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ACCEPTED | Clinic Lead Application - Traccia
Traccia Mod Clinic Lead Player
4 posts
2 topics
3 months ago

Preferred Name: Luca

IGN (In-game name): Traccia

Discord: traccia

Age (optional): N/A


How much do you know about first-aid and general medicine?:
My general knowledge of first-aid stems from the following;  Preparation is generally similar for adults, children, or pets. 

Making sure that any contact points are cleaned; Myself included, sterilizing the prior to contact which may containment, or trap bacteria. Disinfecting any points of contact; myself included. Understanding the wounds and severity of it. You want to properly wrap and/or patch the area up temporarily until transportation is available, or utility is usable. Burns require a form if sterilization and to be wrapped properly until further notice.

A few types of medication will be shown below; My knowledge is not limited to the following, however, the following may or may not be used in a direct scenarios where it would be applicable. 

  1.  Amoxicillin
    Amoxicillin is a drug used to treat bacterial infections. Amoxicillin should be the first option for any patient experiencing bacterial infections such as; pneumonia, abscesses, or equivalents. Amoxicillin creates side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and discoloration of your teeth. Severe side effects may consist of rashes, itching, shortness of breath, swelling, etc. 

  2.  Aspirin
    Aspirin is a drug that is often prescribed for injuries' such as broken bones, dislocations, or any injury which is equivalent. Aspirin can be administered to patients in need of a drug that functions at a higher effect opposed to a pain med of lower effect. Aspirin has a chance to cause vomiting, pain in the abdomen, dizziness, headaches, fevers, etc. Typically these symptoms are temporary and do not persist. If these symptoms persist or lead to severe symptoms such as; Bleeding, shortness of breath, or equal concern, seek medical aid. 

  3.  Fluoxetine
    Fluoxetine is a SSRI drug that treats depression, OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), panic disorders. It also assists in PTSD, BPD, ADHD. It is a drug that can restore serotonin. Symptoms may consist of nausea, nerves, weight less, headaches, etc. Severe may consist of pains, seizures, bleeding, etc. 

  4.  Fluphenazine
    Fluphenazine is a drug used to treat psychotic and schizophrenic symptoms. Patients experiencing schizophrenia will often experience hallucinations, delusions, or hostility. As a result the patient may be misled or misdirected. Fluphenazine is a drug that is used to combat the experience by reducing dopamine. Patients experiencing hallucinations, delusions, or hostility will see an improvement. 

Give us 3 examples of injuries, and their resolution: 

  1. Sprains
    Sprains are an injury directed towards a tear or disconnection of a ligament and/or tissue connected to your bone. Firstly, you may be appointed to a physical exam to allow for any physical deterioration such as swelling, tenderness, etc. The primary route to figure out the direct point of contact would be an X-Ray or MRI scan in order to rule out the damage done, and point of contact. Their is a common method called R.I.C.E which is typically used to treat sprains. The patient should avoid using or causing strain on the injury, and should rest. Applying a form of coolant on the sprain is required to reduce the amount of swelling that occurs, and a compression bandage should be administered  for swelling reduction. Lastly, when resting, your sprain should be elevated. 

  2. Puncture wounds
    Puncture wounds are varied, for example; Blunt force trauma; Ruptures. Penetrating Trauma; Impaling, or Eviscerations. The process for all regardless of severity show similarities, however are treated slightly differently. The procedures for most common operations, and/or on-field situations are the following; Examine point of contact; CT Scan, etc. Evaluate your patient for any other abnormalities', prepare point of contact; cleaning, disinfecting the area and yourself. Dependent on the injury removal of any penetrating object or force is required, in preparation for surgery. 

  3.  This example is catered towards a patient with issues tied towards depression, anxiety, or mental health relation. A patient that undergoes evaluation for any and each of those reasons, should be evaluated by a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist often deals with the exploitation of the symptom, the leading cause, and the solution. The solution may be treated by medication, or dependent on severity. Dependent on Severity, the patient should be monitored, and followed up with a check-up. 


Why do you want to join the hospital faction on Echoes? Answer this OOC:

The hospital faction is the most appealing to myself, as I have experience in this field from a roleplay perspective. The hospital and its operations are intriguing to educate yourself on, or participate within. The setting at which Echoes is set upon, I believe would lead to interesting roleplay scenarios which would be both enjoyable for the community, and may lead to further endeavors such as; events. The Hospital faction is small, as I know, and with it in its beginning stages, I want to take the opportunity to engage myself within' that small fraction. I can work closely with the faction, and improve the quality at which it produces, as well as work alongside the growth and development of the faction as a whole.  An environment catered to that roleplay allows for creativity on both ends, and it also allows for each player to think of a wide-spread of stories, or ideas which could be displayed, and tested. 

