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Preferred Name: My ign, or jashawn it does not matter to me

IGN (In-game name): contestings

Discord: contestings

Age (optional): Seventeen

OOC: Shortly describe 5 laws or behaviors that officers in the U.S. have to follow:

1.Officers must respect and protect human dignity during all interactions no matter who it may be.

2. No officer may torture or degrade ANYONE for any reason at all and the person(s) are to be respected.

3. An officer is to oppose all corruption and is to not commit any such acts.

4. All officers are to respect their code and respect the law. Along with this, they are to oppose any person who tries to violate them.

5. An officer is to fulfill their duty they are given and serve the community and protect the people within it.

Why do you want to join Echoes’ police faction?: I feel like this would be a fun and new opportunity to me as I have only ever GangRPed in the past. I want something new and fun, and to interact with more people in this community. This faction in my opinion is put together well and has great people within it. I can do a pretty good job at writing and its a new opportunity to grow my knowledge and experience as well as

What would you do if you accidentally broke a law, and someone began to argue with you OOC?: I would try my best to deescalate and apologize for messing up, but if they continue I would simply get staff to handle it.

If someone was insulting you OOC for not following a common law (such as reading their rights)  what would you do/say?: I would apologize and ask which law I did not follow and try my best to correct my actions. If they do continue to insult me I would kindly ask them to stop or get staff.

What do you do if you arrest someone? Be short, but detailed: When I arrest someone I would make sure they know their rights IE: Right to remain silent. I would next take them to the station and book them and read them their bail and time they will serve if not bailed.

If someone is behaving strangely, as if they were using illegal substances, what do you do?: I would try to talk to them to get a feel of things to see if they are under the influence and deal with them accordingly.

If someone will not give you their identity and you don’t have probable cause, what do you do?: Said person does not have to identify themself and I do not have any probable cause, so I would continue along as it is not against the law.

If someone refuses to identify themselves because of the 5th amendment, but you have probable cause, what do you do?: If I have probable cause I would detain or arrest said person for obstruction of justice depending on the situation.

Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):

Jashawn, born in 1959, Los Angeles California, is a twenty five year old male standing at around six feet five inches tall, with tanned skin, and wavy hair. From birth, his father was very abusive, hitting his mother and yelling. Drinking beer every day after working at the mechanic shop, he would never do things for his wife and son. At the age of two, his father was arrested for first-degree murder, leaving his mother the sole person to care for him. She worked in a hospital, day in and day out tirelessly working to support her and Jashawn. With low income they struggled for many years but they had gotten by. When he was old enough to go to school, Jashawn was enrolled, every day the other children ridiculed him for being quiet and kept to himself, but he was very intelligent. Every single assignment he had to do, he did it flawlessly with ease. Being very successful in school, his mother and teachers were amazed, but he was an outcast to the other children. But Jashawn did not care, he kept pushing as all he wanted was to support his family.

Things were beginning to look up for him and his mother until tragedy struck, his mother was struck by another car leaving her in critical condition. He was only fourteen years old when he was left by himself. Jashawn was barely finishing middle school when he found himself working during all his free time to keep the bills paid. With school and 2 Jobs, he was constantly tired, but he kept pushing despite being all alone. A few months after the accident, his mother sadly passed away sealing his fate, or did it? At the beginning of high school, Jashawn worked harder than ever, passing each and every exam with an A, working countless hours and getting very little hours of sleep. Every day up until the tenth grade was the same but it soon changed when he had gotten a new opportunity. He took hold of this and did not let go. He soon sold the house, moving to East Falls where he outdid all expectations from his teachers, proving he was not going to give up under any circumstances. At his new workplace he made much more than the amount of money he did before giving him more time to rest. Taking advantage of this Jashawn began saving up money for his college fund. By the time he had graduated he had nearly enough but he continued to work.

He soon applied to a college, and on his twentieth birthday, he had gotten a letter saying he was accepted. Things finally were good for him for the very first time in his life. He never cared about what people thought of him, all he wanted was to be successful and prove anyone can turn their life around. Studying
Criminal justice administration with the hopes of getting into law or being a police officer, Jashawn wanted to help prevent these same things from happening to other people. The schooling took many years and was even more tiring as he had to study even more while still working, but Jashawn did not forget his past and everything his mother did for him, so he continued determined to achieve his goal. Soon enough, he graduated from college with his bachelor's degree. But there was a very short time where he was mixed with the wrong people, he finally had made friends, but they were not good people. With constant fighting Jashawn seemed even more sad and aggressive than before. Realizing what he was doing was wrong and would ruin his life permanently so he left them behind to complete what he wanted. The final day came, he found himself talking to another officer about applying, and he gave him an application. He wrote for hours giving it back. He found himself in an interview, his fate being decided by the officer in front of him… 

IC: A short message would be here. It read, “Howdy! Thank you for applying to our police department here in East Falls! Please fill out the form and turn it in.”

Name: Jashawn Drakos

Age: 25

Education (HS Diploma, GED, etc.): Bachelor's degree in Criminal justice administration

Why do you want to be an officer for our community?: I want to make sure this community is safe and be of use to other people. I wish to protect others from crime because I know how brutal it truly is and I dont want anyone to suffer. Since I was a child, I had a very rough start and had little help with anything. Id like to make sure other people do not go through the same things as me.

Have you had any previous training or teaching in our academy? I have not, no.

What responsibilities do you hold as a police officer? My responsibilities include and are not limited to: Protecting the people of this community and ensuring their safety, enforcing the law, maintaining public order and making arrests when needed to keep the community clean.

Do you plan on advancing our staff hierarchy? I do and dont. My only goal has to been protect others but if I do receive the chance to climb the hierarchy, I will take hold of it.

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