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Format/Guidance Build Team Application
Topic Locked
mmelv Manager Build Player
18 posts
3 topics
22 days ago



Interested in joining the official Build Team for Echoes: 1984? Here’s everything you need to know before applying. If you have any questions, reach out to the Build Lead on Discord @carseatfrenchfries!



About the Team

The Build Team is responsible for building, detailing, and decorating the server's map.. You'll work on a variety of builds including, but not limited to:

buildings, interior, exterior, and other projects that will pop up and assigned over time. Some tasks will require independent work, while others involve team collaboration.


Build Team Members:

Build Lead (1/1)

- mmelv

Builders (2/4)

- 80sJeremy

- SelfSufficientMF







Perks of Being on the Build Team


  • A unique in-game "Build Team" tag.

  • Access to the Team Discord, where you can contribute to the server’s growth and direction.

  • Opportunities to create and share your ideas and builds with the community.

  • Cookies.




Key Points to Keep in Mind


  • Builds should align with the server’s style.

  • Please keep us updated on your availability. If you're inactive, just let us know!

  • Builds and designs should be high quality and within the server's style.

  • Team members must be familiar with uses of a debug stick, basic world-editing, detailing, etc.

  • Team members must be able to work alone AND with the rest of the build team.
  • While we are looking for a 'specific' style, we are not strictly expecting you to completely revise your style. Although, a similar style would be preferable and increases your chances of getting accepted.




Application Rules


  • You can be on a maximum of 2 community teams at a time.

  • Only submit your own work. Plagiarism will result in denial and a blacklist.

  • Showcase a variety of your skills in your application.

  • Include your portfolio within your post whether it be via a imgur link, or a simple note at the bottom clarifying that your portfolio were sent to @carseatfrenchfries.

  • Maintain a good reputation within the community.

  • Be active on the server and have a Discord account.

  • Submit clear, high-quality examples of your builds.

  • Ensure all examples are similar to the server’s style.

  • Knowledge of debug stick uses, basic world-editing, and years of experience will increase your chances.

  • Detailed and in-depth responses will increase your chances.




Application Format

Please keep questions BOLDED.

Ensure your title is: (Your Minecraft IGN) | Builder Application

Make sure your application is centered by selecting your entire application and pressing on this button at the top:

Make sure your application is readable by selecting your entire application and pressing this in the text color:




Please make sure the ' / ' color is selected.


Preferred name:




Age (Optional):


Minecraft Username:


Discord Username:



Country & Timezone:



Availability (How often can you commit?):



Community Reputation (Brief description of your activity and standing in Echoes):



Previous Experience (if any):



Why do you want to join the Build Team?:



Skills and Tools (What are your skills and knowledge with building?):




Portfolio (Include at least three or more examples):



Any Other Information:


Last edited: 4 days ago



Minecraft IGN(s):