I am passionate about the hospital faction and it being new and a fresh experience allows me to be creative. I have taken the time and opportunity to create multiple documents from scratch to demonstrate and prepare the hospital faction for a roleplay experience that caters to the player. All information that is needed to know for the Hospital faction and any player that is curious on the operations of the hospital will be able to read through and get a perspective.

These documents are not finalized, however, I do recommend and persist that you take the time to skim through it. 

N/A Anymore. 

I understand that there may not be a demand for the faction at this moment. However, progress can still be made. I can see that from a visual stand point there is a lack of implementation and that raises concerns from a players perspective. The documents listed above may be a lot of information; however, they should be used as a reference. I will be creating a document that offers a more roleplay friendly approach, which is condensed. As a role like Hospital Lead, I think that it is critical that the information for the Hospital is at hand and accessible by players that may require assistance. It should act as a hub that guides a player through their roleplay experience. As their are limitations such as; Feedback or general server information tied to policies, these documents will be updated accordingly. 

I have past experience working in the Hospital Faction on other servers, and the main vocal point would be a roleplay server that is popular. Furthermore, I have worked with multiple factions previously, so I have an understanding of the effort, dedication, and time that it takes. I also have an understanding of the roleplay system which is at hand while working with factions. had worked in the Psychiatrist Department for 2-3 years, and am understanding and educated within' the system. I was offered Clinical Lead. Furthermore, on Eclipse during the beginning I was the Hospital Lead. I will admit the documents that I had made previously were far from perfect; I am not going to blame the duration of the server for the lackluster, however, those have been scrapped and replaced with the documents up above, which are a far better improvement over their counterparts. 

The main vocal point which I am stating is the amount of progress within the Hospital Faction from now to servers release, I believe would increase. I want to take the opportunity to work closely with not only the Hospital Faction but other factions to get feedback, and gain insight towards a players experience with us. There are a lot of events which could be available to the public and with the idea of Echoes where it involves supernaturality, I believe it could provide a experience which has not been provided before. There is a lot of opportunity with producing quality and along side factions like the News, Town, and Police, I do think that the Hospital will have a vital role.  

As a player I want to experience a faction that grants possibility and a variety of scenarios that allows me to be innovative, or be abrasive. The kind of roleplay that I want to provide within the Hospital Faction consists of opportunity to involve  yourself in those scenarios and combined with an influx of individuals' who may take interest in the storyline of East Falls; I think that there will be a lot of involvement in the nearby future. I can offer experience, and knowledge not only for the Hospital, but for the players of Echoes: 1984. I am versatile, adaptable, and social. I have an understanding of character development, not only with myself, but with patients.  

How would you deal with someone that was FailRPing inside of the hospital?:

If a player was FailRPing inside of a hospital, the correct course of action would be to gather any evidence that is available for my case. Prior, I would explain to them the rule that they are breaking, and explain the correct way. Dependent on whether or not they continue or if it begins to escalate, I would then report the situation to a staff member. 

Provide us with 2 some-what detailed actions of your character helping an injured person. You can choose the injury or illness.

  1. Trauma Airway Assessment
    /me &#85a487would assess the unconscious patient, placing his hands on each side of the patients neck. Placing his little fingers above their collarbone, and aligning his fingers alongside their throat and trachea. While using visual, listening, and  --

    /me &#85a487feeling for any abnormalities. Afterwards, stabilizing the patient in a stationary position; using a Guedel air tube to allow open the patients airway. Giuseppe would then provide a non-breathable mask to examine air-flow.  --

    /me &#85a487Furthermore, applying a neck brace, and other stabilization. Giuseppe would then inspect the patients breathing through their chest checking for any abnormalities. After closer inspection, Giuseppe would begin thoracentesis.

