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ACCEPTED | CriminalRP Sheriff department application
CriminalRP Player
2 posts
2 topics
2 months ago

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Shortly describe 5 laws or behaviors that officers in the U.S. have to follow:

Amendment 1 
Americans have the right to freedom of petition, freedom of speech, Freedom of religion, freedom to asemble and the goverment should not infringe on these rights to the american people. It applies to cops as they can not break these amendments on duty enforcing the laws without discrimination of other people for any reason what so ever in the line of duty. If the officers do so they could face jail time for violating these ammendments

Amendment 2
However some guns are banned and illegally owned officers can not take guns that are legal and registered or congress and politician in general and the rights of the people to carry such weapons legally. However they can limit what weapons they can have they cant outright ban weapons. In times of war they can also serve as militias in a invasion or become combatinants as a civilian militia. Police cant take legally owned weapons period unless they have a criminal record that bans them from carrying them.

Article 1
Possession of such information which could potentially harm reputations of others can absolutely not  be exposed unless the needs of justice require otherwise. Meaning they cant expose other information that could be potentially harmful to other people unless absolutely required in general
Article 3
Police can not use lethal force unless needed if required for their personal duty. If a criminal tries to use lethal force you can kill them in the lines of duty lawfully. If they are not using lethal force you should go for less lethal and try to arrest the suspects involved in the crimes of hurting or stealing people or things. The use of fire arms is only used if the suspect is a danger to the lifes of others or you as a person.
Article 5
No law enforcement officer shall cause cruel or inhumane punishment unless a state of war a threat of war a threat to national security or internal political stability any national emergency warants an exception for such punishment. Its a crime if such punishment was done without a emergency going on within east falls or america itself. Torturing is used as a messure to cause severe pain or suffering wether it be physical or mental pain inflicted on the suspect.


Why do you want to join Echoes’ police faction?: 

I want to join the Echoes police faction to enhance my roleplay and gain more of a rep on this server. I have many reasons on why  I want to join the echoes police faction other than just money or anything exactly. I will explain the reasons on why I want to join the Echoes police faction but first why. I wanted to join as I had no previous faction involvement on any server and it might give me a chance to grow more than I ever did on other servers I will explain multiple reasons on why I want to join the faction and grow in the community.

One of the reasons on why I want to join the echoes police faction is to improve my rep on this server. Theres not a lot of echoes police officers in the server as of now which is why If I joined My reputation and likability from more staff members other than iTea would increase in general thus making myself a good person in the eyes of staff and other players who want me in other factions or gangs on this server. 

You know rep can mean a lot when joining things you want to do in any roleplay server like this and since the server is new and up and running now is the perfect time to increase my rep and money as fast as possible by joining a faction like the police faction. It would give me a chance to gain a positive rep as quickly as possible in the police faction in general

One of the other reasons on why I want to join is money. I didn't really start off in echoes with a lot of money or things to grow as a player or even buy the things I want. Thats when factions or other methods of grinding comes up to play to meet quotas  of simple factions or gangs in the server even though i never joined a gang or got involved in criminal activity on echoes yet I have methods on meeting the quota every time on the servers i play on making sure I stay in the factions that I love to be in. I keep wanting to gain money by joining jobs in other servers and also get involved in intresting combat as a police officer or any combat legal jobs I can perticipate in including echoes as well. I want more money for my character to access more things as a whole.

I'm extremely loyal to the groups I join. Its proven by my activities on different servers if you paid attention to the other factions I was in before echoes was even a thing. I kept loyal to the gangs I joined the businesses I joined and all of the above really in hopes I can become higher in ranks of the groups I join so I can continue to do the things that i love on echoes.

I want to join to combat roleplay arrests in general trying to stop criminals from getting out of hand on the streets of echoes. The lack of police and the substantial amount of gang members is unfair to that of the police thats why I'm trying to join the police faction to make it more even for the community when it comes to law enforcement and fights in general. I genuinely side with gang rp a lot but I think the gang roleplayers vs the police faction in general is unbalanced and unfair for the community due to the massive numbers of criminals and the lack of police. Which is why I wanna join for the thrill of outnumbered combat and to make the fights more balanced in general to the government in general. Its kind of unfair on how the numbers is and it needs to change.

