Preferred Name:
IGN (In-game name):
Age (optional):
How much do you know about first-aid and general medicine?:
Give us 3 examples of injuries, and their resolution:
Why do you want to join the hospital faction on Echoes? Answer this OOC:
How would you deal with someone that was FailRPing inside of the hospital?:
Provide us with 2 some-what detailed actions of your character helping an injured person. You can choose the injury or illness.
Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):
Phone Number
A printed message would be on the paper, “Hello! Thank you for applying to Echoes’ Hospital. We appreciate your interest! Please read through this paper and answer the questions. We will consider you for hiring once it is submitted. We will try to get back to you as soon as we possibly can. Thank you again!” The paper was signed by the hospital director.
What position are you applying for? You may state a position that is not currently available, and it will be checked once that slot opens:
Why do you want to work on our team?:
Provide a list of staff titles and their jobs/descriptions:
Whilst in the hospital how should you and your co-workers behave? If you see something wrong, what should you do about it?:
What experience do you have working in a medical setting? If none, put N/A:
What responsibilities do you hold as a hospital staff member?:
How would you manage a patient that was being uncooperative or rowdy?:
The paper ended with another message: “Thank you for taking the time to fill out this paper. We truly appreciate it! Before you can submit this, please sign the document!”
Last edited: 2 months ago x 1