  2.  Ear Examination 
    /me &#85a487would hold the Otoscope mere inches away from the patients ear. Inspecting the external ear using the light of the Otoscope. Giuseppe would look for any abnormalities or defects; swelling, redness, or equivalent. Using his right  --

    /me &#85a487hand, the Otoscope placed between his thumb and index finger, resting against the patients face. Giuseppe would place it against their ear, slightly adjusting upwards, outwards, and backwards. Inserting the Otoscope into the  --

    /me &#85a487external auditory region, examining the patients ear for any; was, inflammation, or equal abnormalities. would removing the Otoscope slowly, looking for any abnormalities on the way up. Afterwards repeating the process on the  --

    /me &#85a487patients left ear. 

Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500): Giuseppe Gaeliaen was born on May 24th, 1938, raised in Turin, Italy. Giuseppe was raised in a caring, hardworking, and strictly disciplined family. Being brought up through the 1940s was a struggle, having a stay at home mother, with a father that rarely saw the light of day; working mainly nights, Giuseppe was brought up with curiosity. A dwindling form of reality often struck Giuseppe while being taught the realities of life, and the expectancy of what a man is seen as. Showcased through his father the harsh and often disciplined mind. Giuseppe's father taught him the fundamentals of such, and as a result as early as 8 years old, Giuseppe was often left running the household with chores set throughout the week by his mother. Carrying through this mindset of life-earned skills, and set upon a path of adultery. Throughout his teenage years, Giuseppe experienced a plundra of hardships, his father eventually passing away, Giuseppe was often left in despair. A monumental advocate of Giuseppe's life, passed away and gone within a rift of the wind. Despite a heart-struck Giuseppe, life was still moving, school was still a priority, and his mother was still a symbol of such. As the rain poured Giuseppe often found himself studying immensely during his High School year. Not quite set on his ultimate goal, or his lifelong purpose, as much as his mother pursued that for Giuseppe, and harped on him. Giuseppe was still drifting away through the unknown. Unknown for what adultery has for him, and a fear of struggle for his future. It wasn't until one day, career day was brought up. Giuseppe made forth a statement towards his mother the following day, and asked for permission to travel for this occasion. Agreeing to the idea in hopes of aspiring Giuseppe, his mother said, yes. A week passed and there, before Giuseppe stood a multitude of opportunities. An officer of enforcement, A reporter, a teacher, a politician, a firefighter, a musician, and lastly a medical field. A field of such struck a chord in Giuseppe. Eyes lighting up, and a lightbulb burst within his head, a light flickered, with such thought, Giuseppe may have set upon himself his future. Not quite understanding the concept of medicine, a series of questions swiftly came. Filling up his mind which once had curiosity, curiosity sat again. 

Giuseppe, sprung out of his seat, holding his hand up high. Once called upon he asked one question, and one question only. The question was, "When?". A one worded question, with such simplicity. Giuseppe, stood there with reason, and stood there with intent, but no direction. The Psychiatrist, raised her eyebrow, and spoke softly of such. Such curiosity in a response to answer this young man's question. A question of which was one word. The Psychiatrist, opened her mouth, and spoke in a soft tone, responding with, "Now.", Giuseppe nodded, acknowledging the context of which she meant. Smiling from ear to ear, grinning, and ecstatic, Giuseppe understood the time, motivation, and education of which he had to prepare himself for. The thought of dissecting one's personal thoughts, and gaining a pure understanding of emotion of which a person may or may not be going through, inspired him. What was once the unknown for Giuseppe, became clear. However, what was previously unknown may become unknown again as he would have to search for answers.

Finishing up his last year of high school, Giuseppe began to reflect on his past. An immense reflection of what was done, and what was to come. Giuseppe began to wonder if he was capable of such a responsibility? A purification of his life, what was once a troublesome reminder, may very well become a turn around. Giuseppe spent that following evening, speaking fondly of his past. Giuseppe often spoke of his father, and in past tense as a father figure, no more. Giuseppe began to speak out into the universe, stating his emotions. A lack there of guidance, opposed to his mother, a father figure of which was no more, though seemingly spoke out loud in vain. Giuseppe felt as if a conversation was spiraling into his mind. Giuseppe spoke of the agony of which it had dealt him, an emotion that had an ever longing feeling, a burden of such that felt as if he himself was at fault, knowing otherwise. A clench in his chest, which felt like an anchor that was dumped to uphold a gigantic ship. Giuseppe spoke out loud to his father that evening, and expressed his new found passion. A passion of which may be his future intent, and a longing desire of Giuseppe's father and mother both longed for. Asking for success, with no real indication as if such would turn into reality, Giuseppe expressed certainty, and if not for himself then for his father and mother. The idea of which a leading cause to mental and emotional sustainability, leads to failure, may lead to improvement. A person of which is at loss, or no sense of direction, may be led into an opportunity which may reawaken their mind they once had. A feeling which Giuseppe had for a portion of his life up until now. 

