Preferred Name: 198Os
IGN: 198Os
Discord: christisking.
Age: 21
Shortly describe five laws or behaviors that officers in the U.S. Have to follow:
1. Protection from unreasonable search and seizure, (Upholding both personally and extraneously) the fourth amendment of the United States Constitution. This ensures that officers of the law cannot intrude on citizens' right to the security of their property, and self-control, without proper reason–reasoning varying throughout states, however, for many it requires either a court-ordered warrant or base reasonable suspicion–. This helps to provide a groundwork for the independence and rights of the people, ensuring their safety from federal tyranny.
2. Use of force policies are integral to correct police procedure. Extending force beyond reasonable and necessary is wrong in every instance, and the freedom officers of the law are given regarding the use of force is a large responsibility. Incorrect use of force can lead to severe consequences, as officers become very much abusers of the tools they've been given out of necessity. This is antithetical to the purpose of the police: to "Protect and Serve" the people.
3. Correct arrest procedure is crucial to police procedure in the United States, due to the heavy significance placed on the freedoms of the people. This significance ensures explicit scrutiny is placed upon any and all arrests. Reading Miranda rights and booking procedures is a large part of the arrest process, as well as the grounds and differences between arrest and detainment.
4. Paperwork is a large part of a police officer's job as well, with report writing and documentation of both arrests and events being necessary parts of the job. Alongside this comes the officers' need for integrity. Officers are sworn to uphold the truth, and this includes the trustworthiness of documents and reports.
5. Community policing is an often overlooked requirement of the police's job, being responsible for forming and regulating relationships throughout the community. Building trust and relationships throughout the community through participation in civilian activity, and community events, helps strengthen the bonds and effectiveness of all police operations.
Why do you want to join the Echoes Police Department?:
I've been roleplaying in various environments for seven years now, beginning with a city-based roleplay in 2018, and spanning both Dungeons and Dragons and various roleplay servers–primarily through roleplayhub– this has given me significant history in character creation, writing, and interacting with other players in both urban and rural settings. When I heard Echoes was taking applications for officers of the law, I felt it'd be an interesting and fun way to integrate myself into the community through a faction near the beginning of the server. I believe the setting and concepts behind the server are interesting, and found myself more and more inclined to be a part of the growth of the server. I also had a friend, ThatOnePekae, who was accepted and, who I'd planned to enlist with for a fun character dynamic.
What would you do if you broke a law, and someone began to argue with you OOC?:
I'd respectfully ask them to keep the roleplay "in character" as the primary source of "in character" conflict. Breaking the law is something that can be roleplayed out, and if they'd like to make a report of believed misconduct, to do so through the server's report mechanics or by speaking with a staff member about the perceived issue. This would ensure the integrity of the roleplay, and dismiss any cause for argument out of character.
If someone is insulting you OOC for not following a common law (Such as reading their rights) what would you do/say?:
I'd ask them if they'd like me to correct the mistake in character, apologize, and if the insults continued, ask them to stop before continuing roleplay as usual if they continued,–as long as the insults were appropriate and in good taste– whilst ignoring the OOC attempts at provocation. Should the insults turn towards the unsavory; I would document and report the incident to staff. Belligerence is something that unfortunately occurs often within the roleplay scene, as–like it or not– people become invested in roleplay personally. This leads to a rock-climbing mentality, where people will grab hold of anything they can to possibly get them out of in-character situations.
What do you do if you arrest someone? Be short, but detailed:
First and foremost, ensuring the correct grounds for arrest would be a priority. This would include confirmation of identification, and or observation of a crime itself. Once grounds for arrest have been established, safe detainment and apprehension follow. During this, the individual should be informed that they are being placed under arrest, or are being detained–depending on whether a distinct crime has been observed– as the two have different grounds and rules surrounding their procedures. Once safe apprehension has taken place, the individual under arrest should be read their Miranda Rights, after which they'll be booked with personal information taken.
If someone is behaving strangely as if under the influence of illicit substances, what do you do?:
Once suspicion has been established, maintaining a safe distance is primary. Then, I'd likely ask questions regarding the person's feelings, "Are you feeling alright bud?" "Can you tell me your name?" "Do you know where we are?" etc. I'd then inquire as to whether or not the person had ingested alcohol or used any drugs. If at any point, suspicion of the use of a dangerous substance is established, I'd continue the procedure after calling for medical attention. This would ensure the person remains calm, as medics arrive. Field sobriety tests can also be administered, and arrest of the individual can follow, should enough evidence be gathered.
