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Accepted | SHADSY_'s Writer Application
SHADSY_ Player
2 posts
2 topics
2 months ago

Preferred Name: Shadsy (or Shad)


IGN (In-game name): SHADSY_


Age (optional): 16 years old, July 2nd 2008 !


Discord: Mine is @shads7


What are you applying for (lore/event)?: I've always loved writing!! Even when I was a kid, I just loved making stories and I've been making stories/writing since I was probably 10-12 (and well now!) And so, in general I've had a decent bit of experience when it comes to writing!! On SRP, in Misfits, Shiawase and Thrift Shop discord servers, I've been accepted as a writer!! I put a lot of effort in my work! And I can write all kind of things, like backstories, descriptions, biographs and much more!!

Anyways- I'm here to apply as a writer because I would love to help out in the Echoe's server community!! Soooo- I'm here now, because I wish to help out, since this server has a lot of big potential, and I would love to see it grow bigger than it is one day (regardless of me getting accepted or no!) I love to help out others and I love sharing my writing skills whenever I can! Especially if me and someone bond over writing!!


Why do you want to be a writer for Echoes?: There are many reasons!! One of those reasons, has to do with how I simply love writing and another reason, would be that I wish to help out Echoes!! Now I know that there's a few amazing writers on here, but if some of them aren't too active, maybe because of work, school, ext. Then I wish to help there, since I'm homeschooled, I have lots of free time compared to possibly some other people!! Because of that, I'm quite active on both discord and MC itself! So, there for, if some writers were to be too busy, then I can step him for them!! And well, some of the other reasons that I sort of want to be writer, is listed above or I kind of mention things that relate to that.

I'm also quite kind, caring, hardworking, and pretty loyal to my friends!!


How do you think our current writing could be improved?: Well, I'm sure all of the writers here are really good!! Though, if it comes to a certain thing that they might need help with or are too busy to work on a certain thing anymore, then I would be glad to step in for them/to help them!!

Now I admit I'm not probably always the greatest writer and I admit that I'm Dyslexic, but I always try my best to improve and learn tips and tricks from others! I write for fun, joy and so much more! And I hope that I'll be a great addition to the team!!


Give us a few examples or portfolio of your past works:
[ if you need anymore examples, then let me know!! ]


Last edited: about 1 month ago x 1

"Every char you create is gay." - everybody

"Yes! And?" - Shads

SanrioRoll Manager Event Lore Player
16 posts
7 topics
2 months ago

Thank you for being interested in our writing team !


Your application has been ACCEPTED