Preferred Name: Asuna
IGN (In-game name): x4bmd
Discord: demonasuna
Age (optional): 23
Shortly describe 5 laws or behaviors that officers in the U.S. have to follow:
1. Officers must respect individuals' rights against unreasonable searches and seizures. The 4th Amendment ensures that law enforcement must have probable cause and, in most cases, a warrant before conducting searches or making arrests.
2. When an officer arrests someone and intends to question them about a crime, they are required to inform the person of their Miranda rights. This includes the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. If the individual is not informed of these rights, any statement made during interrogation may be inadmissible in court.
3. Officers must use force only when necessary and in proportion to the threat posed by the situation. The 8th Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, meaning that any force deemed excessive, unnecessary, or cruel may lead to legal consequences for the officer.
4. Law enforcement officers must adhere to the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This extends to police practices and policies, ensuring that officers do not engage in discriminatory behavior in the performance of their duties. Violations of this law can lead to lawsuits and loss of job.
5. The Police Officers' Bill of Rights, which exists in various forms in many states, provides specific protections for officers during internal investigations and disciplinary proceedings. This law ensures that officers are granted due process rights, such as the right to notice of the allegations, the right to an attorney, and a fair hearing before disciplinary actions are taken. While this law is intended to protect officers from unfair treatment, it also helps maintain accountability by establishing clear procedures for addressing misconduct.
Why do you want to join Echoes’ police faction?: I would like to join law enforcement because currently the server is in dire need of more officers. There is already a large crime presence in the town and I want make sure there is a fair balance. I also have never gotten to play the role of a cop before so I think this would be a better opportunity than any to get started!
What would you do if you accidentally broke a law, and someone began to argue with you OOC?: I would say sorry to them before informing them that they can file a formal complaint ICLY and I would encourage them to maintain a positive OOC attitude and recommend that we resume the role play.
If someone was insulting you OOC for not following a common law (such as reading their rights) what would you do/say?: Similar to what I stated above, the only thing I might add here is if it was a genuine mistake on my part I would say sorry both ICLY and OOCLY and then also acknowledge that I cannot void my mistake and inform them OOCLY that they can file a complaint at the station ICLY.
What do you do if you arrest someone? Be short, but detailed: When making an arrest I would first make sure that a crime has been or is about to be committed. Once contact has been made with the individual(s), I would call in for back up if necessary. I would only use as much force as needed depending on the situation and risk of injury. Next, I would search the individual for any weapons that might have been mentioned in the initial call. I would take note of any bodily injury on a person’s hands, elbows, knees and head then placing them in handcuffs and reading them their rights before taking them to jail.
If someone is behaving strangely, as if they were using illegal substances, what do you do?: I would attempt a search of the person and take note of any other hints that could better support my case such as sight, smell, sound etc.. Asking them to take a breathalyzer if under the suspicion of drinking alcohol illegally.
If someone will not give you their identity and you don’t have probable cause, what do you do?: I would have to leave it at that as all officer to pedestrian interactions are considered consensual until suspicion of a crime is present.
If someone refuses to identify themselves because of the 5th amendment, but you have probable cause, what do you do?: I would accept that answer and take them to the station to be processed.
Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):
Asuna was born on a cold winter morning in a small, forgotten village in the rugged hills of Serbia. Her parents, Ivana and Luka, were simple folk - farmers who had lived off the land for generations. The village was nestled in the shadow of towering, snow-capped mountains and surrounded by thick forests. It was a place where tradition reigned supreme, and every family knew the struggles of the seasons. The people of this village lived close to nature, their lives marked by hard work and deep bonds of community. Everyone knew everyone else, and the rhythm of life was dictated by the sun and the harvests.
