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sqidys Tech Player
47 posts
12 topics
3 months ago





1.1 OOC - Stands for “Out of Character”

1.2 IC - Stands for “In Character”

1.3 FailRP - When a player intentionally interrupts the flow of a scenario for an extended period of time, or they are not accurately RPing the situation (i.e. ignoring actions, speech, etc.) This also includes if the player logs out during an encounter, running into a safezone to avoid fighting, etc.

1.4 Metagaming - Using information acquired out-of-character (e.g., via Discord), in-character.

1.5 God Modding - Trying to control another player’s actions via your own, or using something like hacks in order to best another player or scenario.

1.6 RDM - Stands for “Random Death Match.” This is when a player attempts to fight or kill another player without any motive or interaction with that player beforehand.

1.7 VDM - Stands for “Vehicle Death Match.” This is when a player attempts to use a vehicle to kill another player.

1.8 Void(ing) - Making an IC situation no longer exist.

1.9 ERP - Erotic Roleplay; smut.

1.10 Gang - A group of people that perform criminal activities.

1.11 Scamming - To trick another player and take an item or amount of money without giving them anything in return.

1.12 Baiting - An attempt to gain something (typically permissions) by doing something without any actual reason.

1.13 Kidnapping - Moving someone from one location to another without their consent.

1.14 GM - Stands for “Game Master.” They are similar to a DM in D&D; on Echoes, they lead players through supernatural areas and provide them with entertainment.



2.1 Do not make threats of violence to other players.

2.2 Do not engage in homophobia, racism, trolling, or any other discrimination towards others.

2.3 Do not dox other players.

2.4 Do not try to instigate drama or seek attention.

2.5 Do not engage in spam or advertising such as sharing other server IP addresses.

2.6 Avoid posting personal information, even if it’s your own.

2.7 Do not impersonate staff.

2.8 Hacking or addons that give an advantage are not allowed on the server.

2.9 When speaking OOC, try to be respectful of others.

2.10 Write in English in public chats.

2.11 Any NSFW is not allowed.

2.12 Advertising unrelated servers is not allowed.

2.13 Do not duplicates items.

2.14 Do not speak about sensitive topics.

2.15 Do not defame other players.

2.16 Any form of inappropriate actions towards a minor will lead to an indefinite ban.

2.17 Bypassing is not allowed.

2.18 Advertising non-echoes related content will lead to a permanent ban.

2.19 Do not use game-breaking glitches.

2.20 Trying to instigate or continue past drama is not allowed.

2.21 Pretending to be a staff member is not allowed.



3.1 Your character must be original.

3.2 Your MC skin must be original, without any inappropriate symbols or words.

3.3 Your character’s name must be complete, containing their full first name and surname.

3.4 You cannot have the name of a well-known person either alive or deceased (e.g. LeBron James, Elvis Presley) nor the full name of a video game character.

3.5 Your character must be between the heights of 5’0” (~155cm) and 6’5” (~196cm)

3.6 Your character has to be human and realistic.

3.7 Your character must be able to speak English (i.e. the “default language”).

3.8 Your character must develop. You cannot create throw-away characters (i.e. characters that have no actual purpose or intent to be developed).

3.9 Your character can be in a max of 2 families and 1 criminal organization.

3.10 If your character has been arrested, you must play another character until the arrested character has been freed.

    3.10a You cannot use your new character to break yourself out. Though, you may bail yourself out.

    3.10b You may not re-enter the same situation after you have been arrested and switched characters.

3.11 If your character has been killed, you are blacklisted from joining a criminal faction or committing crimes for 24 hours. You are allowed to immediately begin a new character, though.



4.1 You must speak English in chat. Both IC and OOC.

4.2 Your character cannot hear through walls (1 block) or doors (1 door) unless the person on the other side is yelling or your character has acted to place their ear closer. If the wall is any thicker, or there is more than one door, it cannot be heard through, even while yelling.

4.3 Information gathered via OOC means cannot be brought into character.

4.4 Scenarios cannot be voided unless a rule has been broken, the voiding has been done by staff, or everyone around has agreed to void it.

4.5 Echoes is set in the U.S. and uses modern American laws. Only commonly known laws and rights are implemented in the game. More in depth laws, such as “Tinker v. Des Moines”, etc., are not included.

4.6 VDMs and RDMs are not allowed on the server.

4.7 Avoid roleplaying sensitive content such as self-harm, suicide, and similar topics.

4.8 Avoid writing excessive smut.

4.9 Under NO circumstances can an IC adult (18+) have a relationship with an IC minor on the server.

4.10 PowerRP and other forms of 'GodRP' are not allowed.

4.11 AvoidRP, FailRP, and Metagaming are all not allowed on the server

4.12 GoreRP is not allowed.



5.1 The use of permissions expire after one week, with the exception of KO and kill permissions.

5.2 Permissions cannot be stacked on a single person.

    5.2a An individual or gang can have one permission of every kind.

