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ACCEPTED | ThatOnePeKae's Police Application
ThatOnePeKae Player
2 posts
2 topics
3 months ago

Preferred Name:
PeKae/Pekae/Pk (pronounced like the letters P and K)

IGN (In-game name):


Age (optional):




Shortly describe 5 laws or behaviors that officers in the U.S. have to follow:

  1. Confidentiality:
    Officers are required to keep information confidential to protect the safety of those involved. Breaching confidentiality could result in harm and undermine trust in law enforcement.

  2. Treatment and Punishment:
    Law enforcement officers must never engage in or tolerate acts of torture, cruelty, or inhumane treatment. Torture, defined as the intentional infliction of severe pain for punishment or extraction of information, is strictly prohibited.

  3. Corruption:
    Officers must never abuse their power or engage in acts of corruption. Law enforcement is meant to apply equally to everyone, and officers should hold themselves to the same ethical standards as civilians.

  4. Human Rights:
    It’s critical that all human rights and dignity are upheld. Officers are required to treat all individuals fairly and respectfully, following the principle of treating others as you would want to be treated.

  5. Excessive Force:
    Force should only be used when absolutely necessary and to the extent required for carrying out an officer's duties. Excessive force is not only cruel but also illegal.



Why do you want to join Echoes’ police faction?
I believe my roleplaying skills make me capable of accurately and respectfully acting out situations that may arise. I’m passionate about the law and have spent a lot of time learning about it OOC. I want to further develop my roleplaying abilities and make sure that everyone is treated fairly by law enforcement.

What would you do if you accidentally broke a law, and someone began to argue with you OOC?
I would first apologize and acknowledge my mistake. I would look into exactly what I did wrong to ensure that I did not make the same mistake in the future. Remaining calm to resolve the issue both OOCly and ICly. I would then accept any punishment that comes with it. I recognize that I was in the wrong and will fully accept the consequences.

If someone was insulting you OOC for not following a common law (such as reading their rights), what would you do/say?
I would apologize and try to resolve the issue calmly. Insults don’t help the situation, and I believe in staying respectful and professional. I’d focus on correcting my mistakes while maintaining a calm and helpful demeanor. I would open a discussion on how to resolve the issue ICly, and encourage the other person to keep their focus on the roleplay.

What do you do if you arrest someone? Be short, but detailed:
When making an arrest, I first inform the individual of the reason for the arrest, ensuring that they understand why. I then physically restrain them by placing them in handcuffs, checking to make sure they're secure but not overly tight. Afterward, I read them their rights. I would then transport them safely to the station for booking, making sure to document the arrest thoroughly.

If someone is behaving strangely, as if they were using illegal substances, what do you do?
First, I’d look for signs of intoxication, such as slurred speech, confusion, or the smell of substances. I’d ask the individual if they’ve taken any medications or drank alcohol. Then, I’d request identification. If they admit to using substances, I’d perform sobriety tests, like the horizontal gaze nystagmus test or the walk and turn test. Depending on the results, I’d take appropriate action, possibly detaining them for questioning.

If someone will not give you their identity and you don’t have probable cause, what do you do?
If I don’t have probable cause, there’s little I can do. I’d explain my reasoning and ask for their ID in a respectful manner. If they still refuse, I can’t force them to comply, so I’d have to let them go. Still, documenting the interaction for future use.

If someone refuses to identify themselves because of the 5th amendment, but you have probable cause, what do you do?
I’d explain that invoking the 5th amendment does not exempt them from identifying themselves if I have probable cause. I’d politely request their ID once more and inform them of my authority in this situation. Making them aware of the consequences that could arise if they continue to refuse providing their identification.



Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):
Emma Mae Carter, or Mae as most people call her, grew up in a small, rural town in Louisiana, surrounded by acres of farmland. Her parents were simple, hard-working people. They taught Mae to be honest and to hold onto her values, especially when life got tough. Her childhood was filled with hard work on the farm, family dinners, and Sunday afternoons spent at church.
But when Mae was 16, that safety was shattered. One summer, a man who had been haunting the area for months took her in the middle of the night. A local serial killer, who had been preying on young women, chose Mae as his next victim. For days, she was locked away, terrified and trapped. It felt like the world had gone dark and still. But Mae refused to give up. She fought back with everything she had and managed to escape, bloodied and broken. The physical scars eventually healed, but the emotional ones never fully went away. The worst part was knowing the killer was still out there, free, and the justice she so desperately needed never came.
That experience changed Mae. She couldn’t ignore it or shake the feeling that something had to be done. So, Mae dedicated her life to joining the police force. She wasn’t going to let anyone else go through what she did. Every shift she worked, every case she took on, felt like a step toward giving her life some meaning. Being a cop wasn’t easy, but it gave her something to hold onto: a way to fight for others, the way the legal system hadn’t fought for her.



A short message would be here. It read, “Howdy! Thank you for applying to our police department here in East Falls! Please fill out the form and turn it in.”



Emma Mae Carter


Education (HS Diploma, GED, etc.):
I have a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from Bishop State Community College, near my hometown. After I had my degree, I completed police academy training with the Louisiana State Police. Before moving here, I worked at the police department back in my hometown. I mostly worked with traffic, but it gave me a good foundation for how to handle people and situations.

Why do you want to be an officer for our community?
With my skill set and passion for this line of work, I am confident that I can aid this department in making our city a safer place. I love helping people and I cannot imagine myself in any other field.

Have you had any previous training or teaching in our academy?
Not at this academy, but in my hometown I completed a full training with the Louisiana State Police. As well as on-the-job experience while working in the department, I believe I am fully qualified to work this position.

What responsibilities do you hold as a police officer?
As a police officer, it is my duty to keep our city safe. Ensuring civilians' happiness and safety is my number one priority. Whether it be as simple as traffic laws to as serious as homicide, it is my responsibility to keep this city the safest that I can.

Do you plan on advancing our staff hierarchy?
I would like to further my career in the police department. I am determined to climb the ranks by doing the best work I can do. While it is not my main objective, I do plan to try and advance my career with this department.




Another message was placed here:
“Last question... this one is optional: what’s our real motto?”
Serve and Protect.

Last edited: 2 months ago x 1
ImYakov Manager Mod Player
27 posts
2 topics
2 months ago

Congratulations. Make sure you're in the Echoes | Emergency discord and @I am Yakov to recieve your role!

Last edited: 2 months ago