In-Game (IGN) Name:
Describe your Activity (both Minecraft and Discord):
Since the release of Echoes: 1984 I’ve been on every day and for at least 3-4 hours daily just running around exploring along with finding secrets within the world of East Falls, and I also have my Discord open either in a Voice Call with friends or even an Echoes Discord Server voice call.
Links to All/Any Current and Past Faction Applications:
Do You Have a Working Microphone?
Are You Able to Join VCs?
Do you Understand That If You Break Any Player or Faction Rules You Are at Risk of Being Punished?
Most certainly.
Do You Understand That You're Expected To Be Dedicated and Active On Your Town Hall Character if Accepted?
I do understand this.
Tell Me Your Full Name, First and Last:
“Hello there nice to meet you and my full name is Clint Herrington.”
Tell Me Your Age, and Date of Birth:
“Glad you asked, I am 43 years old, and my Birthday is December 2nd, and I was born in 1941.”
What is Your Gender?:
"I am a man, thank you for asking."
What Is a Good Way to Contact You?
“I always have my radio on standby along with being near the Town Hall, you can feel free to visit me in Shady Pines.”
Tell Me About Your Degrees/School History:
Highschool Diploma – 4 years
"I had attended Helena High School in Montana and focused mainly on my social science courses from 1956-1960, I even graduated with honors.
Bachelor's in Criminal Justice-4 years
"I had attended University of Wyoming located in Laramie for my Bachelor's degree in criminal justice from 1960-1964. I had decided to get away from Montana and go to Wyoming due to tuition costs."
Law School - 3 years
"I had attended Georgetown University Law Center located in Washington, D.C. I had a large opportunity and I decided to take it leaving my western life behind and travel east 1964-1967 where I had the chance to work with Covington & Burling in as an internship."
Tell Me About Your Work Experience, What Past Jobs Did You Work For?
"I have some minor experience at a local firm in Washington, D.C. as well, under the name Covington & Burling it was very unique given the area I started working as an internship, but I stayed for 2 more years due to the kindness and all-around treatment I was given."
What Position Are You Applying For?:
“Well I thought it was obvious, but I am applying for a Judge position in East Falls, Wyoming.”
Do You Understand the Laws of this City? And do You Understand the Constitutional Rights all Citizens Have?:
“I do understand the laws of East Falls, and I know the rights of all citizens.”
Good, Now Tell Me 3 Constitutional Laws From Our Consitution:
“Well starting out there is the Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and Petition, which pretty much allows all citizens to have the right speak their mind along with meet and discuss any topic of choice. Another Law is the Right to keep and bear arms in order to maintain a well regulated militia, which is pretty controversial but I do believe this is necessary and its shown from last year with the United States invasion of Grenada, where there was a weakness with Joint operations, and lastly a Law that I know is the Freedom from excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishments. I truly believe this is needed in the USA.”
Tell Us About Yourself, What Makes You Good for Our Government?:
“Well as I previously stated I do have experience from a relatively known D.C. firm, not only this but I can be an American Judge as East Falls should be soon to find out I have seen corruption in my own eyes. After finishing my Law School in 1969 I was drafted into the Civil conflict in the Philippines where the US was against the CPP I was stationed in the Philippines till 1973, I was mainly training the Armed Forces of the Philippines specifically the Philippine Air Force, but getting off point, I’ve seen what corruption does and I know I can fight any corrupt individuals who come to East Falls and wish to start problems.” He seemed to calm down after his rant taking a deep breath, regaining his composure. “Now you might be thinking why would a person come back to Wyoming after fighting in the Military and gaining their Law Degree, well it has to be how I fell in love here, the whole atmosphere of East Falls seems perfect for me and I can use my skills from the Justice system and implement them here if given that chance.” He gave a smile and a nod as he waited for the next question.
Why Should We Accept YOU Compared To Other Applicants?:
“I know I could really succeed in this position as I am somewhat experienced in Law & Justice, as I said before, and I think it would be really beneficial to East Falls’ local Government with my own skills for criminal trials and I can express the views for our people of Wyoming." He stopped and refixed his tie on his torso and continued to speak to the interviewer, "I can really succeed in this position, and I would love to have the opportunity to make the city of East Falls safer by sentencing said criminals and bringing the community closer together as a Judge for East Falls."
In Your Own Words, Describe What The Job You Are Applying for DOES For The Community:
“The position of Judge, seems to the final statement in court along deciding if someone is guilty or not. Judges listen in court to the lawyers from both the prosecution and defense to come to a verdict. Judges also can decide whether a charge can be added/removed. Moving away from criminal trials Judges also are the ones that officiate marriages for the people of East Falls, file out restraining orders on individuals, and approve adoption papers for the community of East Falls. They also have desk work such as handing out IDs to citizens, and they issue warrants for EFPD with sufficient evidence from the police department.”
Let's Say You Become a City-Council Member. Tell Me ONE Thing You Would Like to See Added To This City.:
“If I had to be honest East Falls needs More opportunities for the community to get involved with local businesses maybe a type of internship fair where you can apply for a Trial position just to see if one likes it.”
Are You Aware That Any Display of Biasism Towards ANYONE on the Job Will Result in Punishment?:
"I am absolutely aware that any sense of bias towards any citizen is not something that will be tolerated and I completely understand. I have no plans of showing any bias as everyone deserves a fair shot especially in the courtroom.