In-Game (IGN) Name:
Describe your Activity (both Minecraft and Discord):
I am active on Minecraft normally from 9PM to 7PM, sometimes longer and short breaks included of course! On Discord I am active here and there, about the same as my minecraft activity. I would tab out to check discord every 30 minutes or so so I would also say 9PM to 7PM. Inhuman hours I play minecraft only happens on the weekends and during the weekdays it's normally 4PM to 9PM, maybe even up to 11PM some times.
Links to All/Any Current and Past Faction Applications:
N/A | This is the first!
Do You Have a Working Microphone?
Yes, I have a working microphone and am able to communicate clearly.
Are You Able to Join VCs?
Yes, I have a working microphone and am able to join VCs, and take part in discussions.
Do you Understand That If You Break Any Player or Faction Rules You Are at Risk of Being Punished?
Yes, I understand that breaking any rules will result in appropriate punishment.
Do You Understand That You're Expected To Be Dedicated and Active On Your Town Hall Character if Accepted?
Yes, I understand the importance of being dedicated and active.
Tell Me Your Full Name, First and Last:
Benjiro Santarossa
Tell Me Your Age, and Date of Birth:
I am 32 years old, born on March 15, 1952
What is Your Gender?
What Is a Good Way to Contact You?
You can contact me by person, letter in the mailbox, or you could let my family know and have them pass the word.
Tell Me About Your Degrees/School History:
I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of New York and have completed additional courses in law and governance. I took a bar exam that I successfully passed, I also gained a masters degree in Law.
Tell Me About Your Work Experience, What Past Jobs Did You Work For?
I have worked as a legal advisor for the Ministry of Justice and as a policy analyst for the Department of Urban Development.
What Position Are You Applying For?:
Do You Understand the Laws of this City? And do You Understand the Constitutional Rights all Citizens Have?:
Yes, I have studied the laws of this city and understand them thoroughly. I also understand the constitutional rights of all citizens.
Good, Now Tell Me 3 Constitutional Laws From Our Consitution:
The right to privacy, freedom of speech, and the right to a fair trial.
Freedom of speech - The right to privacy, and the right to a fair trial. In other words this is the First Amendment that guarantees freedom of speech, allowing citizens to express themselves without government censorship.
Privacy - The right to privacy is inferred from several amendments, including the Fourth amendment which protects citizens from being searched unreasonably and other procedures. Also the fourteenth which really just states equality. It also protects individuals from unwarranted government intrusion into their personal lives.
The right to a fair trial - The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to a fair trial, ensuring due process for those accused of crimes. This includes the right to a speedy and public trial, legal counsel, and an impartial jury.
Tell Us About Yourself, What Makes You Good for Our Government?:
I am a dedicated individual with a strong background in law and governance. My experience in policy-making and legal advising makes me well-suited for this role. I can contribute to the government of this city by providing accurate and comprehensive information across various fields. This skill and the skill of being able to analyze data and acknowledge information can better improve my work with different clients who are seeking a legal adviser. Lastly I can also provide communication and transparency by providing clear and accessible explanations of complex issues we may have in the future in the town hall work field. My purpose is to serve as a resource, enhancing understanding and promoting our cities' constitutional laws. As a leader I strive to make everyone else leaders as well as promoting knowledgeable decision making within the work field.
Why Should We Accept YOU Compared To Other Applicants?:
My considerable experience in governance and my commitment to the community make me a strong candidate. I am dedicated to serving the people and ensuring the city thrives. I believe everyone should be given fair rights for a lawyer to be appointed to them in trial. I'm qualified because I passed my bar exam along with gaining a masters degree in Law. I studied for 8 years ensuring I was properly knowledgeable and informed of the law.
In Your Own Words, Describe What The Job You Are Applying for DOES for the Community:
As a Lawyer , I will work to represent the interests of the citizens, create policies that benefit the community, and ensure the city operates efficiently.
Let's Say You Become a City-Council Member. Tell Me ONE Thing You Would Like to See Added To This City.:
I would like to see the implementation of a community garden project to promote sustainability and community engagement. As for my community garden project, the reason I chose this to implement is because our city does have the sides where it may appear rough. but there can be beauty in ugliness as well. I want to give this garden to our community as a blooming thing of hope that crime rates and such will eventually drop and it'll become much safer.
Are You Aware That Any Display of Biasism Towards ANYONE on the Job Will Result in Punishment?:
Yes, I am aware that any display of biases will result in punishment and will ensure to remain impartial in all decisions.
Last edited: 2 months ago