It could also enhance my roleplay. I could improve my character and become more of a fighter for the law in general and to enforce laws and make things right for the people of echoes in character and out of  character. Roleplaying as a cop can make criminals enjoy crime more when they are either getting chased or fought by a cop it can prove a challenge to the people of the server to fight against cops and it could promote more crime roleplay in general.

Overall I want to join the echoes police faction so I can have a character besides being a criminal for the first time and add more character to my characters by giving them jobs and factions to perticipate in rather than going in gangs and being a mob boss all the time and for the first time make a change in my character development as a cop in general to make a difference in the roleplay stance of the server by fighting back against criminals in character while over all being a extremely nice person out of character.


What would you do if you accidentally broke a law, and someone began to argue with you OOC?:

In this situation this is how It would go if someone began to argue with me in out of character. as I walk around town using my character and stroll around I accidentally break lets say a ammendment as a police officer as I was on my patrol and people started to argue with me in out of character. Heres what I would do in this situation. 
(OOC) Player1 - This is unacceptable I'm reporting you for commiting a crime in roleplay what the fuck is wrong with you
(OOC) CriminalRP - Calm down its just a game if you have a problem then report it.
After that I wouldnt respond to them out of character and remain a chill stance to such a situation until the problem is resolved by either staff or the faction itself trying to avoid more trouble with the people involved thus avoiding more confrontations.


If someone was insulting you OOC for not following a common law (such as reading their rights)  what would you do/say?:

Heres what I would do in this situation if i forgot to read there rights in general If someone kept insulting me I would just read the miranda rights it is not such a big deal when you forget to do something important let the insult be a reminder to do your job correctly. If they keep insulting you and being negative towards you afterwards just report them if they cant be respectful towards you out of character. 


(OOC) Player 1 This is unacceptable you did not read my rights at all you fucking idiot.
Michael Katz - You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. 

You have the right to a attorney if you cant afford one. One will be apointed to you during questioning. Do you understand your rights?
Jamal Henderson - Yes I understand my rights.
Michael Katz - Do you wish to speak to me
Jamal Henderson- No
(OOC) Player 1 - Finally you are not being fucking stupid
(OOC) CriminalRP - If you keep insulting me I'll take it up to staff for ooc toxicity.
This is basically what I would do in this situation in general as it would be a more smarter decission to same calm in general.


What do you do if you arrest someone? Be short, but detailed: 
As I ran towards the suspect I yelled. "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND" if they did not comply with my orders I would tase them and rush at them step by step getting closer to them as i said "HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK!" as i tried to cuff them I tightened the cuffs and locked them on their wrists making it harder to get away and easier to control the suspect in such a huge disadvantage in a fight. I would read them there miranda rights "
You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. 

You have the right to a attorney if you cant afford one. One will be apointed to you during questioning. Do you understand your rights?" The suspect would say yes or no then I would place them in a car and drive them to the station as I arrested the suspect and I would place them in a cell and read their charges then I would take a mug shot then let them change characters after the arrest.

If someone is behaving strangely, as if they were using illegal substances, what do you do?:
As I was walking on the streets patrolling I saw someone in a dark alleyway which is kind of odd in suspicious so I went and check it out as I looked around I saw a man doing cocaine or drugs I looked at them in the eye saying "Are you sober sir" they would probably lie saying "Yea" I would say "You look high sir and you smell like cocaine and weed you know thats a crime right" The suspect would either disagree or agree and I would start to cuff the suspect and arrest them for illegal drug possession and bring them to the station for such crimes.
I would read their miranda rights like this "
You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. 

You have the right to a attorney if you cant afford one. One will be apointed to you during questioning. Do you understand your rights?" the suspect would either say yes or no as they were placed in a car and brought to the station where they were placed in a cell and given a mug shot at the station thus making sure they are processed legally in the court of law.


If someone will not give you their identity and you don’t have probable cause, what do you do?:

what I would do in this situation is walk away because If i don't have a probable cause to believe that they commited a crime then why attack them for no reason. Theres murderers other criminals and genuinely more dangerous people out there than the person I'm trying to ask their identity for. If they are commiting a crime or I suspect them of commiting one then they are required to legally give me an identification or face legal punishment. Police cant do anything unless they have probable cause that the suspect is doing something illegal.


