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Denied | batistafan86 BM Application.
_ModernBaseball Player
1 posts
1 topics
16 days ago

OOC Information:



Country of Origin and Time Zone: 

America | CST 

Describe your activity on the server:  

I am not very active on echoes due to it being in beta and the fact I like waiting for a server to be fully released before I play it. But for the past few weeks I have been playing the server as though it is one ready for release. But in the time that I have played I have mainly focused on CrimeRP and GangRP, trying to get a feel for what it’ll be like in the server. But if I apply to a faction, I’ll be sure to be active in it. 



What inspires you to apply for the role of a black market dealer?: 

For many years now, I’ve been apart of RP servers, whether it be minecraft or any other game that has RP servers and in every single one I’ve etched myself into the criminal community of each server, whether it be through gangs, general crime or as a member of the Black Market. I plan to do that with every server I join, including this one. 


I also believe this faction has a lot of potential. This is a server in beta and it’s already showed that it can demonstrate that every faction has extreme amounts of potential, especially the crime faction. I believe it’s something I can invest all my time in, especially since it’s extremely different from other factions. The crime faction has so much influence over a large part of the server, yet it’s so small in retrospective. It’s an exciting concept i’d love to be apart of. 


What distinguishes you from other candidates, and what unique contributions can you bring to the team?: 

I am a very passionate person, I put my all into everything I believe that I’m passionate about. Thankfully, the crime faction is something I’ve been passionate about for the years I’ve been playing roleplay servers. I don’t have many “unique” ideas but I do want to use my fondness of the faction to boost my motivation and push it to be better. I’m all about offering new opportunities to players and interact with new people. I genuinely believe I’ll thrive in this position if I’m accepted. 


I am also a very active person in general. I feel I have a lot of freetime to dedicate to being a BMD. I don’t simply mean being active, I mean having time to sit down and talk with others, and offer roleplay opportunities and develop my character with openings. I want to give my all with BMD.

What prior experience do you have collaborating with a team?:

I’ve worked on multiple staff teams for different servers, whether it be FiveM, MCRP, I’ve worked at different ranks and have had years of experience working with teams. I will say that I’ve left all these positions because I don’t really like being a staff anymore.

Besides crime factions, I have worked in the hospital faction on some servers, being higher-ranked within the faction has its upsides, and I had a lot of fun being apart of that section of the community and being apart of that team. 


Are you familiar with all the rules about weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:

Yes, I’ve read through all the crime information.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested three times, you will be removed from the black market? This goes for anything. I.e arrested twice, killed once vise versa.:

Yes, I understand.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential additions to the black market to others?:

Yes, I understand.

IC Information:

Full Legal Name: 

“Jager Black, at your service.”

Criminal Alias:

I… don’t really know. Some people just call me Andromeda- I looked it up, means ‘Ruler of Men’, pretty sick if you ask me.”


“I’m 25 right now. Almost so old.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m a guy-”

Ethnicity and Race:

“I’m from Canada- I don’t see how this matters.”

Former Associations/Occupations:

“Never had a job, I was always a spoiled kid. I did join a gang once though, pretty cool. I think it was the uh- Mendez Cartel.”

Highest Level of Education:

“Masters Degree- Student debt free.” 

Describe your character’s appearance in detail:
Jager Black is a short, slim male, standing about 5’3. He doesn’t work out much but still finds a way to stay in shape. He has light brown hair, having the front half artificially coloured to a bleached blonde. He’d always be seen wearing dark suit pants, a comfy black sweater and a black jacket made for winter time. He’s never been seen wearing anything else in his time at East Falls, clearly must have a few dozen of the same outfit. 


Describe your character’s personality in detail:

Jager is a greedy, spoiled rich kid at heart. He’s always wanted money and after doing it legally he’d decide to get it the illegal way. If you’ve ever met him, you’d know him to be a hot head. Any word directed toward him in a bad manner would set him off. Despite this, he’s quite street-smart, he’s extremely good at knowing what people want and how to use it against them. 


Describe your character’s backstory to the greatest detail (300+ words):


  • Jager Black was born into privilege. From the second the young boy opened his eyes, the world seemed to have bend in his favor, in specific, the families will. His father, a successful real estate agent, consistently appearing within business magazines. His mother, an influential photographer, often at high-profile galas. Their home in Vancouver was relatively large, similarly, the size of an estate. Growing up in this environment, Jager's life was more like a curated exhibit than anything resembling his childhood. The Black family had a reputation for excellence, Jager was enrolled in private schools where his classmates were the sons and daughters of wealthy families, people who didn't just live there, they owned parts of it. The schools were in pristine condition, staff impeccable, and Jager's academic performance, though not the best, was good enough to stay out of trouble. His life, from the outside seemed like it was something out of a movie. The kind that others would envy, a life where everything was handed to him on a silver platter. Despite this, Jager always had a deep down feeling that something was missing from his perfect life. The luxury and success that surrounded himself was nice yes, but it was stifling. His parents love came with expectations that were almost impossible to live up to, the endless praise for something that quite never filled the darkness inside himself.

