CombatRP Rules and Information
The following forum contains all the rules that players will have to follow when engaging in CombatRP, alongside some other useful things criminals can and cannot do
Have a question? Contact @sqidys
1: Depending on how you gain perms and what perms you get, you will only be given a certain amount of OOC time to use them before they expire. If they expire, you no longer have those perms
1.1: Perms Gained Via Witnessing Something Happen to Someone Else` If you gain perms via witnessing something that happened to someone else, your perms will only last 1 OOC DAY
1.2: Perms Gained Via Something Happening Directly to You OR Being Involved in a Situation That Directly Gives You Perms` If you gain perms via something directly happening to your character or you are involved in a CombatRP/GangRP related situation which grants everyone involved a certain perms, your perms will last 7 OOC DAYS
1.3: If you gain MP perms on anyone, your perms will last 1 OOC MONTH. The only exception to this is if you gain MP perms via a Gang War. In this case, the MP perms will last 5 OOC DAYS after the war ends.
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2: If knocked out, you must remain /lay on the ground and wait a total of 5 OOC minutes before being able to stand up and return to roleplaying
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3: If you attempt to use perms but fail (for example the opponent gets away after you fail the roll to stab them, or they knock you out before you can murder them, etc) you may attempt to try again until the perms expire. You may try as many times as you please until the perms timer is up
3.1: The perms timer still continues even if you do not know the player's identity. For example, if you spend the first 5 days trying to find the players identity and you figure it out on the 6th day, you will only have 2 days remaining to act out on perms
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4: You may only act on perms on an opponent if you know their IC identity. If they were wearing a mask or using something to cover up their face when attacking/using perms against you, you would need to somehow find out who is under the mask through IC means before you may use perms against them
4.1: To know a player's identity you must have seen/know their face or if the player has tattoos you may use that to identify them.
4.2: Showing/seeing the upper half of a player's face does allow you to identify them
4.3: Hair, voice, eye, height, and body shape do not allow you to know someone's identity
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5: If someone has perms on a character of yours, you are required to log onto the said character for at least 1 OOC hour per day. Once the hour is up, you may swap to any other character or log off.
Failure to do this may result in a AvoidRP warning.
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6: Perms are Paused if the character you have perms on doesn't log on for that 1 OOC hour (look at #5 for context). For example, if you have perms on Player A's character, and they do not use that character on day 6, day 6 doesn't count towards the perms expiration timer
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7: If you gain perms on another player, you may “pass” those perms to others so that you can have help using them
7.1: When passing perms, you first must action to describe the player's identity. An example would look like "/me Karito Nevio described Scarlett Santarossa"
7.1 Addon: You must have seen the player's identity for you to properly be able to describe them to another person
7.2: When passing perms, the second step is to explain what you intend to do to the character you have perms on. For example, if you plan to kidnap them and remove their leg you must state that
7.2 addon: the players who gain the perms can ONLY do what they were told to do. This means that if the owner of the perms passes them to you and says “Kidnap him and take this guy's leg”, you can only kidnap and take his leg. If you do anything else the perms will not be valid and the situation will be voided. Of course,e the owner can change the plan as many times as they want, as long as they tell those they passed perms to the new plan*
7.3: If you are not part of a gang, you may only pass your perms to a maximum of 3 players. If you are part of a gang, you may pass your perms to your entire gang so that your gang may assist you. If you pass perms to your gang, you cannot pass perms to anyone else outside of your gang
7.4: If perms get passed to you, you cannot pass those perms to anyone else. Only the original owner of the perms can pass them to others
7.5: You must pass perms ICLY. This means you cannot use DMs or Discords to pass perms, you must meet with those you wish to pass perms to ICLY and follow the steps above for it to be valid
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8: If someone attempts or does act on Perms on your character, you may escalate to the next tier of perms and attempt to use perms on them
For example, if player A insults player B, and player B knocks player A out (using KP perms). Player A gains BP perms on Player B, and so Player A attacks and breaks Player B's leg (using BP perms). Player B gains VP perms on Player A, and so Player B attacks and removes Player A's eye (using VP perms). Player A gains MP perms on Player B, so Player A kills Player B, ending the cycle (using MP perms). This cycle of back and fourth ends when perms either expire, or they reach MP perms as there is no tier above MP
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9: FearRP is not really a thing. Instead, react how your character would react depending on the situation. Use common sense though. For example, if someone pulls a knife on you, naturally you are going to jump back a bit or be a bit fearful as that how the human brain functions
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10: Depending on your age and what faction you are in, you will roll differently in CombatRP-related situations
Ages 18-49: /roll 30
Ages 50-70: /roll 25
Ages 71-76: /roll 25
17 and Below and 77 and above: /roll 10
Officers: Officers roll an extra 15
For example, if an officer is 50 years old, they roll 40
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11: If you attack in a group, the perms are shared throughout the group. They do NOT stack. For example, if a group of 3 people attack a single person and gain BP perms from it, the group will only be able to use BP perms ONCE on the opponent as the group would collectively share the perms
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12: If you jump someone where all sides of the opponent(s) are blocked, you will enter party-based combat. This means one person from your group will go, then the opponent, then another person from your group, etc. For example, if a group of 4 people surrounds all sides of player 1, the turns would go someone from the group, player 1, another person from the group, back to player 1, and so on)*
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13: After being KOed your character will be dazed and will be unable to engage in CombatRP for 10 OOC minutes
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14: The KO Counter will reset after 1 OOC minute if you can escape Combat or after a fight. For example, if player A actions to dip out of a fight and wins the rolls, they must stay out of Combat for 1 OOC minute for their KO counter to reset back to 0
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15: If your character is arrested, and that character is in a gang, You must wait 2 OOC days before being able to rejoin your gang on a new character ICLY
15.1: You may stay in the gang OOCLY. You just cannot engage in any gang-related fights, gang-related events, gang meetings, enter gang hideouts, and buy from weapon dealers till the 2 days are up
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16: If your character is killed, and they were in a gang, You must wait 7 OOC days before being able to rejoin your gang on a new character ICLY
16.1: You may stay in the gang OOCLY. You just cannot engage in any gang-related fights, gang-related events, gang meetings, enter gang hideouts, and buy from weapon dealers till the 7 days are up
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17: If your character is killed, and they were in a gang, your character's position/rank in the gang will open up. It will be up to the leader of the gang to decide if they should give you back your position/rank, or if they want to give your position/rank to someone else in the gang
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18: If a player wishes to join a fight, they will have to action to get into range/approach. The victim who they are attempting to fight against will roll against the player attempting to join. For example, if Player A sees Player B and Player C fighting, and Player A wishes to help Player C by attacking Player B, they would action to get into range, and Player B would roll against Player A
18.1: You cannot approach an ongoing fight if it has a maximum amount of players involved. For example, if it's already a 3v1 you cannot join
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19: In CombatRP, you are allowed to double action ONLY if part of your action doesn't count towards a KO point. For example, you may action "He would punch him in the jaw, then kick him in the gut right after" as only one of the attacks counts towards a KO point.
