience to anyone interacting with the faction, as well as anyone within the faction.


Another reason I want to apply is because I have a general interest in the faction and how EMS work is done. I enjoy the medical roleplay and the actual knowledge and work it takes to treat patients in game. I have always had a passion for the job itself, it doesn’t feel like work, which makes it easy to stay online and help as many people as needed. I also don’t mind picking up on extra work or projects presented by the faction.


How would you deal with someone that is FailRPING within the hospital?:


First and foremost, I would make sure I had a clipping agent on to make sure the interaction is recorded and can later be relayed to staff. But, to avoid any alterations, I would try and reason with the player FailRPING. If they continue, I would contact any online staff to approach the situation and send them the necessary evidence. If there is no staff online, I would stop engaging with the players and make a ticket until a staff member could assist in the situation.


Provide us with 2 some-what detailed actions of your character helping an injured person. You can choose the injury or illness.




Caspian would grab a few layers of gauze, packing them against the open wound to slow the bleeding. Once he was sure the bleeding had stopped, he would flush out the laceration with a sterile saline solution, then begin prepping the patient for treatment. Applying a pulse ox to their left index finger, he would make sure to monitor their vitals as he worked, keeping conversation to distract them. Applying a numbing cream to the wound site, he would then close the wound with absorbable sutures. Applying an antibiotic cream, he would dress the wound with gauze and bandages to complete his work.




Helping the patient onto a gurney, Caspian would first check their pupils for dilation. Taking out a small flashlight, he would check both sides - determining that the patient’s pupils were blown. Wheeling them to one of the imaging rooms, he would put them through a CT scan. Thoroughly examining the results, he would determine they have a mild concussion. Bringing them back to one of the unoccupied rooms, he would discuss their treatment plan with them. He would advise them to rest, returning for observation and neurological testing. He would also prescribe them a low dose of acetaminophen for pain - advising them to stay away from medications like ibuprofen or advil to reduce the risk of bleeding.


Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):


Caspian Allucard was born and raised in Locarno - a Southern Swiss town located on the river Maggia. His mother and father, Doria Allucard and Iryan Allucard, worked as real estate agents in town, marketing houses. When that business started to dry up, they settled for renting out venues and hosting weddings. This roped Caspian straight into their plans - whether he liked it or not. Since he was young he helped his parents prepare venues, setting up floral arrangements, moving around furniture, cleaning, and entertaining guests or attending parties. This kind of life left Caspian questioning himself - there wasn’t truly anything for him to inherit, and his parents didn’t have any solid footsteps he could follow in. So his life was a huge trial and error, for the first half. He spent a lot of time running through different hobbies - picking up sports, baking, cooking, anything to fill his time to try and find something he liked to do. It wasn’t until he was attending one of his parents' grandiose parties that a catalyst occurred. He was supposed to be tacking up a few fairy lights that had fallen over when he slipped and fell off a metal ladder, landing on his head and knocking himself out. Momentarily at least. When he woke up he realized there was a crowd of people surrounding him - and none of them were helping despite his head pounding and inability to stand. He silently panicked, unable to speak without slurring. Some paramedics arrived a few minutes later, calming him down and shooing the onlookers off. He was able to calm down, somewhat communicating to the paramedics in the back of the ambulance now that he was calm. He was taken in and diagnosed with a concussion, which lasted a few weeks and kept him away from work. While he was stuck inside, he spent a lot of time searching for anything else he could do for a job besides working for his parents the rest of his life. But nothing was turning up, so he decided to do a virtual career advising. He was surprised to find one of the same paramedics he’d encountered worked part-time as an adviser. He explained to them the situation he found himself in - which was the inability to find anything he was truly passionate about because his parents were so sporadic. The adviser, probably biased towards his own job, suggested Caspian try becoming a paramedic. He could technically do the job part time, and the schooling wasn’t as strenuous as a full medical degree. Caspian agreed to start schooling - ending the call on a good note. It took his parents awhile to get on board, especially since they knew his habit of switching from hobby to hobby. But, eventually, they caved in, and he started attending university. He still partied along the way, but he found an actual interest in the things he was studying. And, he had a knack for people since he’d been stuck meeting strangers during his parents' parties. Eventually, he earned the proper certification and started working as a paramedic. He met a lot of new people along the way - patients and coworkers alike. There were some unsavory people, but his most memorable experiences were the ones whose life he saved. He had a few gnarly accidents where he needed to apply a tourniquet, revive someone, or get them to the hospital before the shock got to their heart - and each one seemed grateful. Seeing them return to say a quick hello and thank you warmed his heart more than he thought it would. But, this was only a part time job, and he found himself wanting more. To satisfy the need for a career, he decided to go further into the medical field. He still wanted to work in a high intensity environment, so he chose to become a trauma surgeon - the schooling for that taking several years. He earned his biology degree and passed his MCAT before starting medical school. It took him a few more years to complete his residency, complete his fellowship program, and get his licensure for trauma surgery in Switzerland. He planned to stay in his hometown, but his father tragically passed away from a heart attack. Caspian realized he needed a change of pace, leaving his city for the first time to seek out something new. 






