Preferred Name:
IGN (In-game name):
OLD; Eternaliti
NEW: 7ram0nex_
Age (optional):
Why do you want to be a member of the building team on Echoes?:
Why I'd like to be a builder for echoes, is a couple of reasonings. One reason is engagement, to be more engaged with the community and meet some of the community members that make this server possible! Another one would be that, the things that they build and I could build could stand there forever, for players to see, and or go into to make endless stories, and experiences for there characters. Plus it would be just appreciation really to know you did something to help the community out!
Those are some of the reasons I'd love to become apart of the Building team.
What do you think could be improved of the current server’s builds?:
I'd say nothing should or can be improved as of right now the current servers builds are highly detailed and such!
What other areas or places do you think we should add?:
Radio Station! As I know there is a little tower thing right near the motel that could be the PERFECT spot for a radio station, as It can connect everyone to a LIVE Radio station and so people can listen in!
Abandoned Places, I think more buildings that look old and worn down instead of the sheds in the middle of the forest there should be maybe a random house that's been abandoned, it can create some kind of mysterious atmosphere about East falls.
Please put images here of your portfolio:
Here is my portfolio
Last edited: 16 days ago