Here is some slang for you sillies... Songs will come soon eventually.
Leaving/Coming terms
bounce - to leave a place
jet - similar to "bounce," to leave quickly
book it - to move fast or leave quickly
cruising - driving around with no particular destination
dip - to leave abruptly or quickly
hightail - to leave or flee rapidly
mosey - to leave or move in a slow, leisurely manner
peel out - to accelerate quickly and leave, especially in a car
split - to leave, especially suddenly in a hurry
take a hike - a way to tell someone to go away or leave
Slang for cool
awesome - extremely impressive or excellent
bitchin' - really cool or excellent
bodacious - remarkable, impressive, or attractive
excellent - extremely good or outstanding
fantabulous - a blend of "fantastic" and "fabulous," used to describe something exceptionally good
most triumphant - exceedingly successful or superior
outrageous - very bold and unusual, thus appealing
radical - very impressive or cool
righteous - excellent or wonderful; can also denote something morally right
schweet - a slang spelling for "sweet," used to denote something pleasing
stellar - extremely good or outstanding
wicked - excellent or fantastic
Slangs to say yes
big time - an emphatic way of saying "yes," or agreeing with someone
cheeuh! - an enthusiastic way of expressing excited agreement
for sure - definitely or certainly
I kid you not - used to affirm the truthfulness or seriousness of one's statement
most definitely - a very emphatic way of saying "yes"
no doy - a sarcastic expression for "obviously yes"
word - an affirmation, similar to saying "absolutely" or "definitely"
yes way - a playful and emphatic way of saying "yes"
Slang to describe others
bad to the bone - describes someone as very cool or rebellious in a good way
betty - a term for an attractive woman
brill - short for "brilliant"
choice - describes something or someone as high-quality or very appealing
clutch - describes someone who is successful, especially in critical moments
deadly - means stylish or cool, often used to describe fashion or music
fave - a shortened form of '"favorite," used to denote something or someone particularly liked
fine - describes someone as very attractive or appealing
fly - means looking good or fashionable
fresh - describes something as stylish, new, and exciting, often related to music or fashion
funky fresh - refers to something stylish
glam - short for "glamorous," used to describe someone well-dressed or beautiful
gnarly - describes something as cool or impressive
homeboy - a term for a male friend
homegirl - a term for a female friend
legit - means genuine, real, or cool
Slang insults
airhead - an insulting term implying someone is silly or not very intelligent
bag your face - an insult implying someone is unattractive and should cover their face
barf bag - used to describe someone as unattractive or repulsive
bite me - a rude and aggressive rejection, similar to telling someone to "get lost"
blar - expressing disgust or disapproval towards a person or situation
bogus - describes something or someone bad or undesirable
chicken - a term for someone who is cowardly or afraid to do something
clydesdale - a derogatory term for someone who is perceived as large and unattractive
dip - a term for a foolish or naive person
ditz - refers to someone perceived as unintelligent or scatterbrained
harsh - describes something or someone as unpleasant or severe
heinous - severely unpleasant or disagreeable, often used to describe behavior or appearance
lame - describes someone or something as uncool or boring
mall-maggot - a derogatory term for a young, unpleasant person who frequents malls
mental - describes someone acting crazy or irrational
mung - a term for something disgusting or vile
narbo - an insult implying someone is an idiot or not very bright
ooglay - extremely ugly or unattractive
space cadet - refers to someone who is clueless or absent-minded
spaz - used to describe someone as lame or socially awkward
wannabe - a term for someone aspiring to a certain status or style but failing to achieve it
warped - describes someone or something as twisted
adult child - refers to someone's offspring who has reached adulthood
bimbette - a disparaging term for a woman perceived as spoiled and unintelligent
boho - short of "bohemian," describing a person living an artistic, non-conventional lifestyle
boy toy - a term for a casual, often younger, male boyfriend, sometimes implying a lack of seriousness in the relationship
chocoholic - someone who is extremely fond of chocolate
cocooning - the practice of spending leisure time at home in seclusion, away from the outside world
couch potato - a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching TV
DINK - acronym for "double income, no kids," referring to a couple with no children and two incomes, sometimes used to imply materialism or self-centeredness
hacker - originally a term for a computer expert, particularly one skilled in gaining unauthorized access to computer systems
jock - refers to an athletic person, often a stereotype in high schools and colleges, sometimes used negatively to imply a lack of intelligence or cultural interests
nerd - a studious and intelligent person, often interested in technology or academics, sometimes used negatively to imply social awkwardness or lack of physical prowess
valley girl - originally referred to teenage girls from California's San Fernando Valley; it has come to describe young women who adopt a specific way of speaking and dressing, often associated with a frivolous lifestyle
Hip-Hop Culture Slang
b-boy - a dancer specializing in breakdancing, originally termed as "break boy"
beatbox - a person who imitates the sounds of a synthesizer, sampler, or turntable deck with their voice
bomb - means something is good or impressive
bombdiggity - very good or impressive, a step above "bomb"
cold lampin' - relaxing at home, not doing much, just chilling
def - good or excellent, originally short for "definitely"
dope - means something is good or impressive
down - aware of or willing to do something, often used as "down with"
drop science - to share knowledge or wisdom
herb - refers to a man lacking social skills or style, often used as an insult
hood - one's hometown or area, short for "neighborhood"
hype - refers to energy or excitement; pejoratively, it can suggest superficial excitement without substance
ill - very good or impressive
jams - refers to music, particularly good or catchy tunes
posse - a group of friends or companions
scratch - to manipulate a record for a musical effect, often in DJing
step off - can mean to depart or to engage in an activity
stupid - means very much or extremely, used for emphasis
sucka mcs - originally describing bad rappers, extended to anyone considered uncool
yo mama - a mild standardized insult, a stylized version of "your mother"
big kahuna - refers to an important person, leader, or someone in charge, with origins in Hawaiian surf culture
blitz - to move quickly or with intensity
bogart - to keep something to oneself and not share, inspired by actor Humphrey Bogart's style
book - to move or depart quickly
burn out - to become exhausted or lose enthusiasm, often from overworking
chill - to relax or calm down
cowabunga - an expression of excitement or approval, popular in surf culture and TV shows
freak out - to lose control or become extremely emotional
gotta motor - needing to leave quickly
hang ten - advising to relax or stay cool
hotdogger - a show-off, particularly in sports of activities
like - used as a filler or quotative, indicating the following phrase reflects something significant about the speaker's subject
mad - extremely or very, used for emphasis
major - significant or important, to emphasize magnitude
mega - very large or great, for impressive or extensive things
peg - to accurately identify or categorize
ralph - slang for vomiting
scarf - to eat quickly or voraciously
tubular - excellent or awesome, originally describing a perfect wave in surfing
veg - to relax or engage in inactive leisure, short for "vegetate"
whoa - an exclamation of surprise or amazement
wig out - to lose control or become overly excited or emotional
yo - a casual greeting
Last edited: 23 days ago x 1