IGN (In-game name):
Age (optional):
How much do you know about first-aid and general medicine?:
I know quite a bit about first-aid and general medicine, due to studying it for my flight attendant training. However, there is always room for improvement as with anything else!
Give us 3 examples of injuries, and their resolution:
Open fracture: if a patient comes in with an open fracture, you would first assess them (using the ABC method; checking their airways, breathing and circulation). You would control any (visible) external bleeding with sterile dressings and apply pressure. Administer IV fluids ONLY if the patient shows signs of shock. If necessary as a Surgeon, proceed to surgery procedures.
Third-degree burns: if a patient comes into the hospital with signs of a ‘degree burn’, first stop the burning process by removing contaminated clothing and place the area injured under cold water, ensure you provide antibiotics/pain relief and wrap with a sterile dressing.
Shoulder dislocations: If a patient comes to you with a dislocated shoulder, take them to the X-Ray room and examine them for the injury to confirm it. Then, provide morphine (through an IV) - sedation is necessary during this process. After completing the treatment , place the arm/shoulder in a sling for the recovery time.
Why do you want to join the hospital faction on Echoes? Answer this OOC:
I would like to join the faction because I find myself interested in MedicalRP! I've always found it interesting being able to detail your actions and show your passion for something. Along with this, I have also had experience prior in a roleplay server which I will not name. I enjoy roleplaying and I think it would be a fun yet unique experience on this server due to the time period that it is based in and people that I’m acquainted with. I am fairly knowledgeable when it comes to detailing painRP or my acts in general. Since I’m studying in the medical curriculum, it makes sense for me to try my best for the role, I feel like my capabilities and talents would be useful in the faction. When applying for the faction, you need to have knowledge on what to do as well as putting effort and detail into your actions, you get to experience new things while also teaching yourself things. The main focus of being a hospital worker is to put people's needs before yours, to be patient and understanding. Adding onto this, you set goals for yourself.
How would you deal with someone that was FailRPing inside of the hospital?:
If anyone is FailRPing inside of the hospital, I would personally ask them to stop, however if they did not, I would then proceed to either DM staff or ask in OOC for a staff member to teleport to me and deal with them.
Provide us with 2 some-what detailed actions of your character helping an injured person. You can choose the injury or illness.
[These refer to the 3 examples above].
./me adjusting his gloves, his mismatched eyes narrowed onto the visible bleeding. Taking out saline wash before wiping it onto the wound, the black haired Surgeon would wash away any dirt that was left on the area before inspecting it. Manipulating where the fracture was, the fracture no more; it clicked back into place. Wrapping the area in a sterile dressing before taking a clipboard, writing down a prescription.
./me rested his hands at his side, his eyes focused on the patients arm; third degree burns. Taking the chance to ask a co-worker to set up an IV, in the case of any complications. Lifting his arms up, Hansel would adjust the light onto the patients arm before taking a sterile scalpel, using it to his best ability. Carefully removing tissue, he’d bite the inside of his cheek; nerves. The male then began washing the area with saline, then began to gently wrap their arm in a dressing.
Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):
Marshall-Lee Hansel grew up in a somewhat happy home in Mosjøen, Norway with his twin sister, Marcelline Hansel and his mother and father Macie and Mark Hansel. . At least that's what it seemed to be at the first glance. When you took a deeper look into things, the family was nowhere near happy, the sound of silent screams and cries echoing through the house at almost all times of day. Although even with everything they were going through, the two of them were still mightily inseparable as children, always stuck to each other's side like glue and following the exact path of the other sibling, keeping each other company no matter what. As the two grew, so did they, although one thing never changed. Their absolute dedication to one another. As time flew by the two of them would keep at each other's sides, through thick and thin, each rough time only making their bond all the more strong. Once the two of them were able to peel away from their family, they had no second thoughts of moving away, landing themselves in East Falls. And this is when they were able to chase those ambitions they'd always had, climbing their way through College, University and last but not least, Med School. The two of them got a decent set of degrees, enabling them to continue on to the next stage of their lives.
Jinsuya Hansel
Phone Number:
OOC:(Phone's have not been added to the server!)
A printed message would be on the paper, “Hello! Thank you for applying to Echoes’ Hospital. We appreciate your interest! Please read through this paper and answer the questions. We will consider you for hiring once it is submitted. We will try to get back to you as soon as we possibly can. Thank you again!” The paper was signed by the hospital director.
Clearing his throat, the black haired male spoke in a well-mannered tone. "I have two Master's Degrees in Medicine and Biochemistry, along with two Minor Degree in Sociology and Medicine." A smile plastered itself upon the corner of his lips, tugging at his lips even; he was proud of his achievements.
What position are you applying for? You may state a position that is not currently available, and it will be checked once that slot opens:
The role in which I am choosing to apply for is the role of Surgeon.
Why do you want to work on our team?:
I would like to work on the team as I find myself enjoying helping people, not just that I have put a lot of hard work into getting the degree that I have today. There is nothing that makes me happier as a person than seeing someone recover to their original state, and that is just the beauty of medicine as a whole.
Provide a list of staff titles and their jobs/descriptions:
Doctors: Doctors play a huge role on the server and in general, this is due to them putting the care and safety of patients first. Doctors play a role in being there for a patient with any concerns that they may have regarding medications, how they feel, ensuring that a patient gets the treatment or solution which best suits them. Doctors tend to play a role in many things that range from booking appointments, giving prescriptions to patients, recurring check-ups on patients if needed to. To add on, doctors can also focus on the more tasking side of things such as surgeries, repairing body parts such as broken bones, an example of this would be if a patient came in with a broken arm. As a doctor you also have to tend to patients' medical records, wellbeing (if needed or requested to do so), ordering medications etc.
Psychiatrists: A psychiatrist is someone who is specifically trained in the branch of medicine which focuses on the mental, physical and emotional behavior of a person, you are able to assess both the mental and physical aspects of a person and their psychological conditions they are experiencing. In addition to this, you can also diagnose and treat the conditions. Psychiatrists treat complex mental health conditions, mostly ones that require medication or medical treatments. As a psychiatrist, you can perform a number of different psychological tests to evaluate a patient, allowing you to figure out an outcome or to diagnose a condition. With a degree that enables you to become a psychiatrist, you can treat many different illnesses.
Whilst in the hospital how should you and your co-workers behave? If you see something wrong, what should you do about it?:
We should behave professionally, keeping ourselves in check and putting our patient's health as our first priority. If I see anything wrong I will report it to a higher-up, such as the Clinic Lead, the Clinic Manager or even a co-worker so they can monitor the person causing a scene. I put the safety of others first before anyone else, after all, and if someone is doing the complete opposite then I will do anything in my power to correct that.
What experience do you have working in a medical setting? If none, put N/A:
What responsibilities do you hold as a hospital staff member?:
I hold the responsibilities of keeping myself professional, taking care of patients and having no bias whether or not I may not personally like the patient. My biggest responsibility is putting the patient's health, which I swear to do no matter what.
How would you manage a patient that was being uncooperative or rowdy?:
If a patient is being uncooperative or rowdy I would try to de-escalate the situation, trying methods such as getting them to breathe so they calm down. If that doesn't work however I may have to resort to other methods such as Sedation which is in my own right as a Clinic Worker.
The paper ended with another message: “Thank you for taking the time to fill out this paper. We truly appreciate it! Before you can submit this, please sign the document!”
The paper was signed in cursive, or in other words, what someone would call a doctor's writing:
Jin Hansel.
Last edited: 23 days ago