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ACCEPTED | Kxunn's Police Application
Kxunn Player
2 posts
2 topics
3 months ago

Preferred Name: Kxunn / One of my characters' names


IGN (In-game name): Kxunn


Discord: kxunn



Shortly describe 5 laws or behaviors that officers in the U.S. have to follow: 

Law enforcement officials shall at all times fulfill the duty imposed upon them by law, by serving the community and by protecting all persons against illegal acts, consistent with the high degree of responsibility required by their profession. Matters of a confidential nature in the possession of law enforcement officials shall be kept confidential unless the performance of duty or the needs of justice strictly require otherwise. No law enforcement official may inflict, instigate, or tolerate any act of torture or other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, nor may any law enforcement official invoke superior orders or exceptional circumstances such as a state of war or a threat of war, a threat to national security, internal political instability or any other public emergency as a justification of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Law enforcement officials shall ensure the full protection of the health of persons in their custody and, in particular, shall take immediate action to secure medical attention whenever required. Law enforcement officials shall not commit any act of corruption. They shall also rigorously oppose and combat all such acts.


Why do you want to join Echoes’ police faction?: 

I have done roleplay for over 5 years and MCRP for 3+ years, in my hundreds of unique RP experiences I have had quite a few interactions with law enforcement in MCRP whether it be cooperation, neutral relations, or opposition. I have always been interested in law enforcement work and its several elements. I have stepped my toes into law enforcement in the form of being accepted into a minecraft server as a law enforcement officer and read through how things are done and how situations should be handled, though with it not being launched I have yet to practice it in-game. My aim with joining the Echoes' police faction is to lay out my first-hand knowledge and second-hand observations to experience a new form of roleplay and ingrain hundreds of more new, unique memories in my brain.


What would you do if you accidentally broke a law, and someone began to argue with you OOC?:

 I would apologize and void my action if cops committing crimes is OOCLY forbidden. If not, I would tell them to keep the situation IC and ignore their OOC rant if they continue. If it escalates to the point of insults, I would involve staff members to take care of the situation.


If someone was insulting you OOC for not following a common law (such as reading their rights) what would you do/say?:

 I would tell them to keep the situation IC and warn them to keep it non-toxic. If they continue, I would involve a staff member. That being said, I would not abruptly read their rights ICly right away, as that would be breaking character. I would either purposefully forget to say it ICly to keep the immersion or read their rights whenever it is appropriate ICly.


What do you do if you arrest someone? Be short, but detailed: 

If it's a violent situation, I would physically restrain them and try to cuff them right away. If the subject is cooperative, the only restraint I will apply on them is the cuffs. I would move them to an appropriate location and tell them the reason for their arrest. After that, I would read out their rights and ask for their confirmation that they understood it fully. After that, I would place them in my police vehicle if one is available. If not, I would grab them by their arm and walk to the station.


If someone is behaving strangely, as if they were using illegal substances, what do you do?: 

I would approach them calmly and ask if they are well. I would continue with questions related to the substance. For example, if the person seemed like a minor and drunk, I would ask them if they had anything to drink. If they seemed like they were hooked on drugs such as cocaine, I would ask if they were okay and act according to their response. If they did not respond, I would continue trying to communicate with them through words and if they still do not respond, I would call over EMS for a potential overdose and if I have any on me, administer Narcan and then proceed with searches, questions, and potential arrest. If they were using a lighter drug like THC, I would ask them if they were okay, if they had anything to smoke, and then do a physical check-up. I would check their eyes and their scent, and if it seemed that they were under the influence; I would search them for any potential illegal items. If I gathered enough evidence for an arrest or questioning, I would take them under custody.


If someone will not give you their identity and you don’t have probable cause, what do you do?:

 I would thank them for their time and walk away from the situation. It is their constitutional right to do so as mentioned in Amendment IV.


If someone refuses to identify themselves because of the 5th amendment, but you have probable cause, what do you do?: 

I would explain to them that I have probable cause and that I expect them to cooperate. If they still refuse, I will go ahead and detain them for further questioning and take them to the police station.


Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500): 

Hunter Halstone, born October 1st, 1961, was born and raised in an upper-middle-class family in East Falls. His family is a nuclear family, with his father, mother, older brother and his little sister; alongside relatives. His father is working as an engineer in a local lumber company, and his mother being a housewife. He grew up in a relatively safe environment, his family being regular churchgoers and social people. His family’s social circle consisted of other upper-middle-class families, police officers, doctors, lawyers, local businesspeople, and so on. In his early life, he was introduced to American Football by a family friend, a retired football player. His activities were mostly, solely focused on improving his throws, his dodges, and other skills. The family friend guided him on the path to becoming a prospect quarterback. Other than football, he picked up hobbies such as hobby hunting, playing the guitar, and low-level mischief with his friends.

As he grew up, he picked some interesting traits. Because of his family’s circle, he was a very social person growing up. He made tons of friendships in his neighborhood and school, as well as on the football pitch. With the family friend’s influence, he developed a competitive mindset which also influenced some of his relationships, his friendships with people who were the opposite of competitive didn’t flourish and ended sourly. He grew up an avid Christian also, visiting the church with his family every Sunday and sometimes joining the church choir. His bond to his religion slowly broke apart as he entered his teenage years, though. His teenage shenanigans, activities that were questionable for his age, and his social circle drifted him off to space, away from his beliefs. His teenage years also influenced him to develop new traits. He had nasty beefs with people from other, rundown parts of East Falls. He also developed authoritarian and right-wing beliefs as he witnessed crime flourish in his city. When it comes to his positive traits, he has a very noticeable charisma. He easily swayed people to his side whenever he was in trouble or had any disagreements, violent or not.

