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ilovemyplanex6's Writer Application
ilovemyplanex6 Player
2 posts
2 topics
about 1 month ago

Preferred Name:

 Just x6

IGN (In-game name):


Age (optional):




What are you applying for (lore/event)?:

 Lore, though, I do think I'd do just as well with events.

Why do you want to be a writer for Echoes?:

 Over the years, I've played many different RP servers and have really improved my skills in literature and creativity. I'm especially creative when it comes to describing subtle details like the appearance of a room or person. However, I also really enjoy thinking out and writing lore for both characters and places, which I believe could be brought to Echoes. Because the server is so young, there are many different possibilities and opportunities to allow creative writing to run free without distinct plotholes or restrictions. I want to become a writer specifically to expand on my passion and use this server as an outlet for creativity.

How do you think our current writing could be improved?:

 Currently, I believe the writing isn't as strong as it could be. As I said, this server has many creative possibilities that I feel aren't being fully taken advantage of. I believe there could be more little stories like that of Wysteria to give the server more character and a deeper backstory that keeps people interested. 

Give us a few examples or portfolio of your past works:

Marseille's New Year -Pt. 1

Marseille's Game


x 1