If someone refuses to identify themselves because of the 5th amendment, but you have probable cause, what do you do?:
they are only required by law to identify themselves from the 5th amendment after they answer those questions of identification they aren't required to answer shit as its protecting their rights from incriminating themselves. In a seceario like this here is how it would go in general.
Michael Katz - You need to identify yourself.
Jamal Henderson - No I don't I plead the 5th
Michael Katz - You are legally required to identify yourself as I have probable cause you commited a crime
Jamal Henderson - I do not
Michael Katz - Whats incriminating about a name jeez
Jamal Henderson - I plead the 5th
Michael Katz - tell your name or you are going to jail for obstruction of justice
Jamal Henerson - Noo!
Michael Katz - Alright you are going to jail.
As I cuff the suspect for failing to identify himself after suspecting him of a crime i read him his miranda rights as well
Michael Katz - 
You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. 

You have the right to a attorney if you cant afford one. One will be apointed to you during questioning. Do you understand your rights?

The suspect would then say yes or no in this scenario and I would cuff them and bring them to the station to get more information on them and their involvement in such illegal acts.


Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):
Chapter 1 Child hood
He was born in new york city with a nice family and grew up in a well off family in a nice neighborhood of new york city as he got out of the hospital he was quite speechless not being able to say any words yet as he was just born and left the hospital with his mother. He loved his mom and grew up with nice siblings around the united states being born in 1959 he saw change in rights of people and historical moments of the cold war on tv. He saw the first man on the moon on tv when he was very little and he was astonished at such accomplishment in united states history as he was around his caring mother he started school at the age of 6 in 1965 He grew up in such a different world from others at the time  a advanced economy a lack of inflation everything was great for him even living in a higher class city with his family. He went to school at Klem Road North Elementary School witnessing his first assignments and grades. He never loved school but he had huge ambishions of becoming a police officer and helping the community growing up with parents as police officers he highly respected their service in the nypd in general and had dreams of chasing down criminals in a thrill of adrenaline.  He kept pushing towards his dreams and continuing his path for success during his childhood despite not liking school and thinking it was ass. He did get pretty good grades for a student like himself. He kept working hard to one day make his dreams he was a good student among his teachers and a pretty patriotic student to the american people. He continued working hard as he got into middle school

Chapter 2
Middle school During middle school he took a deliquent path for this part of his life getting and fights and introuble with the school and overall being a edgy teenager. He got in a fight with another kid as they brawled extanging hits and punches as the teachers and school security broke up the fight. He was suspended for the first time as his parents was not happy at him He slept long and excessive times during his groundings even trying to sleep for as long as he could until his body was fully awake when he was suspended and his grades dropped like wild fire in middle school. As soon as he suspension came to a end he focused on improving his grades massively and quickly making sure Michael can fully recover from his mess up and it took an entire term to recover his grades during when he was in 6th Grade at a middle school.  He made it out the year with AB honoral but he was so used to being on top of the class but he was not that year during the summer he hanged around his friends at the arcade playing video games. If he wanted to play video games the only place he could go was the arcade at the time because it was a newer thing in society at the time of his child hood and teenage years. He loved playing video games and even destroyed them in a shooter. Afterwards he brought 4 of his friends to the pool and hanged around him. At the time he wasnt as intelegent as he was now calling some bullies idiots which caused 6 people who wanted to jump him endangering him from criminal gangs as  he looked at the bullies after walking home he realized he was getting jumped by some thugs so he kept running trying to evade the criminals but it was no match he was caught and forced into a fight which was imposible to win he tried hard kicking and punching back but it was no use he was knocked unconscious and left on the streets and his friends brought him back to his house to heal up and he did not really have the goal for revenge at the time he was just a kid and they were older teenagers potentially in high school. He took a couple days to heel up to full strength from that attack but now he wanted full revenge he started to target them one by one and continued fighting his enemies knocking them unconscious and silencing them as the police approached he ran but he was caught by the police and arrested when he was just in middle school he took that as a warning to put his life back together and face his dreams after a month of jail he was released to his parents and continued middle school starting 7th grade year. He kept doing what was right  getting good grades and trying to make up for his actions and stay out of trouble. 7th grade is when he started to become a quite kid but you know less weird and more cool to others. He only spoke when spoken too  as he continued school getting good grades pushing his troubled past aside and enlighten a new era in his life continuing his dreams of becoming a police officer so he can impress his parents by looking forward towards his dreams. He finished the school year with A honoral as he was happy by his acomplishment getting on top of his 7th grade class for the summer he didn't really do much for entertainment he sat on his bed bored without friends trying to find enjoyment and enlightenment in his life as he headed out he fished in a river until he got news some extremely bad news. He found out his parents passed away trying to stop a bank robbery as he was broken hearted giving him more of a negative view on criminals and thugs in general. He was put in a orphanage temporarily as he continued middle school finishing 7th grade with the lowest grades he ever got with such the stress he had from his parents passing and he was broken and facing depression at the time not happy with his life and he had no friends no people who liked him now. He was at his first time of hardship for the first time of his life. He started 8th grade a orphan with no support and care. The only care he got was from his teachers really thats when he started to grow to like school in general his grades slowly recovering from 70s to 80s and 90s to improve his grades in school and do what his parents always wished him to do and what he actually wanted to do when he got out of school. He finished 8th grade year with good grades.