If you do an action like this, you will double-roll against your opponent. The first roll will represent the first action, and the second roll will represent the second. If you win both rolls both attacks happen, if you only win one roll and lose the other the attack that won will happen but the opponent will dodge/block the other, if you lose both rolls the opponent dodged/blocked both of the attacks
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20: In Combat situations, there can only be a total of 5 players engaging in a fight at a time. This means stuff like 4v1, 2v3, etc are allowed
20.1: If a fight has already reached its maximum amount of players, a player from outside of the fight may attempt to join in by pulling one of the five players out of range of the fight. If this does happen, a slot will open for where a player can join in
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21: Spamming or excessive use of keybinds is not allowed. You are allowed to use key binds for quick situations where it may be hard to type like needing to grab someone, pulling out a weapon, etc. But once you are in combat you are required to type out your actions
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22: Dodging Attacks occurs when rolling. If you win the roll you dodge/block the opponent's attack. If you lose the roll you take the attack
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23: If you are hit, you are required to include some form of PainRP in your next action
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24: Players are allowed to use a skin that covers their face to hide their identity ICLY. In this case, the skin would act as a mask. An example photo is attached below:
24.1: Players who do this cannot use a mask and a skin covering their face at the same time. It must be one or the other
24.2: Masks based off of skins can be removed/unmasked from the player's head with an action without needing to knock out the opponent like normal masks
24.3: You cannot constantly wear the skin. The only time where you are allowed to wear a skin that covers the face is before, during, or after CombatRP-related situations, gang events, manhunts, and overall only criminal-based situations
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25: You cannot GangRR, CrimeRP, or CombatRP in Red Zones and Safe Zones
(Red Marker is Red Zones, Green is safe zones)
Question: Why are the main roads a red zone?
Answer: We want to encourage Gang roleplayers to plan out and work together to figure out a plan of attacking/hunting down their targets compared to just waiting to see them in spawn (the most common place for all characters) and attacking them instantly. Alongside this, we want to encourage gang roleplayers to think more realistically and strategically! We want them to plan routes they may wanna take when running, hiding spots, etc!
Question: What Is a Red Zone and Safe Zone?
Answer: A red zone is an area that is classified as "too public" or "too out in the open". As mentioned above, we want Gang roleplayers to think more strategically about where they pick their battles, and fighting in such an open area (like a street) that cops often walk down and patrol isn't too smart nor too strategic. Hence what the Red Zones are. Safe Zones are areas near special locations or buildings (often by some factions) that we want to keep clear of CombatRP. The clinic is an example, as we do not want people engaging in CombatRP in front of a place where injured players will be coming in and out of
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26: If being chased, man-hunted, or hunted down you may not enter Red Zones or Safe Zones
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27: You cannot use Red Zones or Safe Zones as a way to avoid CombatRP, CrimeRP, or GangRP. This includes that you cannot just stay in these zones if someone has permissions on you
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28: You cannot constantly wear a mask that covers your character's face. The only time where you are allowed to wear a mask that covers the face is before, during, or after CombatRP-related situations, gang events, manhunts, and overall only criminal-based situations. The only exception to this is Weapon Dealers
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29: Due to the time Echoes takes place in (1984), blackout attire was NOT really a thing that gangs wore. Therefore blackout attire is not allowed
29.1: You are allowed to use black in your attire, it just cannot solely be based on the color black. Please try to use creativity when creating attires, as most gangs in the 1980s strived to be recognized and stand out compared to just wearing black
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30: If you have a negative interaction with someone wearing an attire, and they escape/get out of eyesight and you see someone (same person or someone else) wearing the same attire the original person was wearing, you have an IC reason and motive to SUSPECT that they are either the same person or at least have some relation to the original person wearing it
For example, let's say Skyler Rykari was attacked by someone wearing a suit with a ying and yang symbol on the back and a mask. Skyler was knocked out by the man in the suit, but as soon as he was a member of Skyler's gang turned the corner and saw it happen. Skyler's gang member chases after the man in the suit but loses him. Later that day, Skyler's gang member sees someone wearing the exact same suit and mask. While he cannot CONFIRM it was the same person who attacked his member, he can make a valid assumption they have some sort of relation to the person who did
29.1: This situation gives you the motive to grab, sweep, shake, push, and surround the suspect"
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Written By EnderBubs and Sqidy
Last edited: 9 days ago