If someone will not give you their identity, and you do not have probable cause, what do you do?:
I'd explain the need for the information, and reiterate the legal rights of the person, before respecting their decision and utilization of their rights, allowing them to leave. Unless grounds for detainment are established.
If someone refuses to Identify themselves because of the 5th Amendment, but you have probable cause, what do you do?:
I'd explain grounds for detainment, and now –no longer asking– demand identification. Should the person refuse whilst probable cause has been established, I'd arrest the person on grounds of obstruction, failure to identify, or resisting arrest depending on conduct. The person can then be booked, and the interaction documented.
Provide us with your character's backstory. Please try to limit yourself to more or less 1500 words:
Darby Hammer was born on December 7th, 1957. Drug addiction took his father early, passing at the age of 31 from an overdose. Living in Manhattan, his mother struggled to make ends meet, working various jobs before eventually falling into the trade of prostitution. Darby’s youth growing up surrounded by the illegal trade, was full of the disgusting filth surrounding the underbelly of New York at the time. Despite this, Darby kept his head down as best he could. Comments about his mother’s career came flying overhead, comments about his deadbeat dad just as often; however he continued his way through school, becoming a social outcast in the process. Gangs were alluring. It couldn’t be denied that his life, surrounded by crime and illicit activity made them increasingly attractive to a young lonely kid. Having a family, a route to become strong, to become someone, was undeniably necessary. The trouble for Darby was, that he recognized the darkness of that decision. His mother was being abused and used by the very same people who chose to turn towards that life, thugs and criminals. Ultimately, he understood his abuse came from the very path he had very recently found alluring. A curtain removed itself from the shriveled corpse of crime. It was seen for what it was. Darby studied enough to accomplish something unheard of for a child of his upbringing, a full ride to Hunter College. Although it was a walk, Darby found it quite the same, keeping his head down, and devoting himself to doing what he was told. He found himself increasingly drawn away from the urbanscape, enjoying more and more, to sit in the few natural bastions left within the city, watching as the birds lept from tree to tree, and the squirrels ran up and around various branches. Throughout his time in college, there were many times he’d fall asleep and spend nights in the parks throughout Manhattan, often being shaken awake by various police officers; surprised to learn he wasn’t homeless, but had just dozed off. Eventually, the officers grew accustomed to his habit, deciding to leave him where he was, until morning when they’d inevitably have to move him, as people had shown up to wander the grounds. At the time, Darby had been studying general topics, unsure what to major in, however, the kindness of the police, as well as the rather quickly growing forensic science program within the college, pushed him towards his calling. He graduated from Hunter College with a bachelor's in forensics, before throwing a dart at a map and moving off to East Falls, to enlist. The small town feel seemed to spark his excitement, and he quickly grew fond of its quiet lamplit streets and tall forests. Darby felt ready to begin a new life, finally feeling separate from his upbringing, distant from his past.
Darby James Hammer
Twenty-seven years of age.
Highschool Diploma, Bachlors in Forensic Science
Why do you want to be an officer in our community?
My degree lends itself to law. Moving into town, I figured I could be of some help to the department. I need a job, and the community always needs officers. Seems like a good fit. I plan to stay in town for a while, I like all the nature. Would suck to see it overrun with crime. I don't want to live around crime, I've had enough of that for a lifetime.
Have you had any previous training or teaching in our academy?
Unfortunately no, but I'd certainly be open to it. I'm entirely new to the community, so training would be appreciated, without a doubt.
What responsibilities do you hold as a police officer?
The motto is to protect and serve. I'd say that's the baseline and the summary. Everything beyond that is an accessory. Despite that, protection and service have wide and spanning definitions. Serving the people individually yes, but also the community as a whole. Protecting the people of course, but also the property therein, and the rights of each individual. Peacekeeping is also something under the umbrella. Keeping things calm and secure, and ensuring proper process, moving towards justice.
Do you plan on advancing our staff hierarchy?
Do they get a pay raise? I'd assume so. That'd be nice. Yeah, I plan to advance up the ranks. Though I hope to establish myself somewhere eventually, stability is good, even if at the cost of promotion. Regardless, I assume promotion is a sign of proper work, and I do proper work. Hierarchy should come as a side benefit to doing my job well.
And, your real motto is "Serve and Protect"
A neon yellow sticky note was attached, with scrawled handwriting. Barely legible in fact. Squinting, one could make out the words:
Thanks for the recommendation, Mae, the town does look nice! I do want my lighter back though.
Last edited: about 1 month ago x 1