Preferred Name:
IGN (In-game name):
Age (optional):
What are you applying for (lore/event)?:
Event, however, as needed I am willing to help on lore too.
Why do you want to be a writer for Echoes?:
I’ve always had creativity practically bustling out of my eardrums. I do enjoy writing horror the most because of how it bends the mind and I believe this would be useful to Echoes as it is based around a lot of paranormal activity. However, my ideas aren’t limited and can be applied to any different type of event. There are a lot of ideas that I think would be fun and interesting, so I’d like to see them come into play on Echoes.
How do you think our current writing could be improved?:
I believe the current writing is good already however it needs time to progress and achieve a fuller background. I do think events concerning lore could be added and would make the server more interesting despite still being new. I think small mini flash events that lead up to a major lore point would help players become more engrossed in the lore and be excited for when a new article is put out. It would give them something to be a part of and then when the turning point happens, it’ll turn heads. Like if a stalker or investigator started roaming the town and spreading false information or being creepy to all different players and then it leads up to everyone figuring out they were a ghost all along.
Give us a few examples or portfolio of your past works:
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