Growing up in this small village, Asuna was accustomed to simplicity and self-reliance. Her family lived in a modest, stone house on the outskirts, surrounded by fields of wheat, barley, and corn. Her parents taught her everything they knew. Ivana, a quiet but strong woman, taught her the ways of cooking, weaving, and taking care of their animals. Luka, her father, was a skilled carpenter and woodsman, spending long days in the forest, bringing back timber for the house or repairing the small wooden structures in the village. Asuna learned to use tools from a young age, her hands growing strong from working the soil and crafting items that had purpose and meaning.
The village life was peaceful, but it wasn’t without its challenges. The cold Serbian winters were harsh, and the villagers relied on each other to survive through the long, dark months. Asuna, though young, was accustomed to hard work and had learned to navigate both the beauty and the dangers of nature. She had a deep connection to the land, an understanding of the way it worked, and how to read the signs that nature gave her. Life, though modest, had a certain serenity to it, and Asuna found comfort in this rhythm.
But that peace was shattered when Asuna turned 16. A wave of unrest began sweeping across the Balkans, and the region where she lived was not immune. Tensions that had been simmering for years erupted suddenly, leading to widespread violence. The war tore through the country, displacing families, destroying homes, and fracturing communities. Her village, once a safe haven, became caught in the crossfire between warring factions. It was the kind of chaos that left no room for innocence.
One fateful evening, as the village struggled to maintain some semblance of normalcy amidst the escalating conflict, Asuna’s life was upended. Her father had been away in the forest, chopping wood for the coming winter. Her mother was busy with household chores when a loud bang shook the house. Moments later, the door crashed open, and soldiers stormed inside. Asuna, who had been in the other room, barely managed to hide behind the thick curtains of the window. She could hear the shouting, the orders barked by soldiers, and the sound of things being broken. The soldiers were searching for something - someone.
Her heart raced as she peeked through a crack in the curtains. There, standing in the doorway, was her father. Luka, always a calm and strong figure in Asuna’s life, stood there with his hands raised. The soldiers shouted at him, their rifles aimed squarely at his chest. Asuna’s breath caught in her throat as she saw her father’s eyes - calm, unyielding, even in the face of certain death. Then, without warning, one of the soldiers fired, and Luka collapsed to the ground, a lifeless body crumpling to the cold earth.
Her mother’s scream was the last thing Asuna heard before everything went black. She had no idea how long she had stayed hidden, but by the time she ventured out from her hiding spot, the soldiers were gone. The house was a wreck, and her mother was missing. Asuna didn’t know where they had taken her, or even if she was alive. In an instant, Asuna had lost everything. The world she knew - her family, her home - was gone.
With nothing left for her in the village, Asuna left the ruins of her past behind. The harshness of the world outside her village walls hit her like a wave. Alone and grieving, she set out to find her mother, hoping against hope that she was still alive. But the journey was not easy. Asuna was young and inexperienced with the wider world beyond the forests and fields she had known her entire life. She traveled by foot, relying on her wits, her survival skills, and the kindness of strangers when she could find it.
Months passed as Asuna made her way through the war-torn countryside, seeking any trace of her mother. Yet every lead proved to be a dead end. Along the way, she encountered groups of refugees, hardened soldiers, and criminals who preyed on the vulnerable. The world was cruel, and she had to quickly learn to fight back, to survive at any cost.
It wasn’t long before she realized that her journey for her mother was fruitless. The war had consumed everything, and she had no chance of finding the answers she sought. But what the war had taken from her, it also gave her. Asuna’s grief turned into a quiet, seething determination. She would no longer be a victim. The skills she had learned in the village - her ability to read people, to survive in harsh conditions - became invaluable as she navigated the dangerous, lawless world outside her home. Asuna learned to use a blade, to fight when necessary, and to disappear when the situation demanded it. She grew cold, calculating, and resourceful, understanding that there was no place for weakness in this new world.
