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Accepted ACCEPTED | MidnightPlayerX | Event Team Application
MidnightPlayerX Player
1 posts
1 topics
22 hours ago



Preferred Name:



IGN (In-Game Name):



Age (Optional):



Discord User:



Experience Related Questions:


Why are you applying for the Event Team?:

During these passing years, being able to participate in events on a server was always joyous to intervene with, so the thought of assisting with these captivating events always crossed my mind, but I never got around to or dared to join. Despite that, having this open opportunity and support from a well-known friend within the server has re-sparked this buried idea.


What creative skills would you be bringing to the Event Team?:

I happen to view myself as one who is more open-minded and enjoy saying what is at the top of my mind. Admittedly it is not a good habit to have, but it allows me to get creative, and fiddle around with any object, or idea that is given to me over a certain time. As well as allowing me to share my key ideas that I happen to find intriguing enough to share out loud.


Do you have any other prior experience on other Minecraft Servers?:

Around 4 years ago the first ever roleplay server I participated in happened to be one of the most popular so far, SRP (Server Role Play). During my younger days, I would log on daily to practice the skills that I have acquired now. Apart from that, I have attempted to join other roleplaying servers, but it just never felt right. It would always lead me straight back towards SRP which I was always used to playing in and never really got out of.


Scenario Questions:


You are hosting a large Event and a group of players becomes disruptive and is not following the rules. How do you handle the situation?:

If one were to disrupt a given task requirement, and/or rule the suggested option would be warning that certain group, or give the group a quick heads up if none had known any of the following rules. Yet if they still do not understand, or happen to disobey the given warnings, it would be best to report back to a higher-up of the group's known actions before taking action when attempting to shut down their shenanigans.



How would you encourage player participation in Events?:

With the lack of encouragement in participation, I find the better, and most likely known method of attracting a bigger and louder crowd happens to usually occur when a prize or money is being set as the center spotlight. Although, in most cases, those who participate in a prize event usually come around for that relieving sense of accomplishment, and validation. At the same time, many would also enjoy the thrill of competing for a prize, giving one the sense of adrenalin rush and challenge.



Availability & Commitment Questions:


How much time can you dedicate per week to Event planning and hosting?:

Monday - Thursday: All depends on the even or odd days

Fridays: (Odd) 4 pm - 6 pm or (Even) 3 pm - 5 pm

Saturday:  1 pm - 3 pm (Or longer if I’m available)

Sunday:  1 pm - 3 pm (Or longer if I’m available)


Do you have any commitments (i.e. school, work, etc.) that might affect your availability?:

I, as of now, am still attending High School, but due to my School’s very weirdly timed schedules it makes leaving on time difficult. Such as my even day, I would get out at around 2:02 PM. Yet on my odd days, I am not able to leave until 3:35 PM.


Please provide 2-3 Event ideas that you have and 1 Step-by-Step of an Event’s layout (Example below):


‘An Eventful Magic Show.’

1. The Magician’s helper would run around the main quad, dashing towards many groups of people with a HUGE speaker, yelling at the top of their lungs into their faces screaming, “Magic show near [Place of event] please come and visit when you have time! It will start around [start time] and will end around [end time]. Hope to see you there!” proceeding to dash from one person to another, attempting to get on their last nerve.

2. Time passes and an audience begins to make an appearance, music begins to blast and the magician walks out from a side door onto the stage, greeting the audience as magician proceeds to skitter across the floor, beginning one of their many sly tricks (event teams that attend will appear as actors as they take the stage). Yet within the crowd, the magician's helper will be offering drinks, and food, or asking if anyone in the audience wants a snack or two.

3. After one too many tricks the magician turns to take a final bow before throwing a glitter bomb, vanishing from the scene (Either the magician or the whole stage).


‘Public Hide and Seek’


  1. 1. The main speakers would play as they announce a public hide-and-go-seek game, they would state to the audience, “Today is a very special day, as you must seek 7 of my best hiders within 24 hours, they will have a clipboard, so when you find them you may state your name and you will be registered as a person who found them, and if one person happens to catch all 7 of them, they shall gain the most valuable prize I wish to have myself. Now, may the games begin!” (Hiders are dollish-shaped placed blocks OR actual event team players) The audio from the speaker would click off letting those who want to participate have their time.


  1. 2. From time to time the announcer will click back in, giving them the best of luck, and slightly drop hints of where each of the hiders may be, including the amount of time they had left before the time up in a very joyous manner.


  1. 3. Once a player finds all 7 players (or dolls) the announcer will reappear on the speaker announcing to all within range that someone has won (found) all available hiders, giving a final tally down from the third-place winner to first. Stating out their full name (If given) or their nickname. Will then request their presence at [Name of meeting place] and thank the attendees for being active in their event.


  1. 4. Once met with the player, offer a handshake (If not accepted do applaud their victory). Talk with the player for a bit about the reward and grant them their prize (will be talked about with the rest of the event cast).




Last edited: 4 hours ago
errrhannah Lead Event Player
8 posts
3 topics
4 hours ago

Thank you for applying to the Event Team! Your application has been ACCEPTED! I will be DMing you shortly! @nohannahs