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Event Team Format
Topic Locked
errrhannah Lead Event Player
8 posts
3 topics
about 1 month ago



Preferred Name:


IGN (In-Game Name):


Age (Optional):


Discord User:


Experience Related Questions:


Why are you applying for the Event Team?:


What creative skills would you be bringing to the Event Team?:


Do you have any other prior experience on other Minecraft Servers?:


Scenario Questions:


You are hosting a large Event and a group of players becomes disruptive and is not following the rules. How do you handle the situation?:


How would you encourage player participation in Events?:


Availability & Commitment Questions:


How much time can you dedicate per week to Event planning and hosting?:


Do you have any commitments (i.e. school, work, etc.) that might affect your availability?:


Please provide 2-3 Event ideas that you have and 1 Step-by-Step of an Event’s layout (Example below):


‘A house catches on fire!’ (Please be more detailed than this)

1. Citizens gather for a house party

2. Appetizers are passed around to everyone

3. The host goes to make the main course when something goes wrong and the kitchen sets ablaze!

4. EFPD shows up and takes care of the fire and any injured people.


Again, be more detailed than this in your examples please.



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