It was during one of her travels overseas that she first heard of a place called Echoes. Whispers spoke of it as a city of refuge for people who had nowhere else to turn - those with troubled pasts, those hiding from the law, or those seeking a fresh start. For someone like Asuna, it seemed like the perfect place to disappear. But it also sounded dangerous. Echoes wasn’t a city built on peace; it was a place where power struggles, dark dealings, and secrets lurked in every corner.
With nothing left to lose, Asuna made her way toward Echoes. The journey took several months, and when she finally arrived, the city was everything she had heard - and more. Echoes was a town that didn’t quite fit in with the rest of the world. Nestled on the edge of a forgotten valley, surrounded by dense forests and craggy hills, it was the kind of place you’d never visit unless you had a reason to. In the 1980s, it was a town stuck in time - a place where people still lived with an unshakable sense of nostalgia, but where the cracks of modernity were slowly starting to show. The steady hum of progress had not yet fully reached Echoes, but it was clear that change was coming.
At first, Asuna struggled to find her place in the city. She took up odd jobs, using her skills as a survivalist to make ends meet. She worked as a barmaid, a laborer, and a thief - anything that allowed her to stay afloat. But her sharp mind and her ability to read people quickly caught the attention of some powerful individuals in Echoes. She wasn’t just a survivor - she was someone who could be of use to those who played the dangerous games of the city. She was hired by a shadowy figure to run errands, gather information, and occasionally, to do things that were far darker than she had ever imagined.
Asuna grew accustomed to the underworld of Echoes, and although she didn’t trust the people around her, she knew how to survive. She remained careful, keeping a low profile, when necessary, but also making sure to never show weakness. Every day in the city was a battle, but Asuna was a warrior at heart. The city offered her no promises, but it gave her freedom - the freedom to live her life on her own terms, to hide from her past, and to seek vengeance for the family she had lost. The memory of her parents, of the tragedy that had destroyed her life, still burned in her heart. But it wasn’t just the memories that drove her; it was the unshakable desire to never be a victim again.
Now, at 23, Asuna is no longer the frightened girl who left her village all those years ago. She is a woman hardened by the harsh realities of life, tempered by loss, but driven by the unyielding will to survive. Echos has become both her prison and her sanctuary. It is the place where she is both free and shackled, a city full of promise and peril, where Asuna walks a razor’s edge between hope and despair.
A short message would be here. It read, “Howdy! Thank you for applying to our police department here in East Falls! Please fill out the form and turn it in.”
Name: Asuna Adachi (last name will change)
Age: 23
Education (HS Diploma, GED, etc.): Bachelor's degree
Why do you want to be an officer for our community?: I want to become an officer after a certain. . . display I witnessed right outside of the police station! There is a clear line between what is morally right and wrong. It had come to my attention that there are not enough officers at the current time to maintain the peace even just on a public level. This is why I wish to step up and do my part to keep the town I’ve grown to love and its people safe!
Have you had any previous training or teaching in our academy? Sadly, I have not but am more than prepared to learn all there is to know from the ground up!
What responsibilities do you hold as a police officer?
As an officer I would expect to be responsible for the citizens safety as well as my fellow officers. maintaining public safety through regular patrols, responding to emergencies, enforcing laws, and investigating crimes. Duties include making arrests, writing reports, managing crime scenes, and handling traffic violations. Officers also engage with the community, build trust, and assist in conflict resolution. They must ensure proper use of force, respect citizens' rights, and collaborate with other law enforcement agencies. Additionally, officers are expected to testify in court, manage evidence, and stay physically fit while adhering to ethical standards and ongoing training. It’s a role that requires professionalism, integrity, and a commitment to protecting and serving the public.
Do you plan on advancing our staff hierarchy? I would very much like to become part of the staff team, especially early on in the server's release if possible. I would use that opportunity to get to know as many players as I could possibly remember and make sure that we can maintain a respectful line of communication and understanding OOCLY.
Another message was placed here: “Last question.. this one is optional: what’s our real motto?: "I- don't know. . ."
Last edited: about 1 month ago