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Function of Government Roles
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sqidys Tech Player
51 posts
13 topics
about 1 month ago

This document describes the different roles of the government, and their application in roleplay.


The Mayor runs the government. The mayor has the responsibility of accepting and denying applications with the input of the council. The mayor has a seat in the town council, allowing them to have a vote when implementing new things into the city. They have the ability to assign council members with a majority vote and dismiss council members with a majority vote. They have a say in the council, and therefore, submit and vote for city bills.

Any player can become the mayor by filling out an application in the forums and being selected as one of the 4 candidates, then winning the election. The time for applications will be announced.

Deputy Mayor

The Deputy Mayor is the second in command to the mayor. They take on the duties of the mayor if a mayor is not appointed or present. Their responsibility lies as the head of the council. The deputy mayor is the direct assistant and helper to the mayor. They have a say in the council, and therefore, submit and vote for city bills.

Any player can become the deputy mayor by filling out an application in the forums and being selected as one of the 4 candidates, than winning the election. The time for applications will be announced.

City Council

The city council is a group that consists of 6 people who are dedicated to handling specific departments and jobs within the city. These are the council members: Deputy Mayor, Head of Judicial, Head of Public Defenders, Head of Public Safety, Head of Public Health, Head of Police, Head of Business Development. The mayor and deputy mayor are part of the council as well.

Council Members and Their Duties

Head of Judicial

The Head of the Judicial Department is in charge of all Judges and Trial Judges. They work directly in the town hall. They are in Charge of the towns judicial branch. This means they handle all conflicts involving judges. They assign judges to court cases, train new judges, choose whether or not they are promoted, etc. They also approve/deny any warrants for Police, and submit votes for city bills.

This role can only be obtained via being a judge and being promoted to a council member by a majority vote

Head of Public Defenders

The Head of the Public Defenders Department is in charge of all Lawyers and Trial Lawyers. They work directly in the town hall. They are in Charge of the Lawyer Department. Meaning they handle all conflicts involving lawyers. They assign lawyers to court cases, train new lawyers, choose whether or not they are promoted, etc. They can submit and vote for city bills.

This role can only be obtained via being a lawyer and being promoted to a council member by a majority vote.

Head of Public Safety

The Head of the Public Safety Department it's own department among town hall. Their main job is to inspect and ensure the safety over citizens. They will inspect the Police Department, Hospital Department, and all player owned-shops to ensure their building is up to code, ensuring they all have the proper items needed for them to properly carry out their duties, as well as ensuring training is going well and there are no issues that could lead to an officer/clinic/employee working harming themselves or corruption. If the departments aren't up to code (meaning they do not meet the basic requirements) the Head of Public Safety will relay that information to appropriate people, who will determine how to handle it. If they feel someone is showing signs of abusing their power, not following conduct, slacking off, etc., they can report to the appropriate people to give them a strike, get them demoted, or fired. They work with the Head of Business Development to approve building permits and businesses. They can submit and vote for city bills.

This role can only be obtained via being a lawyer or judge and being promoted to a council member by a majority vote from the council.

Head of Public Health

The Head of Public Health Department checks facilities to assure the proper guidelines are being met for the safety of the characters. If they feel someone is showing signs of abusing their power, not following conduct, slacking off, etc., they can report to the appropriate people to give them a strike, get them demoted, or fired. They can submit and vote for city bills.

This role can only be obtained via being a high-ranking hospital staff member, and being promoted to council member by a majority vote from the council.

Head of Police

The Head of Police Department refers to the Police Lead. They have control over the police and they can also submit and vote for city bills.

This role can only be obtained via applying to become the Police Lead and being elected into the position.

Head of Business Development

The Head of Business Development Department refers to the Business Lead. They have control over the player-owned shops as well as territories that can be owned by players. They can also submit and vote for city bills works with the Head of Public Safety to approve building permits and businesses.

This role can only be obtained via applying to become the Business Lead and being elected into the position.

Other Roles


Judges have many duties throughout the town hall. But their main purpose is to be the deciding factor for court cases that go through the East Falls Court. The decide the outcome of a case. If charges need to be added or removed, if the defendant needs to pay a settlement, etc. However as mentioned, they have other duties including.

Any player can become a judge by applying for the position, getting accepted into the faction, and then passing judicial training.



Lawyers have many duties throughout the town hall, but their main purpose is to handle all lawsuits and be the prosecution/defendant for all court trials. This means if someone wishes to sue another play they will need to contact a lawyer for it, as well as when citizens/inmates go to court, two lawyers will be assigned to represent both sides and attempt to prove the innocence/provide evidence that their side/opponents side is either not guilty or guilty of what they are being accused for.

Any player can become a lawyer by applying for the position, and getting accepted into the faction.

This document was written by Zach

Last edited: about 1 month ago