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Accepted | YourAnxi3ty | BM APP
MomRP Reporter Player
12 posts
11 topics
17 days ago

OOC Information: 

 IGN: YourAnxi3ty

Discord: satan_miu

Country of Origin and Time Zone: America, CST (An hour behind EST)

Describe your activity on the server:

I have been on the server for a long while now, having joined on January 11th, 2025. I try to be on at least one hour a day, sometimes longer, depending on roleplay events or responsibilities within my faction. My activities often include writing articles for ongoing events, handling in-character (IC) developments, and engaging in various roleplay scenarios that help push narratives forward. If I had to put it from a 0-10, it would be a solid 8 to 9 as I try to be on for any type of character development as I lov lov lov writing

What inspires you to apply for the role of a black market dealer?

As a whole, I am drawn to having the complexity of the BM role as it allows for a deeper engagement with the server’s underground world, The Dockyard Exchange, mostly with the criminal networks and possible roleplay to play out that can impact the server via lore with the crime side of things. I want to contribute to the ecosystem of the crime side, providing items, weapons, and perhaps services to shape conflicts that can spice up the server, along with possible alliances and roleplay progression. Personally, I enjoy making interactions that involve smuggling, deception, and dealings that need strategy behind them that can get others involved and make my character’s story more grounded.


What distinguishes you from other candidates, and what unique contributions can you bring to the team?

I have a strong understanding of roleplay dynamics and maintain balance between engaging within ‘fair play’ as in adhering to the established rules and guidelines of combat and permissions, treating other players with respect oocly, and not intentionally taking unfair advantages to win within P2L, within this role. Unless, it’s asked for OOCly to be rolled based instead.

I want to make sure that everyone has a fair advantage as a whole to have development for character(s) and/or combat my character if they have the motive and perms to. I want to give interactions rather than just being a vendor for weapons as a whole as I feel like spicing it up would be a nice way to do things. I want to make the BM alive rather than just transactional, basically help out with any events if needed to make it more in depth as a whole, as in having a character openly do a petty crime and get away with it, causing mayhem, and such matters. This can be relationships between BM for benefits at the end, like protection, watching each-other’s back to make sure it’s not a set up, and such matters.

Additionally, I have experience in managing factions somewhat and events, which means I understand how to handle IC and OOC disputes as a non-staff member (mostly to ease down the situation when getting staff if it’s getting over board), I just want to give opportunities for others to interact with Dockyard Exchange


What prior experience do you have collaborating with a team?

  • I have worked within various factions, handling event-related writing, organization, and IC developments, mostly within factions and of the such matters.
  • I have participated in faction leadership roles, which required coordinating with other players and making sure it lines up with the lore as a lore writer in another server
  • I have experience in conflict-resolution roleplay, ensuring that interactions remain balanced and fun for all involved, not making it power heavy on one side or another unfairly.
  • When I was a lore writer, I often discussed with others oocly, but I am also able to collaborate with others icly as I have been in factions like reporter and clinic, however reporter was mostly on communication on articles, final showcase to the said person, and when to post it publicly as a whole.
  • As a whole I know how it is to be collaborating with a team and directing any due to past 'positions' I had, from being a head of a Hospital, to being a Dean in other servers, along with teaching positions of 'higher-ups'

Other than the following listed, I am always willing to collaborate with others as a team, whether it's just BM, BM and Event Team as a whole, etc. etc. given any communication as usually I am open to any ideas and give what I think could be discussed straight forwardly.  Rather it be everyday life or within a community, I usually try working with different teams and contribute as much as I can. IRL, I am an artist that often collabs with other artists for fun or art trades for a benefit to each of us, and of the matters. I have been working in different factions other than in this server, people may have known what factions I am in. In gang/crime rp I have been in gangs before so it's not my first exact round of doing such things, I have been the second in command before, even in lower ranks but very needed for it to function well as in being a spy, getting information, etc. type of divisions.


