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arxchn0phetics Lead Art Mayor Player
6 posts
2 topics
about 1 month ago

Town Hall Application/Faction Rules & Information 

Below is a list of the rules for when applying for Town Hall rules for when being a member of the faction, and information about the application and faction

Application Rules

  • Please bold all the format questions and NOT the answers.
  • You are welcome to change the color of the text to fit a better aesthetic. However, too many changes may result in denial. Try to stick to the main colors.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling when filling out your answers.
  • The IC section should be answered as if your character is in an interview and being asked these questions. 
  • When uploading a new application, include your username in it's title (ex: sockettwrench | Lawyer Application)
  • You cannot apply for Town Hall and another faction at the same time or on the same account. You must choose ONE.
  • Plagiarism, using someone else's information/writing in your application, or using ANY sort of AI to write your application will result in a blacklist from the faction.
  • You are expected and required to have read through the Town Hall Application Rules and Information Forum post

Faction Rules

  • All Player Rules apply. You MUST follow them at all times.
    • Failure to follow this rule may result in things like strikes, demotions, removal, or even a blacklist. And of course OOC Warnings and Bans.
  • If you are banned for any duration of time and for any reason, you will be removed from the faction. 
    • You will have to reapply for the faction if removed. However, you can only reapply once you have been unbanned for a minimum of 3 weeks.
  • All Town Hall members cannot join a gang on their Government account. You will have to use an alt Minecraft account in order to join.
    • Engaging in corruption or criminal activity IS allowed, so long as it follows the rules of the Crime Faction.
    • Failure to follow this rule may result in things like strikes, demotions, removal, or even a blacklist. If caught being a part of a Gang while in Town Hall you will instantly be removed unless you are a Higherup. If you are a Higherup you will be asked to choose to either stay in the gang and be removed, or leave the gang and stay in Town Hall and be demoted. 
  • Town Hall members cannot be corrupt unless you have a well-developed reason to WHY your character would be corrupt, and a proper and valid reason to why your character would go against their own job. Alongside you need the Mayor's permission.
    • Failure to follow this rule will result in removal from the faction instantly, alongside being blacklisted from the faction as you can no longer be trusted. As well as if the government finds out about your corruption ICLY, you will be charged and arrested.
  • If you are a returning player, you may not reapply with the your previous character if they were fired, however if they quit (typically due to you leaving the faction willingly OOCly) then that character may still be considered.
    • Failure to follow this rule may result in your application being denied.
  • Your character is limited to being between the age of 25-80
  • You can apply for the following positions: JUDGE | LAWYER
    • Please review the government information channel in the Town Hall Server to gather information on what both lawyers and judges do for the town hall.

Application Format

OOC Information


In-Game (IGN) Name, including ALL alt accounts:


Do you have a working microphone? If so, please include your Discord:


Timezone and Country:


Describe your Activity:


Link any current and past faction applications:


Are you able to join VCs?:


Do you understand that if you break any rules, forum or faction, you are at risk of being punished?:


Do you understand that you're expected to be dedicated and active on your character if accepted?:



IC (In Character) Information


Full Name, First and Last:


Preferred Name & Title (e.g Mr, Ms, Dr):


Age, and Date of Birth (25+):


What Is a Good Way to Contact You?:


Degrees/School History:


Past work experience:


What position are you applying for?:


Do you understand the Laws of this City? And do you understand the Constitutional Rights all citizens have?:


List three Constitutional laws from our Constitution:


Tell us about yourself, what makes you good for our government?:


Why should we accept you compared to other applicants?:


In your own words, describe what the job you are applying for does for the community:


Let's say you become a city-council member. Tell me one thing you would like to see added to this city: (N/A for Lawyer)


Are you aware that any display of bias towards ANYONE on the job will result in punishment?: (N/A for Lawyer)


Last edited: about 1 month ago