Flash forward into his twenties, Giuseppe went to study abroad for Majoring Medical & Psychology; Master(s), and Minoring in Health & Engineering. Giuseppe began to spend the next 3 years studying Psychology, and other related factors. Furthermore, another four years for residency. As a result Giuseppe began to undergo training in the field, as a resident, Giuseppe underwent his first year understanding his position, often keeping after and caring for patients with medical illnesses. Furthermore, as his residency expanded Giuseppe was often found learning to diagnose and treat such conditions. He spent hours mastering skills in Psychotherapy, understanding the effects, and fundamentals of substances such as psychiatric medications, and its duality. After Giuseppe's residency, the year would be 1963, Giuseppe would be 25 years of age. 

Giuseppe practically had his life figured out. Prior to an unknown desire to not disappoint his family, Giuseppe was brought the opportunity to uphold a position of caring for someone such as his family cared for him. After departing from his residency, it was time for Giuseppe to settle down. Giuseppe, had to use his years of hard-earned work, and education towards his future, putting his set of skills which were practiced over countless hours, to use. Giuseppe was in search of a Job. However, there was one issue. Giuseppe, simply did not know where? Would he return to his homeland, or would he be adventurous, and seek differently?

It was a Sunday afternoon and Giuseppe was strolling in the city of New York. Out of the corner of his eye, a glint flashed. Giuseppe squinted, looking away briefly, re-setting his vision towards the flash. A building named "Gina's Pot" settled before him. Striking his appetite, and appealed by the sound, curiosity filled his mind. Giuseppe stepped into "Gina's Pot", and accompanied by a waitress, Giuseppe was seated. A table for one bestowed upon him, and with his chair pulled back, he sat, folding his trench coat, setting it aside, and his hat down on the table in front of him. Giuseppe sat up straight, and directed his attention towards the waitress, asking for a Ristretto. Giuseppe turned away, directing his attention to a nearby window, and pondering his thoughts, his mind drifting away into a dream state.

Giuseppe often wondered about the experience of a hospital. A working environment which he was once a part of. He understood the differences of which each bestowed. A moment of grief that filled each, though the moment of relief that some may bring. Giuseppe felt each emotion as he worked during his Residency. Often wondering about the patients which were previously treated, and what was to come. A sound rang, snapping Giuseppe back into reality, and a glimpse around, he was greeted with his Ristretto. 

Giuseppe, asked for a news-paper to follow up with his coffee, and one he was presented with. Flipping through the newspaper, a section of an article appeared, reading out loud, "Bellevue Hospital." An eye-catching name for Giuseppe, reading closely, the words read outload, "HELP NEEDED, APPLY AT ----". Struck by the thought of a possibility, Giuseppe quickly drank his coffee, and sprung out of his seat. Rather new to New York; Giuseppe, began wandering around. Eventually Giuseppe would run into the largely renowned Hospital. Appearing at the doorsteps. Giuseppe stood up tall, back straightened, and head held up high. Giuseppe sprung into action, and a step forward.

Moments passed, awaiting the interview, Giuseppe rather nervous, and nervousness which baffled Giuseppe. Rather not usually used to the feeling, his heart felt to be racing, and his right leg felt to be moving up and down. Placing his right hand upon his knee, applying pressure, and attempting to soothe himself, his leg stood still. Moments after a young doctor stood to him. Putting out his hand, offering guidance towards an introduction. Giuseppe shook the doctor's hand. Being appointed in the direction of a private setting, the two sat down to begin discussion. 

Giuseppe began to speak of his previous experiences, and made an attempt to state his presence with reasoning as to why this opportunity is best suited for him.  Bellevue Hospital, although seeking assistance, was an establishment of respected individuals who each in their own right, were aware and educated on each field which they demonstrated. Giuseppe, no stranger to hard-work, and pure avocation, stood direct, and presented the interviewer with honesty. After years of concern, doubt whether or not a path for him was set, or if he himself had to create one. Giuseppe did not want uncertainty in his answer. Giuseppe was determined to showcase his dedication for the position. Giuseppe practiced, and practiced for hours, and years for just an opportunity to be presented to him, however, Giuseppe was not going to let it float away like a balloon in the wind. Giuseppe spoke volume, and when presented with a question, the doctor had asked Giuseppe one word, "When?". Giuseppe, reminded of a memory once before, Giuseppe took a deep breath, with a smile on his face. Giuseppe responded, "Now.". 

