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Police Application Format
Topic Locked
sqidys Tech Player
47 posts
12 topics
4 months ago

Sources to assist you:

Code of Conduct for Officers

Summarized U.S. Amendments


Preferred Name:


IGN (In-game name):




Age (optional):




Shortly describe 5 laws or behaviors that officers in the U.S. have to follow:


Why do you want to join Echoes’ police faction?:


What would you do if you accidentally broke a law, and someone began to argue with you OOC?:


If someone was insulting you OOC for not following a common law (such as reading their rights)  what would you do/say?:


What do you do if you arrest someone? Be short, but detailed:


If someone is behaving strangely, as if they were using illegal substances, what do you do?:


If someone will not give you their identity and you don’t have probable cause, what do you do?:


If someone refuses to identify themselves because of the 5th amendment, but you have probable cause, what do you do?:


Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):




A short message would be here. It read, “Howdy! Thank you for applying to our police department here in East Falls! Please fill out the form and turn it in.






Education (HS Diploma, GED, etc.): 


Why do you want to be an officer for our community?:


Have you had any previous training or teaching in our academy?


What responsibilities do you hold as a police officer?


Do you plan on advancing our staff hierarchy?


Another message was placed here: “Last question.. this one is optional:  what’s our real motto?:”


Last edited: 4 months ago x 5