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Artist Team Application | YLFL
YLFL Player
2 posts
2 topics
about 1 month ago

Preferred Name:

Toast, Cat, Nicholas or Nick


IGN (In-game name):



Why do you want to be a member of the Artist Team on Echoes?:

I love to draw, I love art in general, I've taken part in art my entire life and so far it's my only irl decent qualification. On top of those reasons, I'd love to share my art with the community, use my skills (that are very much still improving) to draw for people, help imagination become a drawing and hopefully increase the chances that people will not turn to AI art. I see this as an opportunity to improve my skills, currently my art tablet has been broken for a while but as you can see based on the portfolio I've provided, using a mouse to draw doesn't entirely make the art bad.


What type of art do you specialize in? For example, 3D models, pixel art, etc...

Pixel art, A.K.A digital art.


Please put images here of your portfolio:


arxchn0phetics Lead Art Mayor Player
6 posts
2 topics
about 1 month ago



After careful review, we’ve decided to accept you!


You will receive an invite and your roles shortly, so keep an eye out for a DM from me.

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