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EVENT | The Purge, 'Timers'
SanrioRoll Manager Event Lore Player
15 posts
6 topics
13 days ago

Timed Actions


K.O duration : Injured players are knocked out for 5 OOC minutes after bloodshed or being K.O. (e.g being knocked out, stabbed, minor/major damage) 

Once a character's K.O timer is finished, they can do the following. . .

  • Find a safe zone

  • RecoveryRP the damage dealt to their character

  • Re-enter combat

If a character’s injuries are not sustainable to re-enter combat in, they must visit the Clinic


Recovery Time

Players can visit the Clinic to tend to their wounds or wait before re-entering combat.

  1. No matter the severity of a character's wounds, all Recovery Time will be 3 OOC minutes after the procedure is complete.

  2. Players have the choice of staying within the Clinic for longer Recovery time or re-entering the event.


Prohibition Time

The ‘Attacking’ player may not re-engage with the injured player until during their recovery period is over. (e.g K.O timer and Recovery timer)


Bleed out Time

Players who gain an open/fatal wound without receiving proper medical treatment and/or refusal will gain a bleed out timer of 15 OOC minutes.


  1. The bleed out timer will begin once medical treatment is denied and/or refused at the clinic 

  2. The timer can be paused in the action of gaining temporary medical supplies.

  3. If you gain another wound with a paused timer, your character will die.

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