Caspian Allucard


Age: 27


Phone Number


A printed message would be on the paper, “Hello! Thank you for applying to Echoes’ Hospital. We appreciate your interest! Please read through this paper and answer the questions. We will consider you for hiring once it is submitted. We will try to get back to you as soon as we possibly can. Thank you again!” The paper was signed by the hospital director.



Biology, Pre-Med


What position are you applying for? You may state a position that is not currently available, and it will be checked once that slot opens:




Why do you want to work on our team?


I enjoy EMS work, especially the actual aspect of working as a team. There are times you can work solo on a patient, but there are also situations that require communication and collaboration with other hospital workers. I like collaborating with other workers to help out ICLY, but also to help reduce OOC stress as well. There are times when situations can get overwhelming, but it’s helpful to have a calm collected co-worker assisting you. I believe I can provide an asset to the team with my prior experience and ability to handle stressful situations.


I also worked in EMS prior and enjoy the server and its community!


Provide a list of staff titles and their jobs/descriptions.


Surgeon: A medical professional that specializes in surgery. Surgeons lead a team of doctors and nurses during procedures to treat specific illness or injuries. They can also prescribe medication and manage post-op care.


Doctor: A licensed professional that can diagnose and treat general illness, as well as prescribe medication, follow ups, or give referrals to specialists.


Specialists: Doctors who specialize in a certain field - such as cardiologist (heart doctors), or neurologist (brain doctors). They can diagnose, treat, and follow up with certain conditions related to their field.


Paramedic: A medical professional that specializes in emergency treatments. Paramedics are typically sent on field to stabilize patients and bring them back to the hospital for further treatment.


Clinical Lead: A specialized role for healthcare workers that maintain certain branches of the hospital. They are responsible for their job as a doctor, surgeon, or specialist - but they are also responsible for maintaining hospital protocol and supervising their coworkers.


Hospital Director: The lead of a hospital. Responsible for managing staff, updating protocol, training staff, maintaining resources, etc.


Psychiatrist: A doctor trained to diagnose and treat mental illness.


Whilst in the hospital how should you and your co-workers behave? If you see something wrong, what should you do about it?


Working in the hospital, you should maintain a professional and friendly attitude. Incoming patients should be reassured by your presence and affirmed by your words. Goofing off or being otherwise unprofessional can damage not only your reputation as a physician, but the hospital's reputation as well. If you see something amiss, it should be reported to a higher staff member of the hospital, preferably with evidence.


What experience do you have working in a medical setting? If none, put N/A:


I mostly have experience with simple first aid. I took a class to get my CPR certification, and I’ve taken general first aid classes as well.


What responsibilities do you hold as a hospital staff member?


As hospital staff, there are several responsibilities that include:


- Providing excellent care to patients

- Collaborating with other clinicians

- Holding myself to protocols and safety standards

- Communicating any issues to higher staff


How would you manage a patient that was being uncooperative or rowdy?


Initially, I would try and take a calm approach - speaking softly and attempting to calm them down. If they are being rowdy to cause a scene, and have no medical emergency, I would have security escort them out. If it is clearly a medical crisis, and I could not calm them, I would contact a senior staff member to assist me in sedating them and assessing their injuries. In either situation I would involve security as well to ensure the safety of myself and other hospital staff. I would also report the incident to a senior staff member.


The paper ended with another message: “Thank you for taking the time to fill out this paper. We truly appreciate it! Before you can submit this, please sign the document!”

Last edited: 24 days ago
mmelv Manager Build Player
18 posts
3 topics
24 days ago

Your application has been ACCEPTED !

Thank you for being interested in our Emergency Services, please join the official Echoes emergency server for your roles and further information.
Echoes | Emergency



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