As mentioned earlier, his life was focused on football. His mentor guided him through psychological and physical obstacles during his early life. He joined his high school’s football team and continued his efforts with the mentorship of 2 people, his coach, and the family friend. He showed up to every practice early and worked on his assigned drills. He was outshined by 2 naturally blessed quarterbacks, though. He held great resentment against them and tried to subtly sabotage their careers whether it be through rumors, confrontation and actual sabotage like ‘accidental’ injuries caused by their boots, their protective equipment ‘failing’ out of nowhere, their kits going missing and the list goes on and on. He finished his high school career as a substitute quarterback, his efforts paying to outplay the one above him on the roster before. During his 5-year college experience, he competed for the number 1 spot with the other quarterback he played with in high school. He didn’t do any sabotage work, but he managed to pass him with the help of, interesting methods (definitely, definitely not performance drugs). However, it was not as easy as it sounded. During his freshman year, no matter how hard he tried he never saw any time on the pitch so he was redshirted. In his redshirt freshman season, he was able to get on the pitch a couple of times. This was around the time his performance started skyrocketing.  In his junior year, the coach was forced to make him the first quarterback after the one before him had a career-ending ACL tear. After that, his ‘prospect’ was starting to be recognized but was not enough to make the cut for the NFL, which ended his career.

His high school years as a freshman saw him strengthening his bonds with his friends and led them like they were a ‘gang’. Beefing with lower-class students, unnecessary drama, fights, and staying in detention for most of the year. He was forced to quit his acts when he was threatened to be kicked from the football team. He was both a jock and a stud, having many complicated relationships throughout his high school years. By now, he had fully quit his religious life. Throughout his sophomore year, he slowly improved his academics to make the cut and was forced to cut some of his friendships over relationship drama. Before he started his junior year, his family had noticed that his actions were going to be a huge problem as he grew up and forced him to take therapy. His sessions had a great effect on him. His toxic competitiveness was greatly reduced, his bullying and prejudice didn’t stop but was greatly reduced, and his “girl-hopping campaign” came to an end. His junior and senior years were much eventless compared to his previous two years, only having a handful of fights and drama. His GPA also improved a lot as he picked up his studies after his first long-term relationship. He graduated high school with a scholarship and started his college journey.

He ended his two-year relationship; more so, it ended because his girlfriend moved to another state. It led to him being a shadow during his freshman year, with the added sadness of being redshirted. He managed to recover with the help of his mentor, the family friend by the end of the year. In his redshirt freshman year, he went back to his partygoer roots, maybe as a way to cope, and his GPA dropped to the brink of being disqualified from playing football. He was forced to study from thereon by his family. He grew his social circle and pretty much went to his early high school years, without the extremely toxic traits. His prejudice slowly died down as the people he had prejudice towards didn’t make the cut for college. After he started playing on-pitch, his morale increased greatly. However, it came crashing down as he didn’t make the cut for the NFL.

He took some help from the local pastor and managed to cope with it. He applied to become a police officer after the advice of the policemen family friends. Now, he is mostly recognized for his generally calm-sad demeanor though still is very much social. He patiently waits for his fate to be decided as he spends his time doing part-time jobs waiting for his application to be reviewed.



A short message would be here. It read, “Howdy! Thank you for applying to our police department here in East Falls! Please fill out the form and turn it in.


Hunter Halstone


Age: 23


Education (HS Diploma, GED, etc.): 

HS Diploma, Bachelor of Arts in History


Why do you want to be an officer for our community?:

I would like to give back to the community that helped me grow up to be who I am today. From a young age, I was hand-in-hand with the local police from my family's friendly relations to several police officers growing up, and unlike others, I feel that law enforcement is an enforcer of the greater good rather than some "tyrannic", "corrupt" force of the law. I have been playing as a quarterback since high school and throughout college and have gotten a bachelor's in history, though I was unable to find a job as my focus was mainly on making it to the NFL. I unfortunately failed, and with the advice of my family, family friends and relatives that with my physique and fitness still at an impressive level, that I should try to become a police officer. I warmed up to the idea, as I already knew a good amount of police officers, and their work seemed so brave and heroic to me. I would like to continue their work in keeping East Falls safe and secure. 


Have you had any previous training or teaching in our academy? 

Unfortunately not. I was so focused on football that I didn't have time on my schedule to try it out.


What responsibilities do you hold as a police officer? 

A police officer holds many responsibilities, not just "enforcing the law". Officers are both responsible for keeping the community safe and upholding American freedom, but also for helping out the community in any area of their lives. To start, police officers often act as first responders during emergencies such as accidents, natural disasters, or medical crises. Officers are also responsible for teaching the public and the youth why laws are in place, why they should be abided by, and the potential consequences, not solely legal but also physical and psychological, of choosing a criminal life. Police officers also serve as mediators for disputes and ensure conflicts in the community are resolved peacefully, and as investigators when gathering evidence for a crime. They also play a key role in addressing many social issues. Moreover, police officers serve as a role model to the youth. “The Policeman” represents virtues such as integrity, respect, and being a model citizen who looks out to improve the community for the better. Alas, a police officer’s duties range from not solely upholding the law but improving and guiding their community to a bright future.


Do you plan on advancing our staff hierarchy? 

I would certainly take an offer of advancing if I am given an offer. I have a competitive mindset and live by that belief as I had to climb my way from a 3rd quarterback up to the first quarterback, even having to live and work through a redshirt season. So yes, I do plan on advancing the staff hierarchy if I prove my skills.


Another message was placed here: “Last question.. this one is optional:  what’s our real motto?:” 

To Serve and Protect.

Last edited: 3 months ago
sqidys Tech Player
46 posts
12 topics
3 months ago

You will be given more information at a later time