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FR05TYY1 Article | Bella Notte: The Newly Opened Restaurant
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about 1 month ago

Bella Notte: The Newly Opened Restaurant
- Cassian Lowe
- Hello dear readers and residents of East Falls! My name is Cassian Lowe, a reporter of the Falls Chronicle. I'm here to bring you some insight on an interview that the Chief Reporter and I had with the owner of the newly opened restaurant Bella Notte and their founder Orlando.


Today we had an interview with Bella Notte’s founder & owner Orlando for the papers and to discuss what he plans for their establishment.

Aoi Shinomiya: “ So I work for the Fall Chronicle and your restaurant caught my eye and I would love to write about it. “

Orlando: “ Ah alright, what is it you would like to know? “

Aoi Shinomiya: “ So tell me about how you guys founded this place. “

Orlando: “ Ah of course. Well, back home my grandparents ran a business like this, but sadly after we moved here we had to leave them and such behind, and after my parents tried to get this building and failed, I tried once I grew up and had the income. “

Aoi Shinomiya: “ Mhm, So tell me what type of restaurant is this? “

Orlando: “ Well, it falls under the category of fine dining with Italian cuisine. “

Cassian Lowe: “ What do you plan for the future of this establishment? “

Orlando: “ I wish to grow this place, having it known within this town for its grand service and food. Eventually growing it out in other places. “

Cassian Lowe: “ I see, and what about the menu products? Do you plan to add more onto your menus in the future? “

Orlando: “ I do wish to add more to it, at this time we have a wide range of alcohols such as wines, vodkas, etc. When it comes to food we have pizza and other Italian originated foods such as pasta. “

Cassian Lowe: “ i believe that concludes my portion of the interview, I do hope your establishment grows exponentially then! It already looks like it will do well in the future. “

After we were finished with the interview, I thanked Orlando for his time and was on my way. I believe that their establishment will be very successful in the future and hope their work does wonders for the people of East Falls.

This was Cassian Lowe of Falls Chronicle and I hope my readers and fellow East Falls residents have a wonderful day and stay positive, and keep in mind to ALWAYS look at the smallest of details as everything is important in its own way.





Last edited: about 1 month ago x 2