The year was 1970. Giuseppe had been working at Bellevue Hospital for 7 years. Giuseppe never went a day without a Ristretto from his favorite diner, "Gina's Pot.". Until one morning. Giuseppe was running late. Late which he has not done since his younger years. Giuseppe, momentarily brushing his teeth, tossing on his uniform, and rushing out the apartment. Giuseppe ran right past "Gina's Pot", an action that may bestow regret. Giuseppe rushed to Bellevue Hospital, reaching his floor, Giuseppe was immediately presented with a patient. 

Rosetta, 43, came into Bellevue Hospital due to personal issues regarding feeling insufficient with herself, an unknowing amount of doubt, within' herself. Giuseppe, imminently established setting. Giuseppe introduced himself, and offered Rosetta, an opportunity to detail herself. Giuseppe's space was offered catered with delicacy. A home-like feeling set upon, with an act of transparency, which the patient may not feel as if they are being directed, or forced, but held as if they were struck with warmth. Giuseppe was often presented with difficulty in his line of work. Difficulty which presented itself in a series of ways, unbeknownst to himself, and in many cases the patient. Giuseppe, offered a series of select questions, all of which presented Rosetta with an option of self reelection. Rosetta felt as if she had not done enough despite her age. Almost as if she was being reduced and/or hindered. Giuseppe, asked accordingly based on minute details. Rosetta began to speak of her late husband who often worked within the household. Regarded, Rosetta as a wife of nurture, and simply explained there was not a need for her to work, as she does enough caring for him. As sweet as that sounds, once you have been cared for a distinct amount of time, what is there left afterwards? 

Rosetta, was pondered by this. Giuseppe, explained to her that despite her late husband's course of action. She is flourished with youth. Giuseppe, held a globe in front of Rosetta. Giuseppe, spun that globe until it reached an entire 360 degrees, and went around once. Giuseppe spoke out loud, "Think of Life like a globe.", Giuseppe pointed to the center, holding his finger in place. Speaking once again, "Look at globe, and watch carefully.". Giuseppe, directed eye-contact, spinning the globe, one time and placing his finger tip once again. Speaking out loud, "Notice that every time I spin the globe, it stops?". Rosetta, looked towards Giuseppe, and laughed, responding. "Well, of course.", Acknowledging, Rosetta, Giuseppe spoke once more, "Notice, how it only stops when I stop it?", Rosetta, spoke once more, "well, yes.", Giuseppe, responding swiftly, "A globe will only stop rotation if there is a force doing so, Rosetta. Unless you stop your life, it will never stop moving. I want you to understand that despite what you're husband chose for you, you did not make that decision for yourself. Your life does not stop with your husband. As many times as I stop this globe, I restart. I spin the globe again, and again, and again until I decide when it is time. That same rule applies to you. Your globe, will always be spinning, Rosetta, do not let it stop here.", Giuseppe spoke softly, and with a low-tone. A tone which indicated immense reflection, and mutuality. Rosetta, took a deep breath, and looked up towards the ceiling. speaking openly, she began to say, "I.. I may have lived a life of subtle change. I may have lived a life with guarantee, though now there is no guarantee, other than myself. Like a globe, that keeps moving, I must keep moving. As such with as much space as a globe, I have mass amounts of opportunity.", Giuseppe, nodded, as he lifted himself up from his chair, and offered Rosetta his hand. Grabbing it and gently lifting upwards, he guided her to the door. "Rosetta, in 2 months I want you to check back in with me. I want to see this change you are capable of.", Rosetta spoke back, "Yes, of course.". 

Giuseppe often wondered what his life would be like had it gone any differently. Starting his career rather young, and proceeding with no change in fields, Giuseppe was rather gifted in the sense. He did not experience a change in decision. Despite being parted at a young age, he was also presented with that ideal rather young, now 32 years old. Giuseppe spoke stating, many like myself seek it themselves, many like Rosetta seek guidance. 

Giuseppe began to work at Bellevue Hospital until 1984, where he had parted ways from New York, and began his journey to East Falls.

