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findouticly Art Player
2 posts
2 topics
25 days ago

Preferred Name: findouticly

IGN (In-game name): findouticly

Why do you want to be a member of the Artist Team on Echoes?:

The main reason to join the Artist Team with my specialization in 3D Modelling is the fact that I'm very interested in 3D Modelling and working in 3D Software's altogether. Recently, I've found out that working in 3D software's like Blender and Blockbench is one of my talents. I've been working in Blender for the past 3 months and with the help of some amazing people, I've gotten better at it. Recently I've even gotten interested in making models in Minecraft using Blockbench. If I were to get accepted, I'd have more chances to get better with working in those software's, as they're pretty similar, and I could use this chance of getting accepted to f.e. get a job in a company, and start making some money due to the fact that I will be able to put everything that I've done here into my portfolio, and provide it in an application to a company.

What type of art do you specialise in? For example, 3D models, pixel art, etc...
3D Models

Please put images here of your portfolio:

Last edited: 24 days ago
find out icly
SkiXD Tech Player
16 posts
2 topics
24 days ago


Congratulations, your Modeling Team Application has been accepted, please dm m1t on Discord to get your roles and what you need to be doing set-up!