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Timed Actions
K.O duration : Injured players are knocked out for 5 OOC minutes after bloodshed or being K.O. (e.g being knocked out, stabbed, minor/major damage)
Once a character's K.O timer is finished, they can do the following. . .
Find a safe zone
RecoveryRP the damage dealt to their character
Re-enter combat
If a character’s injuries are not sustainable to re-enter combat in, they must visit the Clinic
Recovery Time
Players can visit the Clinic to tend to their wounds or wait before re-entering combat.
No matter the severity of a character's wounds, all Recovery Time will be 3 OOC minutes after the procedure is complete.
Players have the choice of staying within the Clinic for longer Recovery time or re-entering the event.
Prohibition Time
The ‘Attacking’ player may not re-engage with the injured player until during their recovery period is over. (e.g K.O timer and Recovery timer)
Bleed out Time
Players who gain an open/fatal wound without receiving proper medical treatment and/or refusal will gain a bleed out timer of 15 OOC minutes.
The bleed out timer will begin once medical treatment is denied and/or refused at the clinic
The timer can be paused in the action of gaining temporary medical supplies.
If you gain another wound with a paused timer, your character will die.
Interaction Rules
Harm Motive
Every player has general motive to cause minor/major harm to another player unless they are in a Safe Zone
Minor Harm Examples : Punches, Broken bones, Shallow injuries, Small weapon attacks
Major Harm Examples : Stabbings, Large weapon attacks, Fatal injuries, or anything life-threatening
Kill Permissions
A player must have motive before attempting to kill another player. The motive aligns with the following :
Threatened with a deadly weapon
Caused major harm or near death experience from another player (e.g major blood lost)
OOC consent
Sabotaging another player
Raiding an business
Recovery RP
RecoveryRP is when a player obtains an injury that is considered major harm, To treat these injuries you must visit the clinic to continue within the event.
RecoveryRP has a time limit of 3 OOC minutes within the clinic after the procedure is done
If no RecoveryRP is initiated based on the injury, the character must exit the scenario or bleed out
No matter the injuries extent, it will be tended to within the clinic and the character will be suitable enough for release.
HOWEVER, If the clinic refuses your character any medical help and/or services, your character will be forced to visit another Safe Zone and/or property for temporary medical treatment through a Med-Kit.
The following applies to injuries that follow the theme of open and/or fatal wounds :
(e.g. A character is punched in the nose, resulting in a broken and bloody nose. Despite the broken bone, this is not considered fatal and/or in need of immediate medical services)
(e.g. A character gets stabbed within the stomach during a fight, causing an open wound. This is considered a fatal/open wound, needing immediate medical care before bleeding out)
Bleed out Timer
Bleed out timers only start when your character is denied medical treatment and/or services.
If another wound is obtained during an active paused bleed out timer then your character will die.
Death clause
A character is considered dead if the following happens. . .
Three counts of major harm, minor harm or a combination equal to 3 separate injuries.
After the 3rd injury, the character will
Bleed out
Suffer brain damage
Organ shut down due to fatal injuries
Anything that relates to gained injuries
A character gains a open/fatal wound but doesn't get medical treatment within the 15 OOC minute time limit
Characters who die outside of Safe Zones are allowed to stay 'dead' for 5 OOC minutes before switching to another character.
Kidnapping Permissions
Kidnappings are permitted but only through OOC consent from the targeted player
The kidnapped player must have opportunities for interaction and escape.
Looting Rules
No mugging/looting weapons
Once a player has been given weaponry by a team member, these items cannot be forcibly stolen or mugged by other players.
Character death reset
Characters' bodily harm or/and deaths will not be counted after the servers reset.
Switching Characters
If a player's character dies during the purge, they can continue participating by switching to another character. This character must be different from the previous one, no dupes.
a. A players given items (e.g weapons) will transfer over to that character
Combat Harm & Guidelines
All combat must adhere to the Echoes Rules.
Avoid power-gaming (Unrealistic actions or/and ignoring the consequences).
Ensure each player has an opportunity to respond in combat scenarios.
General Guidelines
To approach any civilians and/or purge members to start combat, you must roll. If the opposing player wins the roll, their character must automatically flee the situation.
Injury roleplay guidelines
1. Realistic Reactions to Injuries
Injuries and harm must be roleplayed realistically with appropriate responses to wounds
(e.g. A character who was stabbed cannot act unharmed during and/or after combat).