A printed message would be on the paper, “Hello! Thank you for applying to Echoes’ Hospital. We appreciate your interest! Please read through this paper and answer the questions. We will consider you for hiring once it is submitted. We will try to get back to you as soon as we possibly can. Thank you again!” The paper was signed by the hospital director.


Name: Giuseppe Gaeliaen


Age: 46


Phone Number: N/A

Degree(s): Doctor of Medicine; Medical & Psychology; Master(s), Health & Engineering; Minor(s). 


What position are you applying for? You may state a position that is not currently available, and it will be checked once that slot opens:

I am applying for Clinic Lead. 

Why do you want to work on our team?:

I have worked in an environment for 21 years which resulted in limitations. I enjoyed being a Psychiatrist and still wish to work in the field, however, I want to take a hands on approach this time around. I want to work closely with a team instead of being a solo act. I think that with the relatively new appearance that the Hospital as at East Falls, there is prosperity, and devotion to create a team that is able to operate at a high level. I want to apply myself to that. 

As I have previously worked at well renown hospitals, I decided that my time in New York was coming to a close. I had worked there for 21 years, and I do evidently believe that my time may now be required else-where. I have dreamt of an area which was rather small, and tight-nit which prospered with opportunity, and here at East Falls, I do believe I have found my reason. I understand that the hospital is rather small, and a hospital you may not be able to call at it, however, regardless of the size, place, or population, there is always a need for help. 

The experience that I hold, I wish to work closely with our team, and be able to show signs of inspired, authentic, and most importantly correct work. I am capable of handling multiple positions, and/or a wide-spread of responsibilities reliant on the progress made. I do not want to limit myself, to a select position in the future, and wish to up-hold myself to a high standard, and display that through my performance. 


Provide a list of staff titles and their jobs/descriptions:

The following staff titles and their descriptions are listed below; These are not valid and/or proven, however, are typical and/or common roles which may be displayed at a clinic or hospital. 

  1. Head of Public Health / Clinic Lead
    The person who has this title oversees the hospital. They are a government Higher up. Their role is ensuring that the hospital is adhering to the policies in place, and correctly demonstrating their established position. Their responsibility is to monitor the Hospitals progress, and administer city bills as deemed necessary. The Head of Public Health oversees and ensures the safety and policies implemented within the hospital. They are responsible for supervising the hospital's overall performance and any concerns that may arise. The Head of Public Health reports directly to the counsel or Mayor.

    Whoever is in this position is to monitor, and control any and all instances that occur within the hospital if needed. They are the Top of the ladder, meaning they are the ones who put forth the rules, and regulations, and hire those who they deem fit to follow them. They are in charge of the hospital this means, keeping the higherup(s) in place, controlling paychecks, making sure everything is up to expectation and running smooth, as well as making sure there intended and hired workers are doing what they are suppose to, with the help of CL’s, and the CM. They are to ensure that the Hospital is operating and running smoothly. 

  2. Clinical Manager 
    The Clinical manager holds an important role within the hospital. They are to keep charge of the employees as a whole, as well as update any changes, or such that may have been made. They are to go over plans for the near-seeable future with the HP, as well as doing any tasks that, or anything left-over that the HP needs done. The Clinical Manager is a position which is given to a selected individual which offers versatility, and knowledge in all 4 positions. They should be capable of handling and operating a team. The Clinical Manager oversees the Clinical Leads, Surgeons, Nurses, Doctors, and Psychiatrists. Ensuring that each department is running and operating smoothly on a daily basis. 

  3. Clinical Lead(s)
    The Clinical Lead is an overall Important, yet minor job. They are the ones who take the most care of the employees. Across the sheet there are four of them; Nurse C.L, Doctor C.L, Surgeon C.L, and finally Psychiatrist C.L. The Clinical Lead(s) handle and monitor their own department. They work with their team and offer guidance. They are often in charge of training their department and monitoring their performance, ensuring the patients are receiving proper care, and their knowledge is being demonstrated properly. 

  4. Surgeon(s)   
    A surgeon is a position which is offered to a person capable of surgical operations, and knowledge cater to life threatening scenarios. This position is highly demanding as it requires precise and accurate communication. A surgeon is often required to treat injuries, deformities, or equivalent. 

  5. Doctor(s) 
    Doctors have a fairly good intake within the Hospital, they are the ones who take the more minor cases within the hospital, they can do checkups, and are able to prescribe medication that fits the patient, as well as objects, or essentials. (Not Antidepressants or psychological meds). They are able to assist others, such as surgeons with permission or if needed. They also can take on the tasks of nurses; Daily Checkups, etc. 

