Preferred Name:
IGN (In-game name):
Age (optional):
Why do you want to be an official gang?:
What are your responsibilities as one of the official gangs?:
What are your accomplishments, criminal wise, on Echoes: 1984?:
What is your gang’s backstory? Try to limit yourself to 1,500 words (2,500 max):
Provide us with 2 complete fighting scenarios. Include information such as the ages, names, and the commands that would be performed (/me, /roll, etc.):
Provide us with 3 examples of permission escalation on an OOC POV (i.e., You’re KOed and you gain LAP on them). Include the IC scenario as well:
Below is some info as to what an official gang actually is:
First of all, your organization will be slightly more respected, obviously.
Secondly, you gain access to a wider set of events (e.g., A building is blown up, robbery with hostages, taking control of buildings, etc.) There is no set definition for “additional events” but depending on the impact of the event, we’ll decide.
Last edited: 18 days ago x 1