Preferred Name:
Mel / Lysia / Celine
IGN (In-game name):
Age (optional):
19 y/o
Why do you want to be a member of the building team on Echoes?:
I was recently recommended and encouraged to apply for builder considering my past as a build team member on an old Minecraft RP server that had since shut down. I also have a small reputation on Roleplay Hub’s SRP for doing interior designs for other players, friends, and myself.
I’ve been following Echoes for quite a few months now, and with its anticipated release, I’ve found myself getting excited for what the server has to offer and the potential creative liberty that comes with the setting and lore. Seeing how far the server’s map has come has convinced me to want to be a part of this server and offer what I have in terms of skill and experience. I have knowledge in world-edit and can efficently use such for larger scale builds, or even 'painting' surfaces. I'm also able to build by hand in terms of terraining. I generally enjoy building and seeing what I can create with what is given to me, and have found myself with a reignited spark for the hobby and passion.
What do you think could be improved of the current server’s builds?:
I've seen sneak-peaks and teasers within the discord server of the map and what so far, is. Although I haven’t been able to stumble across any teasers of interiors, I believe that interior design could use some more perspective. While I typically specialize in terrain and foliage, I see that most nature-related builds are near, if not, completely finished.
In addition, there are some builds that could use depth and personality–especially in terms of exterior buildings. So far, while they work and are usable in hindsight, there’s no real harm in adding more texture or decorative aspects to said building. Expanding on this, I also believe-aesthetic wise-it would be a nice addition to add more similar-colored blocks in roads, grass, and mountain sides to further play into the illusion of depth.
Please put images here of your portfolio:
Terrain and foliage:
Interior decoration:
Last edited: about 1 month ago x 2