  • He often found himself staring into a reflection, wondering why, with all the wealth that anyone could imagine, he felt so empty. The idea of working in a study office or taking over his fathers legacy never set off to him, it felt like another trap of expectations. At the age of twenty one, Jager made a bold decision that shocked his parents. Without a direct reason other than the fact he could, Jager left Canada, Vancouver and moved to Wyoming, East Falls. His decision wasn't entirely motivated on the fact that he wanted a desire of change, it was more of a rebel against his parents. Wyoming, with its vast open spaces and quiet towns, to him, it seemed as it was the perfect place to escape the suffocating life that he use to live. He resided to what he didn't even know of to exist, a small town, nobody aware of who he was, where he was from. In a strange way, to Jager, it felt liberating.

  • It was Wyoming where Jager's life took a change that he'd never expected, he had no real friends, no real connections, another void that needed to be filled. One night, at a dark bar on the outskirts of the town, Jager had met someone, someone new. Dallas, he was everything Jager wasn't. A man in his late thirties, scruffy and rough around each edge of his, with a demeanor that shown of the street smarts and survival. The kind of man who knew the value of a hard-earned dollar, even if it were to come from illegal ways. Dallas wasn't there by accident, he was always lurking in places where people like Jager normally wouldn't read, bars, back alleys, and shady corners of towns. Within the dim bar, their first conversation was brief. Jager had ordered himself a drink while Dallas slid over to him, he was lean sharp-eyed and clearly full of confidence. He spoke for the first time. "You don't look like you belong here. Dallas remarked, looking at Jager with a crooked grin. Jager shrugged, "Just passing through." Dallas gave a short lived chuckle, leaning closer to the younger adult. "You don't just pass through places like this, you either end up stuck here or get what you need and move on. Depends how badly you want it." The next few words Dallas spoke struck Jager heavily. "Money. It's what everyone wants, but they're too scared to take it. That's the only issue. But if you know how to make it, well there's nothing like it." At first, he was skeptical. He had never actually considered anything illegal, hell, he hadn't even considered the idea of hard work.

  • Dallas had a way of speaking that made crime sound... not so bad. Dallas wasn't entirely talking about robbing banks or engaging in violent activities, specifically, weapon trade. He painted a picture in his mind, it consisted of the world if rules didn't matter, success wasn't earned through blood, sweat, and tears. To Jager, the idea of making money without having to follow the constraints of a normal job was thrilling. He didn't care for moralities, he had never been taught to worry about right and wrong in any real sense. Money was what his family valued, money was what he was always surrounded by, and money was the only thing that made much sense to him. Dallas offered him a glimpse of life where he could have as much money as he wanted, and all it took was a small risk and willingness to obtain. He was hooked! Over the course of a few months, he had begin learning the world underneath, the criminal underworld, however only under Dallas' mentorship. At first, he was only a watcher, watching him do small deals. learning how to move stealthily, understanding the balance of power. It was all fascinating to Jager. The way money flowed and the way people could bend the system to their will. But Jager was no fool, he knew thatin this world, there were no garuentees. Dallas wasn't a man to fully be trusted, and Jager understood that he needed to make his own way if he wanted to rise above the rest. But Dallas was right about one thing, the money. There was always more. In the world that Jager was now inhabited by, cash was endless. Whether it came from gambling, black market deals, or laundering money through businesses, the flow of the wealth was consistent. Javer loved it. He loved the way it made him feel, He loved the way it bought him power, respect, and a lifestyle people could only dream of. He didn't care about friends, only loyalty. As Jager's involvement deepened, so did his desire for more. He moved up the ranks quickly, getting involved in increasingly risky ventures. His charm combined with his cold, calculating demeanor made him, a force to be reckoned within the criminal underworld. He built his own network, formed alliances with people like Dallas, but always kept them at a arms length. Every deal he made, every betrayal he planned, was a means to one end. Wealth. And he wasn't done yet, Jager knew that the real power came not from the money itself, moreso the people who controlled it. And he would stop at nothing to become one of those people.


Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:


12:27:42 PM.
The Docks, East Falls, Wyoming


Jager stood there in his usual black attire, looking out upon the open water, listening to the foghorns of passing ships. Crates stood by him, filled with who knew what- maybe illegal weapons or substances…


A known gang leader popped up from the dock entrance, yelling to Jager. His short stature barely changed in height when he perked up, looking behind him. He’d wave for the leader to come over, waiting until he was out of the public eye. “Go ahead and open it. It’s what you asked for.” Jager said grimly, not looking towards the crate. As the man beside him opened the crate, a stained sheet appeared, obviously covering a body. “While it’s open you can leave your payments there.” Jager spoke quietly- “Hope you’re happy.”

“I-” The male was too stunned too speak, one of the black markets own had actually done what he paid for… “I-. . . Pleasure doing business with you. You have my trust with these matters now.” 


Additional Information:


Thanks for reading :)

Last edited: 12 days ago
80sJeremy Mod Build Player
4 posts
2 topics
12 days ago

Thank you for taking the time to submit your application

After a careful look at your application, we decided to deny your application due to your recent history. The application itself was relatively good, however, we would like you to have a better reputation within the community. You may reapply next time applications are open.