(e.g. Running and/or fighting while gravely injured should be limited to short bursts).
2. Multiple limbs cannot be cut within one combat scenario from other players. If you sever a player’s limb you are not allowed to take it.
If your character's limb has been severed you automatically pick it up and must take it to the clinic with you.
Combat and injuries should focus on the events realism and purpose, not violence.
In the scenario of severing a limb, the character must already be knocked out.
3. Knockout Time for Bloodshed
Any character who sheds blood during a fight (major harm) will be knocked out for 5 OOC minutes before regaining consciousness
Combat for injured players
1. No Double Attacks
If you injure another player to a K.O or ground them due to injuries, you are not allowed to attack them again until recovery time ends. (5 OOC minutes)
Injured players must be given a fair chance to tend to their wounds or wait for the recovery time to expire before re-engaging in combat with the same opponent unless OOC consent of both parties are given.
2. Injured Player Actions
While knocked out due to receiving minor or major harm, players can choose to do the following after regaining consciousness :
Tend to their wounds (e.g bandaging or applying first aid with the proper IC supplies.)
Wait out the recovery period (5 OOC minutes) before re-entering combat with the same or another player.
Injured players who can recover (sustained minor injury) can choose to flee or resume combat within the time limit although they must roleplay their injuries realistically. (e.g slower movement, inability to use injured limbs).
Permitted actions after combat
Players who injure or kill another character are required to leave the character's body immediately.
Prohibited actions
Players are granted the opportunity to take a weapon from another player during combat to use. Once combat is over, the player must RETURN said weapon to unconscious or injured player to avoid ‘mugging’.
(e.g. Player A has a bat while Player B is weaponless during a fight. Within combat, Player B takes the weapon from Player A to successfully knock them out. When exiting combat and/when the fight is over, Player B dropped the bat and fled.)
No lingering in the immediate area to camp the injured, unconscious player, or await a witness to stumble upon
The ‘Attacking’ players are encouraged to leave the area after combat to give the injured player space to roleplay through K.O timer to either RecoveryRP or exit the scenario.
Interacting with Unconscious or Deceased Players
Players who come across an unconscious player can. .
Check the players pulse, injuries, or anything realistic in the scenario.
Bring the unconscious player to the clinic for potential recovery.
Ignore/walk away and leave them as is for their own protection.
Players who come across a deceased player can. . .
Check the players pulse, injuries, or anything realistic in the scenario.
Must leave the body once discovered the player is already deceased | Exiting the area.
The following actions are prohibited :
No additional attacks to the body (e.g desecrating or mutilating a corpse).
No interfering with a player's deceased body such as moving it unless it's given with OOC consent (e.g. moving a player's body from a populated area).
A player who is transporting another unconscious or injured player to get medical treatment will be granted temporary protection until they reach a property, safe zone and/or clinic. Do not abuse this
General Rules
No perms are gained/active during or after the event.
The purge takes place in a AU, nothing will be taken after the event is over; including character deaths, bodily harm, and/or memories.
No government worker or official are obligated to follow their duties, permitting mal-practice and violence between/from safe zone workers in moderation
Players cannot camp a players OOC logging point until they rejoin
In the scenario of a player disconnecting, the RP is PAUSED until they relog.
Players are allowed to OOCLY disengage roleplay during the purge to avoid any discomforting actions (e.g extreme violence) this act will not be seen as FailRP.
Players who wish to participate and avoid violence within the purge must only stay in safe zones.
Players are granted to ' fade to black ' or ask to avoid GoreRP.
( Example : [!] The man held the knife steady in his palm before raising it to swing towards the victims throat. . F2B [!] )
No Gore Roleplay | No detailed depictions of violence, bodily harm, or explicit gore. Keep all descriptions appropriate and avoid over detailing. The following is prohibited :
Explicit torture
Open body actions (ex: exposing internal anatomy)
Excessive mutilation
Overly graphic injury details
No ERP (Erotic Roleplay)
Do not suggest, reference and or act any sensitive content through your character or OOCLY :
(e.g Necrophilia, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Cannibalism, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and/or Harassment )
No targeting players ICLY or OOCLY with the goal of hate crime related violence :
(You cannot attack or act in violence against people based on their gender, race, sexuality and/or religion).
