Preferred Name:
IGN (In-Game Name):
Age (Optional):
18 years of age
Discord User:
Experience Related Questions:
Why are you applying for the Event Team?:
I think that the event team would be one of the best places for me on the server. I love planning events, and bringing storylines to life with detailed /it’s of the environment/scenarios. I believe that I can be a good addition to the team with my creative abilities. Plus, it sounds like a lot of fun! (and I love hannah)
What creative skills would you be bringing to the Event Team?:
When it comes to planning/hosting events, I have been known to have creative and unique ideas that can be fun for all different types of players. I have helped build/dmed for many different dnd campaigns, as a sort of ideas man. I love writing and am passionate about horror/creepy genres specifically. Also, if the event team ever needs skins I can make some!
Do you have any other prior experience on other Minecraft Servers?:
Not sure if it counts, but I did have my own mini fantasy roleplay server for a little while. I held a couple of events while it was up. But, other than that, this would be my first time working on a minecraft server.
Scenario Questions:
You are hosting a large Event and a group of players becomes disruptive and is not following the rules. How do you handle the situation?:
Firstly, I would communicate that I am being serious, and politely ask for the group of players to treat the event and rules with respect. If the disruption continues, I would ask for help from a staff member. Making sure to screenshot anything that might be important later.
How would you encourage player participation in Events?:
Hyping up the events in ooc, general of the discord, and on my own servers I feel is a given. I would also personally DM my friends, and tell them about how cool and awesome the events are going to be.
Availability & Commitment Questions:
How much time can you dedicate per week to Event planning and hosting?:
As much as I need to! I am available pretty much all the time, and am happy and ready to work on events whenever.
Do you have any commitments (i.e. school, work, etc.) that might affect your availability?:
Not at the current moment, I am looking for jobs, but right now I have nothing going on.
Please provide 2-3 Event ideas that you have and 1 Step-by-Step of an Event’s layout (Example below):
Picnic turned hysteria
1. The people of East Falls, gathered together for what was supposed to be an innocent and harmless town picnic near the pond in the forest.
2. The mayor of East Falls delivers a toast to the people of his town, talking about the development of the city.
3. The wind picks up.. Odd.. It was supposed to be a clear day. Light rain begins to chase some of the citizens back to town. But there is lots to do still. Food, dancing, and meeting new people. Many people stay longer, for the rest of the activities of the event.
4. It starts slowly. A glance behind you reveals a figure. Scary, but it was just for a moment. Soon, everyone is seeing things. Was there something in the food? No.. no. The wind. The wind from the light storm picked pollen off the Wysteria flowers.. Blowing the dangerous petals into the air. The whole picnic has turned to chaos. Half of town is seeing things. Clinicians struggle to get things under control.
Fishing Competition.
1. Citizens gather around the lake. Fishing poles in tow. The water gleams under the afternoon sun.
2. A whistle is blown, marking the beginning of the competition. Whoever can catch the most fish in the shortest amount of time will receive a prize!
3. Ol’ Sam is selling some special stuff. Maybe a fish dish or two, a hat, maybe some sunglasses. Cute! We all love Ol’ Sam.
4. The sound of a whistle is heard once again. The fish are counted, and the winner of the competition is given a small cash prize, along with a special one of a kind item. Maybe a compass?
Thank you for taking the time to read my application/considering me for the team! (I love you Hannah keep up the great work you wonderful woman)
Last edited: 9 hours ago