Chapter 3
High School Eventually during his first year of high school he was adopted into the Katz family as he looked at his new family and they moved to east falls a new town Michael had to adapt to and learn how to get around he was still trying to adapt to his new life as he was cared from for the first time. He was attractive in high school though some people thought he was ugly he was getting flirted by girls for the first time which was extremely nice for him He started to love his family and school in general as he was cared about for the first time in years. He loved his new family despite getting whooped by belts when he back talked his parents or family he loved the way he grew up after middle school he was happy for the first time in a long time enjoying a new start and a new life in general as he worked hard in reaching his goals he got a very good gpa a 3.5 gpa exactly in high school and he was improving himself substantially keeping himself happy even getting new friends he was loving his new life. He left freshman year with a smile on his face. Maybe life wasnt so bad after all as he kept powering through his life. He loved to hang out in the arcade during school breaks in general keeping him happy through the thrill of video games though he grew out of it after summer break. He started sophmore year of high school with enjoyment and thrill for what was to come he really enjoyed high school It was the most important time of his life infact and he wasnt as targetted for bullying as much as others  which was a good thing but school fights were common at the school he used to attend and other than that there wasnt much distractions in high school. After 4 years of school he got his high school diploma and looked for ways to join the police department after high school officially trying to face his dreams.

Chapter 4
Adult hood He wanted to get his dreams on becoming a police officer and joining the police force he was 18 at the time but for the first 7 years he simply was a fisherman to sustain himself in the east falls communinity catching fish and making money for himself thats until he turned 25 when he could finally apply to become a police officer and go through the training he dreamed to go through and do right for the community.  He wanted to join the NYPD at first but he realized that east falls was filled with crime and fights and he decided it was best to stay in town and fight these such threats from criminals in general. He walked into the east falls sheriff department to apply to become a police officer and waited for the results of his application.




A short message would be here. It read, “Howdy! Thank you for applying to our police department here in East Falls! Please fill out the form and turn it in.

Michael Katz


Education (HS Diploma, GED, etc.): 

HS Diploma

Why do you want to be an officer for our community?:

I want to be a officer for the community to protect the people and get experienced in combat and law enforcement to protect any officer or civilian that comes in the way of harm. I would love to serve your police department as I would love to protect anybody within the community i live in. Making sure the community is safe I also want to join to make some money and get myself a place to live as well as fight for the rights of safety for the people and the town.

Have you had any previous training or teaching in our academy?
No I had not had any previous training or teaching in the academy. But i accept training from the sheriff department if accepted as a officer in the community so i can grow as a officer in general and move up in the ranks as a sheriff and hopefully impress anybody working higher up in the police department and the government by doing trainings correctly and getting through my carreer as a officer

What responsibilities do you hold as a police officer?

The responsibilities i hold as a police officer is to protect the community at all costs making sure everyone is safe from the wrath of danger. I also hold responsibility in keeping myself safe from the dangers of crime protecting people from getting killed hurt or mugged while also making sure the captured gets the help and justice they deserve as a  criminal in hopes they change paths to a more peaceful life style.

Do you plan on advancing our staff hierarchy?

I defenitely plan on ranking up and becoming a more important figure in the police department as it its a important role to protect and serve and make sure I can protect the people rising up through the ranks of the sheriff department in general so I can become a important member in society and protecting others from danger.

Last edited: 2 months ago
ImYakov Manager Mod Player
27 posts
2 topics
2 months ago

Congratulations. Make sure you're in the Echoes | Emergency discord and @I am Yakov to recieve your role!