No harassing staff members in game or out to tend to roleplay situations, spawn in items and/or use their perms for your benefit
With any OOC toxicity, FailRP, or anything that falls under. Any related RP scenario will be voided.
All server and forum rules still apply unless stated otherwise within this document :
(e.g Combat Rules, Server Rules, Discord Rules, etc.
Players who gain 2 warnings (verbal and/or written) during the event will stay on their record. Once a player hits 2 warnings, they will no longer be allowed to participate in the event.
Safe Zones
Safe Zones are points in the town where players cannot enter in combat, ensuring safety to whoever enters.
Safe Zones cannot be camped to repeatedly target or kill participants.
Safe Zone workers are allowed to : Forcefully throw a player out from the property, Refuse services, and/or refuse to allow them inside. Players must allow this.
No items and/or necessities can be looted from Safe Zone properties.
The Clinic is a Safe Zone for players to come to heal their wounds attended from the Purge.
Clinic workers can do the following while interacting with players. . .
Refuse player entry and/or any medical services.
Use ‘ SkipRP ’ on any lengthy or time consuming procedures.
Forcefully remove players from the Safe Zone property.
Practicing any illegal medical procedures on players in moderation.
Once a medical procedure is done on a player, they must wait 3 OOC minutes before exiting and/or re-entering combat
The Diner is a Safe Zone for players to come for food, water and any other necessities during the Purge.
Barricaded Properties
Players are allowed to barricade themselves in properties if they don't wish to participate in any violence. However, barricaded properties do not ensure safety, violence is permitted on the inside as well.
Barricaded entrances
Doors can be destroyed with a cleaver although if an entrance is barricaded by multiple items through an action (e.g. furniture, objects, physical items to block) or the help of a team member, the area cannot be entered.
INTERIOR barricades can only be taken down from the inside.
Windows and/or other entrances (e.g. vents) of barricaded properties cannot be broken in and/or tampered
Players inside of a property are allowed to sabotage one another and/or barricaded properties to allow Purge members or ‘Outsiders’ into the property.
(E.g. Player X allows Player Y inside their home by removing and replacing the barricade. Player Y tears down the barricade and/or fights with Player X ultimately winning. Once the barricade is torn down, ‘Outsiders’ can be let in.)
In the scenario of sabotage, kill motive is granted
Realistic Looting
Looting and robbing will only be roleplay based, no in game items. You may only loot items that make sense based on the location you are robbing.
If you’re robbing a gas station. . .
(e.g fuel, lighters, cigarettes, snacks, or small items typically sold at a gas station.)
If you’re robbing the supermarket. . .
(e.g typical medical supplies such as bandages, food).
No Overpowered Items: Looting a business should make sense in the context of the setting
Damage and Destruction
Physical damage to businesses that are not protected and/or barricaded are permitted.
Excessive destruction of buildings is not prohibited. (e.g. Tearing down entire buildings/leaving the business in a completely unusable state - not allowed)
The level of damage and destruction should match the raid itself.
The actions will be roleplayed based, do not call on a team member to help
Business Owner Protection
As a business owner, you have the right to defend your property during the Purge Night.
(e.g. Setting up traps, Hiring players for protection, or even directly engaging in combat with raiders).
Keep in mind that your defenses should be roleplay realistic—you can’t just build a fortress with invulnerable defenses or magically prevent any looting.
Business owners gain kill motive on players who attempt to raid their property
The only barricaded entrances that cannot be removed are on Safe Zone locations, forbidding any violence.
Refuse player entry and/or any services.
Forcefully remove players from the Safe Zone property.
Have the right to openly carry weapons for the protection of themselves and others.
Players are allowed to carry over any gained items/weaponry from their previous character to the new one.
Treatment Sites
Treatment sites are properties who hold the supplies to treat any major/minor wounds through Med-Kits. They hold the right to refuse any player entry or services.
These properties are not Safe Zones, placing your character and themselves at more risk.
Town Hall
If your character cannot gain any medical assistance within 15 OOC minutes, they will bleed out and die.
Players are allowed to carry Med-Kits, these cannot be roleplayed without model.
When using a Med-Kit, be realistic about the wounds that are being treated and the medical supplies within it.
Players can raid stores for temporarily medical supplies to pause their bleed out timer although this does not heal the wound.
(e.g. A player raids the gas station, looting any spare bandages to stop blood loss).
Thank you for being interested in our Emergency Services
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