Are you familiar with all the rules about weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:

Yes, I am, if I am not, I can recheck it though I am very confident with the knowledge I know as a whole as I frequently check them


Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested three times, you will be removed from the black market? This goes for anything. I.e arrested twice, killed once vise versa.:

Yes, I am fully aware that if my character is killed or perm arrested three times, I will be removed from the BM.


Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential additions to the black market to others?:

Yes, I am fully aware that I cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential additions to the black market to anyone.


IC Information:

Full Legal Name: Lilith Dragos Vesper

Criminal Alias: ‘Vaelith’

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Ethnicity and Race: Italian (Southern Italy), Caucasian 

Former Associations/Occupations: 

Therapist - Personal Therapy Clinic, was in Italy


Highest Level of Education:

Master's degree in psychology


Describe your character’s appearance in detail:

Standing at 6 feet tall, she carries herself with effortless grace, her posture poised yet natural. Her pale skin is lightly dusted with freckles, most prominent across her cheeks and nose, creating a striking contrast against the deep red-brown tones of her hair. Flowing in soft waves past her waist, her hair is streaked with white, resembling the marbled layers of a red velvet log cake from afar.


Her most captivating feature is her eyes, it was soft, lush green, reminiscent of fresh grass in the height of spring. They hold a quiet depth, drawing in those who meet her gaze. Her body type is mesomorphic, giving her a balanced, athletic build—lean but fit, with subtle strength evident in her frame.


A faint, sweet scent clings to her, difficult to place precisely, but reminiscent of warm apple pie with a side of ice cream. Upon closer inspection, faded scars mark her back and arms, as if she had once been slashed by something sharp. Though time has softened them, the wounds were deep enough to leave lasting evidence of once being harmed by something or someone.

Describe your character’s personality in detail:

At first glance, she seems like the embodiment of sweetness. She's charming, soft-spoken, and always quick with a smile, offering kindness and warmth. She's quick to listen and seems like someone you could confide in. But beneath that carefully crafted exterior lies a completely different person.

She is manipulative, calculating... Her kindness is a mask that she uses to get what she wants, often using her charm to wrap people around her finger and get them to trust her. Her sweet demeanor is a weapon, and she wields it. While she may not show it openly, she feels no qualms about betraying others for her own gain unless they’re someone close to her. 

She's cold-hearted when it comes to personal gain, and while she can be affectionate in her own twisted way, it’s always a form of manipulation... People who are on her good side, however, often see her kind side more often as it's more genuine.


Describe your character’s backstory to the greatest detail (300+ words):

Born in the 1960s on the outskirts of Naples, Italy, she was abandoned as an infant and left to be raised in the care of an orphanage. Life in the system was harsh, and she learned early on that survival came not from kindness, but from manipulating the situation around her. With few stable figures to care for her, she became observant, learning to read the emotions and motives of the adults around her. This ability allowed her to stay out of trouble, keep her distance from unwanted attention, and, when necessary, exploit the weaknesses of others.

Despite the instability of her childhood, she thrived academically. Books were her escape, and she became deeply fascinated with psychology,the way people thought, the way their minds worked. At the age of 18, she left the foster system and moved to the city of Milan, where she enrolled in university to study psychiatry. Driven by a deep desire to understand people.. not just to heal them, but to control them… she excelled in her studies and graduated at the top of her class.

In her early 20s, she became a licensed therapist and opened a private practice in Milan. To the public, she was the picture of calm and empathy, known for her compassionate approach to therapy. Her patients confided in her, pouring out their deepest fears and insecurities, unaware that she was using this information not to help them, but to gradually manipulate them. 

However, as her power within the mental health field increased, so did her ambitions. By the early 1980s, she had made connections within the criminal underworld, especially in the burgeoning black market for illegal drugs and pharmaceuticals.Her psychological knowledge gave her the insight to manipulate criminals and law enforcement alike.

In 1983, after an unfortunate incident that put her under too much scrutiny in Milan, she decided to relocate to Wyoming. It was a perfect opportunity to expand her operations and distance herself from the prying eyes of authorities… Keeping her life as ‘normal’ as possible to make her seem like she’s a regular citizen before moving to East Falls in 1984, to eventually keep her plans going and stay with her fellow family members.


Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:

There was a nice, crisp, cold air, where there's basically nobody around the area that is so dark, no one can make out who is going on in the current situation with the trees so thick and tall and acted like a barrier, it almost felt like they were somewhere else, almost unrecognizable, to be in the shady pines pathway off to the right side. The only sounds that could be made out is crows cawing and chirping away. There would be a scent of cut grass, as it was freshly rained upon, a faint smell of the pungent rotten egg smell.

She smiles softly, standing near the fire as she was mostly waiting for the buyers.. She needed to talk to them about a deal they wanted to make. Once she heard leaves on the ground slightly crunch.. Her eyes gleamed with mischievousness to turn around in her heel to make eye contact with them, her gaze felt soft yet almost as if they could strike them any second with unpredictability. She inspects the two men in front of her, a pair of nervous-looking individuals who have come for a deal, they almost looked pitiful as if it was their first time.

"Good evening," her voice is light, sweet, almost inviting, slowly taking a step forward which caused the two to step away in somewhat fear, her eyes squinted slightly as if she was showing some sort of affection towards them with her honeyed voice, "I trust you had no trouble finding the location?" Lilith mused as she tilted her head to the side, waiting for their response, letting out a soft tiny chuckle.

"Uh, no... no trouble at all. We... we have the cash, as promised." He fumbles with his wallet to show off the cash needed to make the purchase.

She steps forward with slow, deliberate movements, a soft smile still on her lips. "Good. You’ve made the right choice coming to me. But let’s make sure we’re on the same page, yes?" She glances at the wallet, and then her eyes flicker to the package she had brought with her, it was clear she was wearing gloves due to the slight sound of leather gloves rubbing against the box.. The two men seemingly felt almost uncomfortable from how direct she seemed to be.

"Now, let’s just make sure everything is in order." Her voice drops a little, her eyes narrowing with a sudden chill in them, slowly running her index finger against the package. Lilith was letting out a soft mused hum as she looked at the buyer almost stuttering. "Mnn... You ordered pocket knives... 10, specifically?" She'd ask as she looked at the two, her red-tinted lips only smirked while the two stuttered away.

"I-I thought we already went over everything, there’s no need for—"

Her smile widens, but there's no warmth in it now. It’s predatory as if they stepped into a lion’s den,  "I’m sure everything is perfectly fine. But sometimes, it’s good to double-check. After all, mistakes can be... costly." She leans in just enough to make them feel uneasy as she almost took a step to a dangerous not-safe feeling range just to make them take a step back.. Lilith only slightly frowned from this sudden change as if they'd rather stay away from her.

"Everything is fine. Just... just give us the product."

With a soft, almost apologetic laugh, she hands them the package. "Of course. But remember.. One wrong move, and you’ll find yourself... out of business."

She smiles again, the same sweet smile, it was clear that her smile felt almost unsettling as it wasn’t the one with the same warmth she had given at the start, it felt..like she was taunting them in her own way. She steps back, taking the cash as she had let out a hum.. looking over at the cash one by one before turning away, "Pleasure doing business, darlin." She'd state before seemingly disappearing into the woods due to her dark clothing that blended in with the darkness.


Additional Information:

Most likely will leave Clinic Faction if accepted

Last edited: 10 days ago
m0rsari3s Mod Crime Lead Player
10 posts
5 topics
Pronouns: he/him
Main Character: Lucien Dragos
10 days ago

YourAnxiety | Accepted

Dear Anxiety
, We are pleased to inform you that your application for Black Market Dealer has been accepted! We were impressed by your qualifications, experiences, and the passion you demonstrated throughout the application process.

In the coming days, you will receive further details regarding the next steps, including orientation dates and additional information about your role.

We look forward to welcoming you to the team and are excited about the contributions you will make.

Congratulations once again on this achievement

Dragos family

Dragos link

I Senzavolto
I Senzavolto Link

"God will never be there for you, but I will."