Owner Information:
Previous Applications & Experience:
- https://echoesmc.com/forum/topic/272-police-application-%7C-assassinrp/
- A second PD application that was denied since I was too new to the server at the time.
Activity Level:
- I am currently on at least 2 hours every day, and have been so since I joined Echoes. My current activity is heavily involved in criminal activity, owning a criminal organisation and possibly apart of the Police Faction if accepted for my Police application. I've been in several events, fights and interactions amongst the factions, either apart of just observing and entering after a while. I've been quite active overall and have been planning on using this business to gain more reasons to RP, especially considering the amount of roleplay needed to efficiently run this business.
Front Business Details:
Business Name:
- The Fight Shelter
Public Identity & Services: The front appears as an innocent old laundromat, barely even ran by a single person sometimes seen inside. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, giving people little reason to even enter unless needing an urgent clothes wash. It really didn't attract much attention, considering the fact that is looked abandoned and underran.
Criminal Operations & Purpose: The Fight Shelter would provide the criminal underworld with a safe place to watch organised fights with the toughest and strongest fighters from all over East Falls, while dabbling in illegal and unmarked alcohol, bulked bought and sold for a cheaper price than on most markets. The Fight Shelter is also a great way to gain money, tying in the the fight aspect, bets can be placed on winners and upon that person winning, whomever bets on them will be rewarded double their betting sum. VIP members within, mostly regulars and special underworld individuals, gain access to luxuries such as a special room with front row seats, free drinks and a catered experience to their own pleasure. The organisation allows for criminals to unite under the city and enjoy major fights, sometimes to the death.
Distinction from Other Fronts: The Fight Shelter stands out as the only way to observe brutal fights, even taking part in it for heavy sums of money, while still being in a professional setting, being able to purchase illegal alcohol to ones' heart extent, as well as other illegal crime services provided by the business under the watchful eye of the Black Market. Not many fronts within East Falls offer easy money, an opportunity to rise in notoriety all while dabbling in Exotic and Top Tier alcohol.
Current Reputation & Presence: The Fight Shelter will operate in the underground wrecks of abandoned constructions for sewers and subways, giving an open area for those whom wish to enjoy a brutal fight. The reputation, if accepted, would grow to be one where criminals can unite, carefree from law enforcement and other criminal attacks, while watching an enjoyable show, while in a safe place, enjoying some of the rarest alcohols in East Falls.
Front Operations & Vision:
Primary Criminal Activities: The Fight Shelter focuses on Illegal Fights and money laundering, as well as betting and illegal alcohol, providing many necessary services for criminals to continue acting as ruthless as they wish with still an open door to fall back to for some peace and quiet, all while people are fighting only a few metres away. One really can only enjoy such a place with nothing better to do at any given time.
Conflict & Diplomacy Approach: Any competition the the criminal front would easily be shut down, as the front is directly connected to a large criminal organisation, the Southern Front. Any competition can be dealt with diplomacy or ruthlessness depending on how the competition feels about stealing an idea and trying to pass it as their own within the criminal underworld of East Falls. Law Enforcement won't be a problem either, as so much as a few peeps whispered about it's location will result in a brutal lesson taught to whomever wishes to compresses such elegant businesses such at the Fight Shelter. No threats can harm the shelter, as it's structure and hierarchy falls deep within it's core and ideology, most employees being members of the affiliated gangs or allied gangs to the Criminal Business or the Southern Front. A threat can easily be detected and dealt with and only minimal effort is required.
Planned Roleplay Events & Engagements: Seeing as the Fight Shelter is a large area underground, many different events could take place. For a first I'd envision a rival gang attempts to enter the business and is met with fierce resistance by the fighters currently holding their champion ships, with over 5 renowned and notorious fighters on the property as the gang enters. A brutal and bloody brawl soon ensues, and only fate can decide whom wins. Yet the fighters will not go down defeated so easily.
Summary Statement:
Within the underbelly of East Falls, anything may happen, yet one is certain to take place. And it's not just the alcohol that draws a crowd. Fight Shelter is home to a brutal fight club—its real, twisted attraction. When the rum-soaked crowd grows restless, whispers of a fight in the backrooms send excitement rippling through the air. Here, men and women—fighters of every skill and desperation—enter the pit, not just to survive but to claim victory, cash, and glory. This isn’t some sport for entertainment’s sake. This is life or death, each blow a calculated risk, each victory a ticket to an empire built on blood. Betting is a way of life at the Shelter. The wealthy, the desperate, and the daring all crowd around makeshift tables, exchanging stacks of unmarked bills, placing wagers on the fighters. There’s no oversight, no officials. Just a few select “bookies” who make sure to keep the odds ever-changing, the money flowing, and the stakes high. The more brutal the match, the greater the reward. It’s a place where fortunes are made overnight, where one lucky punch can send a fighter into the ranks of legends—and where another can send them to an early grave. The fights themselves are violent, raw, and unregulated. From hand-to-hand combat to more inventive, improvised weaponry, anything goes as long as the crowd is entertained. The arena is an old, forsaken storage room, with a makeshift ring surrounded by a circle of spectators eager to see the carnage unfold. Bloodstains remain on the floor from past events, and the smell of sweat and fear never quite seems to fade from the air. Fighters come for the money, of course, but also for the prestige. Win enough bouts, and you gain more than just wealth. You gain respect. The kind of respect that can buy you protection, the kind that can earn you a seat at the bar where the real powerbrokers sit. A champion might earn his own private table, a place where those betting on the fights come to kiss the ring of the victor..