  6. Nurse(s) 
    Nurse(s) have one of the most moderate duties within the hospital, they mainly focus on checkups, aiding patients if needed, assisting doctors, and in rare cases surgeons. Though they are unable to perform tasks which are out of reach, or are not needed if a doctor, or surgeon are active, this could include Pharmacy, and prescriptions.

  7. Psychiatrist(s) 
    They differ from other positions within the hospital, and because of that they are limited.  Psychiatrist(s) require a more patient manner, as well as being able to understand a person. They need to be able to visualize, and give advice, and suggestions to those who need them, though they need to work in a more improvised environment. Psychiatrist(s) are a required role in a facility. They are tasked with assisting patients with mental illnesses such as; Depression, D.I.D AAN, or any form of relation. Patients who are more problematic or suffer from issues pertaining to the mental are often paired with a Psychiatrist for an evaluation and/or diagnosis. 

  8.  Paramedic(s)
    Paramedics are often first responders, they respond to direct lines of contacts over the hotline, and offer transportation to patients. Their role persists to direct contact with patients outside of the hospital that require medical care. First responders are trained to apply first aid, and assist patients in environments' with the lack of resources. Paramedics are trained to access patients injuries, deformities', or illnesses prior, provide transportation and medical care. 

Whilst in the hospital how should you and your co-workers behave? If you see something wrong, what should you do about it?:

A hospital should operate at professionalism. There is a time and place for casualty, and dependent on the situation it may or may not be appropriate. However, if a person is of concern, then it should be priority to be able to attend to that concern, instead of disassociating yourself from the it. There should be at least a few rules in place to counter-act this as if it is in a private setting opposed to a public setting. It is important to note, that if a citizen comes into the clinic or hospital and sees two employees speaking amongst each other, and ignoring him/her then it would be unprofessional, and unethical. 


What experience do you have working in a medical setting? If none, put N/A:

I have been a Psychiatrist for a long while, and have been working up-close with patients since 1963, in a residential and med-school, I was under for med-school for 3 years, and residency for 4 years. I went on to work in New-York for 21 years, before coming to East Falls. 

I was mainly stationary in the Psychiatric ward, and mainly handled therapy sessions, group counselling, or mental patients. My experience is not limited to Medications, Diagnoses, Patient Assessments, Addictions, Disorders, Behavioral Examinations, etcetera. I also have experience with on-field situations, where a patient may call, or I may be directed by a higher-up official. As a result I would often be found out in the city, helping patients who may show signs of distress or severe mental related illnesses. 

I understand my responsibility and role as a Psychiatrist, and am determined to display my capabilities, and set of skills for my team and the town of East Falls. I understand Code of Conduct, Medical Calls, Callsigns, Terminology, Medications, and Evaluation. I understand the stress which can be a value to working in a Medical setting, and the mental tole which it may have on an individual. I also understand the work-ethic which comes from it such as; Long hours, Increased Stress, and constant memorization. 


What responsibilities do you hold as a hospital staff member?:

The responsibilities that I hold as a Hospital staff member is to ensure the safety, and well-being of a patient and my colleagues. As a member of the Hospital I want our environment to feel safe, and our team to up-hold their position. As a Psychiatrist my main duty is to assess patients, and examine their well-being. Initially, coming to an understanding that is mutual and either naturally help them from their illnesses, ease their disorder, or help relieve the amount of negative input they may have. The other course of action is to correctly diagnose the issue, and any symptoms that may follow, and as a result correctly prescribe medication specific to their issue. Medication is not used to get rid of a symptom, but to suppress the affect in most cases. 

The integrity of the hospital is ultimately on the team. The team is there day to day, offering assistance, and information. Communication is key, and working together to grow the integrity of the hospital, and the safety of our town is of at most importance. 

How would you manage a patient that was being uncooperative or rowdy?:

If a patient was being uncooperative or rowdy, I would attempt to deescalate the situation, and attempt to come to a mutual agreement. I would ask questions towards the patient that were short, and responsive. Allowing for insight into the situation as to reasoning. If they do not uphold, or settle down then I would have to remove them from the session, or hospital. Dependent on the situation and/or scenario there is a sedative medication called midazolam, which is often used to temporarily sedate a patient. Midazolam is commonly used for sedation prior to surgery, however, it is used to reduce levels of anxiety, and/or in this case agitation. 


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