5.3 As permissions escalate, every permission below is gained.

    5.3a If any of the permissions are used, all of them are used. With the exception of using KO perms or Kidnapping perms.

    5.3b If major or kill permissions are used, ALL permissions are reset.

5.4 Whilst in a gang or criminal organization, any set of perms is shared among the group. This rule is only applicable if the original receiver of the perms told the rest of the group, or if someone in the group witnessed the gaining of the permissions and told the group.

5.5 If a member of a gang was killed, and the gang is aware of who killed them, the gang has permission to enact revenge by killing any member of that gang.

5.6 You do not need a motive to insult someone.

5.7 If a player is being baited, they do not get any permissions, and neither does the baiter. Look at 1.14 for this server’s definition of bating.

5.8 If you are insulted (i.e. anything that cold be deemed disrespectful) IC four times, you gain KO permissions.

5.9 If a player attempts to assault (i.e. hits or threatens you) your character, you immediately gain KO permissions.

    5.9a If the assault occurs with a weapon, you gain minor permissions.

5.10 If a player has been KOed, they gain minor permissions, meaning they can remove or break a minor body part (i.e. a finger, ear, nail, etc.) or mug an item with value equal or less than $50.

5.11 If a player used minor permissions, the targeted player can retaliate by using major permissions, meaning they can take or break a major limb (i.e. a leg, arm, knee, etc.) or steal an item of any value that the player has recently displayed. They also gain kidnapping permissions.

5.12 Once a player has used major permissions, the targeted player gains kill permissions.

5.13 Any player can be scammed without a motive. As retaliation, the scammed player gains KO permissions, and is allowed to take the item that was taken or not given.

5.14 If a player is arrested after commiting a crime, or being snitched on, they gain minor permissions on the officer that arrested them, and if applicable, on the person that snitched on them.

5.15 You do not obtain perms if the person fighting or snitching on you is covering the majority of their face and body.

    5.15a Skin masks (masks already on your MC skin) are not allowed. You must have the mask in your inventory.

    5.15b Masks that are worn via skins cannot be used for combat, only a form of cosplay.




 Combat; ages 18-49: 30

 Combat; ages 50-70: 25

 Combat; ages 71-76: 20

 Miscellaneous; all ages: 10

 Police are granted a +15 advantage to their roll


6.1 To knock out a player, they must be hit in the head 4 times.

6.2 Ranges for weapons differ, as well as their stats. Click <here> for weapon profiles.

6.3 A player will bleed-out in 10 minutes after a deadly assault (major permissions used).

6.4 It is possible to try to dodge moves.

6.5 A large weapon such as a bat, machete, hammer, etc. cannot be drawn after the players have gotten in-range. Smaller weapons such as poket knives, can be drawn during a fight.

6.6 During a chase or manhunt, no vehicles may be spawned.

    6.6a If the pursuer has major or kill permissions, they can break down the doors of any private residence (home) if they ICly know the player being hunted is inside.

TRIAL RULE: When choking out a player, your turn is skipped until they are KOed or they have escaped.

TRIAL RULE: Every turn where you still have the choke hold counts as 1 KO point.


6.7 Double and triple actioning can only be done in one on one fights.

6.8 You must roll for every action preformed.

6.9 If a roll fails in a sequence of actions, all actions following that roll fail as well.

6.10 After a double or triple action, the next turn of that player is skipped.

6.11 You cannot aim for the head more than once in a double or triple actions.



7.1 Staff has permission to blacklist anyone from CriminalRP for any legitimate reason.

7.2 Any player can participate in GangRP as long as they have read and understood the rules.

7.3 In order to create an official gang, there must be 6 players, and they must have some sort of mark on the server. Such as graffiti or being known for something. Once those conditions are met, they can become an official gang.

7.4 Gangs can be deleted if they recieve 4 strikes.

    7.4a Strikes are received when a gang displays toxic or unwanted behavior to others. This can be OOC or IC.

        7.4ai Warnings can be given instead if it’s a lesser offense.

    7.4b Strikes and warnings can be given to gangs by staff members for any legitimate reason. The strikes can be appealed before or after the gang has been dismantled by staff.

7.5 Only official gangs can have territory and begin gang wars.

7.6 If a member from another gang enters the territory of another gang, the gang that controls that territory has automatic KO permissions on the person.

    7.6a If the person is a civilian, they must threaten or insult them to get them to leave. The gang gets KO permissions on the civilian if he does not leave after 4 insults or threats. The civilian must be given the chance to leave and to type his messages.

7.7 If two members of rival gangs fight, the winner is allowed to kidnap and hold the losing player for ransom.

    7.7a Whilst in captivity, no money can be taken from the player.

7.8 In order to begin a war with another gang, the leaders must make an OOC agreement, along with an IC motive (e.g., killing a member, constant fights between the two gangs. Almost any motive is valid as long as it involves a negative interaction between the two gangs.)



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