Preferred Name: fourbros
IGN (In-game name): fourbros
Age (optional): 19
Discord: fourbros
OOC:How much do you know about first-aid and general medicine?:
I have past knowledge and experience of hospital work from previous EMS work I have done on SRP as a surgeon, as well as EMS on Ridgeston before the rebranding as well a few other servers. I remember the different roles and their implications, the emergency codes, the radio codes/protocols for each department, and the items used. I know the basics of anatomy from classes I took during school, including the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system.
Give us 3 examples of injuries, and their resolution:
In this situation a person fell from a tree branch and broke their leg which requires a cast. Get out new gloves, and grab cotton, fiberglass, and the cast. Grab a small bowl, fill it with the solution and let the fiberglass soak up. While that is going on, get a gauze to clean the area. Place the cotton all around the area. Once finished getting the fiberglass. Place the fiberglass over the cotton, and let it sit for a few minutes. Then ask the patient if they want a color; once doing so, place a cast over. Take a pair of scissors, cut the wrap's end, and fold it behind the last layer.
In this situation a person fractured their leg from falling off their razor scooter and was transported to the hospital for treatment. Get some gloves, gauze, and bone fillers. Inject an IV into them with morphine IF IN PAIN. Take a gauze, clean the wound area, then take a scalpel and start to cut through the skin, making a small slit. Get a pair of tweezers, sanitize them, then place them into the slit, looking at the area. Then take the tweezers grabbing the fillers. After adding the fillers, take a needle n thread and start to stitch the slit back up. Add anti-scarring cream and antibiotic cream.
In this situation a person was hit in the head by a heavy object which gave them a concussion. If they're in the hospital lay them down and check for pupil dilation, and if they are awake or slightly mumbling try to communicate with them as this can show signs of brain issues leading up. Anywho directly after that turn their head to the side to reduce their chances of choking on their spit, vomit or any foaming substances doing this will help their airway. After that whole thing, take them to an MRI and apply any ice to said bruising if any is found, rather common to find as concussions are head injuries. Once they're awake and alert, they might feel sick or nauseous so just pay attention to their body movement, speaking, and overall attention span. After an hour of recovery, run a small follow-the-finger test. This test is simple: run your index finger on one or both hands in front of the patient's eyes, side by side, rear, or in front. If they cannot meet any expectations they must stay in recovery. If they are not in the hospital, do the first few steps and make sure they can make passage safely to the hospital. If they cannot, make it to the hospital, apply a cold wet cloth indirectly to the head, and apply small amounts of pressure. Do be aware of a fracture within the skull if too much pressure is given.
Why do you want to join the hospital faction on Echoes? Answer this OOC:
My main motivation to apply for EMS is to broaden my roleplaying abilities, as well as to make roleplay more enjoyable for others. I have seen and participated in EMS RP before, and I wish to participate in it once more. Besides that, I just want to help others and create some decent roleplay.
How would you deal with someone that was FailRPing inside of the hospital?:
If it was a minor failrp situation such as misrepresenting injuries or not doing pain rp, I'd let them know in looc and help them correct it, but if it was more severe such as metagaming and being toxic to others in chat I would report it to a staff member and let them know about the situation and let staff take it from there.
Provide us with 2 some-what detailed actions of your character helping an injured person. You can choose the injury or illness.
In this situation a patient came in with a gunshot wound, non fatal. Judah clipped an ECG to the patient’s finger before quickly wrapping a tourniquet around their arm, tapping the arm a few times for a vein to appear, he’d clean the area with a saline wipe before inserting the IV line into the vein and quickly connected it to a bag of morphine and unit of O-. Taking some gauze pads he placed them against the gunshot wound and applied pressure to stop the bleeding. Grabbing a unit of saline he poured it over the wound before tossing the pads into a bin and threaded a needle and stitched the wound closed with an ‘x’ pattern. Taking a pair of scissors he cut the excess string and applied the anti-scarring and antibiotics over the wound before placing a bandage over the wound before moving the patient to the recovery room.
In this situation a patient came wet and cold with hyperthermia from falling into the lake. Judah quickly noticed the patient was shivering and soaking wet in front of him, he quickly grabbed some towels and did his best to dry the patient off before moving them to the ER. He wrapped a tourniquet around the patient's arm and cleaned a small area with a saline wipe before inserting an IV line with fluids and clipping their finger with an ECG. Walking over to the cabinet he took out a heated blanket and placed it over the patient before turning it on the lowest setting. Over the next bit he increased the temperature until their body temperature returned to a normal safe level. Judah than unlocked the bed and rolled the patient to the recovery room.
Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):
Judah Smith was born on December 3rd at the Hôspital Européen Georges-Pompidou in Paris, France. He was raised in Paris by his parents, his French mother who was an emergency medicine doctor that worked at the hospital, and his Chinese father who was a businessman that traveled frequently to China. Growing up he was particularly close to his mother, Judah constantly asked her if he could tag along to the hospital instead of staying with his babysitter or going to school. His father was often on trips, so he spent most of the time with his mother. Judah’s mother set strict rules with Judah for what he could do while visiting the hospital. At a young age, he observed and learned from his mothers example of diagnosis and treatment of patients. This inspired Judah to pursue a career of medicine later in life. As he got older, Judah entered highschool, taking many classes to work on becoming a medical worker like his mother. During his teenage years he became fed up with her father being away so much. He found a way to release his resentment when he went to gym class. There he fell in love with lifting weights and working out, it became a part of his after school routine. He would spend a few hours at the gym and then come home to study medicine. When Judah graduated from high school his mother was very proud of him, his father on the other hand was still in China. Before Judah entered college, his mother taught her how to cook and bake. He entered the Universite de Paris for his college classes, participating in biology, nursing, anatomy, kinesthesiology, and a couple pharmaceutical related classes. During this time he focused on his studies, working out and improving his cooking and baking abilities. He eventually graduated with an MD, taking some internships and then starting a residency at the hospital his mother worked in. He did a Pediatrics residency for four years at the Hospital Europeen Georges-Pompidou. During this residency he befriended a few coworkers, communicating and working well with them as a team and treating patients together. After completing his residency, Judah became a fully qualified surgeon, hired at the hospital. He stayed there for a few years as he helped countless patients and expanded his medical knowledge. As a few years passed, he decided to move out on his own to East Falls. He wanted to see what this city was truly like and to find work in the medical field.
Name: Judah Smith
Age: 30
Phone Number
A printed message would be on the paper, “Hello! Thank you for applying to Echoes’ Hospital. We appreciate your interest! Please read through this paper and answer the questions. We will consider you for hiring once it is submitted. We will try to get back to you as soon as we possibly can. Thank you again!” The paper was signed by the hospital director.
Degree(s): Major(s):
Biology, Nursing, Anatomy
Algebra, Physiology
"I have a MD in medicine."
What position are you applying for? You may state a position that is not currently available, and it will be checked once that slot opens:
"I would like to apply for the surgeon position"
Why do you want to work on our team?:
"I want to work on your team to continue to give equal and quality care treatment to those who have been injured. I want to be able to make a difference in someone's life and work with other individuals who can help make that happen. Treating and helping others is very important to me, while understanding that teamwork and communication is key in making it successful overall."
Provide a list of staff titles and their jobs/descriptions:
Surgeons: Professionals who assess and treat patients. They may perform basic medical care, as well as extensive life saving surgeries if needed. Surgeons may also prescribe [some] medications to the patients they are treating.
Doctors: Professionals who assess and treat patients. They cannot perform surgery, but they may perform things like stitches, checkups, etc. They can also prescribe medication, though the medications they can prescribe are limited to their field as well.
Psychiatrists: Professionals who focus on evaluating and treating mental health. Oftentimes they offer patients therapy [in the form of talk sessions] as well as antidepressants and other medications to resolve their issues.
Hospital director: The hospital director is the very top of the totem pole, managing every department and setting certain rules in place for the good of the hospital. The director deals with budgets/paying employees/accepting applicants, and other responsibilities pertaining to the hospital's upkeep.
Whilst in the hospital how should you and your co-workers behave? If you see something wrong, what should you do about it?:
"While in the hospital myself and my co-workers must work in a professional manner while on the clock, being respectful, kind, and ready for any situation that may arise. If I see a mistake that occurs by myself or by someone else I'd do my best within my abilities to correct it or let them know about it and check on the patient to ensure the mistake does not harm them. Then report it to the respective higherup."
What experience do you have working in a medical setting? If none, put N/A:
"I have worked as a surgeon for many years at Hôpital Européen Georges-Pompidou treating many patients and expanding my medical knowledge."
What responsibilities do you hold as a hospital staff member?:
My responsibilities include
Patient care, providing equal and quality care to the patient.
Medical documentation, proper documentation and records of all treatments and medical history of the patient.
Safety and compliance, proper clean and safe work environment for myself and my co-workers as well for the patients that are being treated.
Teamwork and collaboration, proper clear communication and teamwork while working with others and maintaining composure during any situation and provide treatment.
How would you manage a patient that was being uncooperative or rowdy?:
"In this situation I would calmly speak to the patient and listen to their concerns while reassuring them that their concerns are being considered and that they too must stay calm and wait until it's their turn or when the treatment on them is finished. Patience, empathy and sympathy are the key in dealing with individuals. If it gets too much for the safety of EMS and others, I would call upon security."
The paper ended with another message: “Thank you for taking the time to fill out this paper. We truly appreciate it! Before you can submit this, please sign the document!”
The paper was signed in cursive, Judah Smith.
Last edited: 24 days ago