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Michael Katz Biography
CriminalRP Player
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about 1 month ago

Michael Katz


[Friends] HienMin Xiao

[Aquantiance] Marianna Du'Pont

[Rivals] Rykari Family 

Chapter 1 Child hood

He was born in new york city with a nice family and grew up in a well off family in a nice neighborhood of new york city as he got out of the hospital he was quite speechless not being able to say any words yet as he was just born and left the hospital with his mother. He loved his mom and grew up with nice siblings around the united states being born in 1959 he saw change in rights of people and historical moments of the cold war on tv. He saw the first man on the moon on tv when he was very little and he was astonished at such accomplishment in united states history as he was around his caring mother he started school at the age of 6 in 1965 He grew up in such a different world from others at

the time  a advanced economy a lack of inflation everything was great for him even living in a higher class city with his family. He went to school at Klem Road North Elementary School witnessing his first assignments and grades. He never loved school but he had huge ambishions of becoming a police officer and helping the community growing up with parents as police officers he highly respected their service in the nypd in general and had dreams of chasing down criminals in a thrill of adrenaline.  He kept pushing towards his dreams and continuing his path for success during his childhood despite not liking school and thinking it was ass. He did get pretty good grades for a student like himself. He kept working hard to one day make his dreams he was a good student among his teachers and a pretty patriotic student to the american people. He continued working hard as he got into middle school

Chapter 2
Middle school During middle school he took a deliquent path for this part of his life getting and fights and introuble with the school and overall being a edgy teenager. He got in a fight with another kid as they brawled extanging hits and punches as the teachers and school security broke up the fight. He was suspended for the first time as his parents was not happy at him He slept long and excessive times during his groundings even trying to sleep for as long as he could until his body was fully awake when he was suspended and his grades dropped like wild fire in middle school. As soon as he suspension came to a end he focused on improving his grades massively and quickly making sure Michael can fully recover from his mess up and it took an entire term to recover his grades during when he was in 6th Grade at a middle school.  He made it out the year with AB honoral but he was so used to being on top of the class but he was not that year during the summer he hanged around his friends at the arcade playing video games. If he wanted to play video games the only place he could go was the arcade at the time because it was a newer thing in society at the time of his child hood and teenage years. He loved playing video games and even destroyed them in a shooter. Afterwards he brought 4 of his friends to the pool and hanged around him. At the time he wasnt as intelegent as he was now calling some bullies idiots which caused 6 people who wanted to jump him endangering him from criminal gangs as  he looked at the bullies after walking home

he realized he was getting jumped by some thugs so he kept running trying to evade the criminals but it was no match he was caught and forced into a fight which was imposible to win he tried hard kicking and punching back but it was no use he was knocked unconscious and left on the streets and his friends brought him back to his house to heal up and he did not really have the goal for revenge at the time he was just a kid and they were older teenagers potentially in high school. He took a couple days to heel up to full strength from that attack but now he wanted full revenge he started to target them one by one and continued fighting his enemies knocking them unconscious and silencing them as the police approached he ran but he was caught by the police and arrested when he was just in middle school he took that as a warning to put his life back together and face his dreams after a month of jail he was released to his parents and continued middle school starting 7th grade year. He kept doing what was right  getting good grades and trying to make up for his actions and stay out of trouble. 7th grade is when he started to become a quite kid but you know less weird and more cool to others. He only spoke when spoken too  as he continued school getting good grades pushing his troubled past aside and enlighten a new era in his life continuing his dreams of

becoming a police officer so he can impress his parents by looking forward towards his dreams. He finished the school year with A honoral as he was happy by his acomplishment getting on top of his 7th grade class for the summer he didn't really do much for entertainment he sat on his bed bored without friends trying to find enjoyment and enlightenment in his life as he headed out he fished in a river until he got news some extremely bad news. He found out his parents passed away trying to stop a bank robbery as he was broken hearted giving him more of a negative view on criminals and thugs in general. He was put in a orphanage temporarily as he continued middle school finishing 7th grade with the lowest grades he ever got with such the stress he had from his parents passing and he was broken and facing depression at the time not happy with his life and he had no friends no people who liked him now. He was at his first time of hardship for the first time of his life. He started 8th grade a orphan with no support and care. The only care he got was from his teachers really thats when he started to grow to like school in general his grades slowly recovering from 70s to 80s and 90s to improve his grades in school and do what his parents always wished him to do and what he actually wanted to do when he got out of school. He finished 8th grade year with good grades.

Chapter 3
High School Eventually during his first year of high school he was adopted into the Katz family as he looked at his new family and they moved to east falls a new town Michael had to adapt to and learn how to get around he was still trying to adapt to his new life as he was cared from for the first time. He was attractive in high school though some people thought he was ugly he was getting flirted by girls for the first time which was extremely nice for him He started to love his family and school in general as he was cared about for the first time in years. He loved his new family despite getting whooped by belts when he back talked his parents or family he loved the way he grew up after middle school he was happy for the first time in a long time enjoying a new start and a new life in general as he worked hard in reaching his goals he got a very good gpa a 3.5 gpa exactly in high school and he was improving himself substantially keeping himself happy even getting new friends he was loving his new life. He left freshman year with a smile on his face. Maybe life wasnt so bad after all as he kept powering through his life. He loved to hang out in the arcade during school breaks in general keeping him happy through the thrill of video games though he grew out of it after summer break. He started sophmore year of high school with enjoyment and thrill for what was to come he really enjoyed high school It was the most important time of his life infact and he wasnt as targetted for bullying as much as others  which was a good thing but school fights were common at the school he used to attend and other than that there wasnt much distractions in high school. After 4 years of school he got his high school diploma and looked for ways to join the police department after high school officially trying to face his dreams.

Chapter 4
Adult hood He wanted to get his dreams on becoming a police officer and joining the police force he was 18 at the time but for the first 7 years he simply was a fisherman to sustain himself in the east falls communinity catching fish and making money for himself thats until he turned 25 when he could finally apply to become a police officer and go through the training he dreamed to go through and do right for the community.  He wanted to join the NYPD at first but he realized that east falls was filled with crime and fights and he decided it was best to stay in town and fight these such threats from criminals in general. He walked into the east falls sheriff department to apply to become a police officer and waited for the results of his application.

Last edited: about 1 month ago
sqidys Tech Player
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about 1 month ago

Whats with the yap