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East Falls' Constitution
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sqidys Tech Player
47 posts
12 topics
2 months ago

This document was written for in-character purposes, so take it as so. It describes the U.S. constitution in summary to educate ignorant players of their rights on the server.


No copies shall be made of this document, it is meant for Echoes: 1984 Roleplay only.

Amendment #1
Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and Petition

All citizens, no matter their age, gender, race, sexuality or job, have the right to speak their minds freely. Have the ability to start a petition, hold peaceful protests, peaceful assemblies and be apart of any religion 

Article I

Citizens can still be punished for what they say under circumstances where it incriminates them or harasses/defames another citizen.


Article II

Citizens can be punished if the protests or assemblies become violent in any way or prevent employees or government officials from properly doing their job


Article III

 Police can also use whatever someone says against them in a court of law if it helps find them guilty or non-guilty. 


Amendment #2
Protection Against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures

All citizens, no matter their age, gender, race, sexuality or job, cannot be wrongfully or unreasonably searched by an officer of the law. 

Amendment #3
The Right to Self-Defense

All citizens, no matter their age, gender, race, sexuality or job, have the right to defend themselves when being physically assaulted, abused, or harmed to any degree. 

Article I

Defending themselves is classified as physically fighting back to weaken or disarm the attacker. This includes punching, kicking, sweeping, headbutting, etc.


Article II

Citizens who are defending themselves cannot use ANY weapons (legal and illegal) against the attacker, they cannot knock the attacker into an unconscious state, they cannot break any bones or create any puncture or stab wounds.


Article III

If the defender uses any weapon (legal or illegal) against the attacker, knocks out the attacker, breaks any bones of the attack, or stabs the attacker, the defender can and will be persecuted by the laws under the Crimes Against Person(s). 


Article IV

The citizens can only defend themselves if they are being attacked in the moment. If the attacker has already physically assaulted the victim, and the victim chooses to attack them physically 10 minutes later, for example, the citizen can and will be charged.


Amendment #4
Everything you say can and will be used against you in a Court of Justice and Law

All citizens, no matter their age, gender, race, sexuality or job-words they say can be used against them to incriminate them, punish them, or more in a court of law and justice. No matter where it is said, when it is said, or who it is said to, it can always be used against the citizen in the case where it may incriminate them, provide evidence in a court of law, etc.


Amendment #5
All Citizens Have the Right to Remain Silent

All citizens, no matter their age, gender, race, sexuality or job, have the right to remain silent when under the custody of East Fall's government officials. Which classify as Town Hall Officials, Police Department Officials, and Clinic Officials. This includes not having to answer police questions while being interrogated, not having to inform hospital workers about how you may have gotten injured, etc.

Article I

Citizens who plead the 5th and wish to remain silent when questioned or interrogated by an East Falls Official cannot be punished for choosing to stay silent. This means no additional charges can be added if they plea the 5th.


Amendment #6
The Right to a Lawyer

All citizens, no matter their age, gender, race, sexuality or job, have the right to request a lawyer when under police custody for the sake of helping and assisting them in questioning and interrogations. Otherwise, they will be given a free lawyer by the city in the case for non-guilty plea trials.

Article I

More so, All citizens, no matter their age, gender, race, sexuality or job, have the right to a free lawyer when undergoing court trials. This means when a citizen is arrested and is going to court over the charges, they have the right to have East Fall Officials grant them a free lawyer who will personally work with them and defend them, no matter the charges or circumstance of the arrest.


Article II

More so, when the offender's lawyer meets with them regarding interrogations, court trials, etc, it is unlawful, illegal, and against the constitution for an officer to listen in on their conversation. The offender and their lawyer must be given complete and total privacy to discuss how they want to handle things moving forward.


Article III

Lawyers who are assigned to a public trial case or to help a citizen undergoing police questioning or interrogation, must work with the defendant if they are assigned. No matter what the defendant did, what they are charged with, their personality, etc. (OOC NOTE: the only exception is if the lawyer/offender has issues with each other for OOC reasons. This is mentioned in Article IV, Amendment 6. The only valid IC reason for a lawyer refusing to work with an offender is if the lawyer will be put in direct danger by working with the offender).


Article IV

If the lawyer who was assigned cannot handle being around the offender for a certain reason (OOC NOTE: as mentioned in Article III, Amendment 6, reasons to where a lawyer could deny working with an offender are either due to OOC issued between the lawyer and offender or if the lawyer will be put in direct danger by working with the offender) a new one CAN be assigned to assist.


Amendment #7
The Right to a Fair and Unbiased Trial

All citizens, no matter their age, gender, race, sexuality or job, have the right to have a fair and unbiased trial in a court of law. This means the judge and lawyers handling the trial cannot have any relation or bias with or towards the defendant or prosecution. 

Article I

If a judge does have bias or relation to the defendant or prosecution that may result in the outcome of the trial being unfair, a new trial will be given to present a fair trial for both sides.


Article II

If a judge turns out to be biased in a trial and it is revealed that the trial was unfair, the judge can be arrested and the trial will be redone with a new judge.


Amendment #8
No Unfair, Unusual, or Cruel Punishment

All citizens, no matter their age, gender, race, sexuality or job, will not receive an unfair/biased punishment or a punishment that is classified as “unusual.”

Article I

Unfair/Baised punishment classifies as a punishment that was increased/worsened for unfair/biased reasons. Examples include a high school student getting suspended for a week for defending themselves when someone was assaulting them, but the assaulter was let off free and unpunished. This would be classified as “unfair” due to how the attacker wasn’t punished by the defender/victim.


Article II

Unusual punishment is classified as a type of punishment that is out of the ordinary and not mentioned in the constitution, laws, or school rules and regulations. An example includes someone being forced to fight because they were charged with assault, someone being forced to clean the principal's office because the citizen ran in the halls, etc. 


Article III

Cruel punishment is classified as a type of punishment that physically hurts, tortures (mentally and physically), or abuses the citizen as a way to punish or influence them. The only exception to this is the Death Sentence. But examples of cruel punishment include a principal beating another student physically for fighting on school grounds, an officer using their taser over and over again on a citizen who was already disarmed and not a threat, etc.


Article IV

If someone does punish a citizen with an unusual or unfair punishment in a professional/official setting/manner, the punisher can be arrested and charged depending on what they did.

This document was written by Zach

Last edited: 2 months ago x 1