OOC Information:
Country of Origin & Time Zone:
Canada, EST (GMT-5)
Describe your activity on the server:
General Schedule
I am free almost all day 7 days a week. However, on Fridays (biweekly) and Tuesdays I am usually gone from 5pm-9pm. On Sundays occasionally unavailable at 9pm-10pm. I am reachable on discord beyond. I have been drawn to log on a few times per day/two days. Aside from the fishing function, I tend to walk around, speak to people in character and out of character as well as explore the map to find discrete places I have yet to see / find.
On Echoes I play a woman named Raelynn Monterrosa. She is often seen fishing or interacting with people, welcoming to all those who desire to conversate. I also used to play a man named Joseph Briar however that was prior to reset and I decided to stick to just Raelynn afterwards.
What inspires you to apply for the role of a black market dealer?:
Entirely New Experience
I have shared many experiences in other servers, and have even entered the criminal world. However, I have never once had the opportunity to become a black market dealer, and it is something that has intrigued me for a long time. I enjoy the concept of weapons as well as the risk that comes along with playing such a high profile criminal. I would like the opportunity to explore this avenue and develop enriched roleplay experiences. I would also be able to watch as the weapons I deal have an impact on the lives of people in game. This can provide in-depth character building and story telling. I'd love to work towards a collective goal with the team of Black Market.
Not only do I have a chance to interact with Weapon Dealers, Criminal Business Owners, Gangs and regular criminals, but I have the opportunity to cross paths with Government Officials and the other factions to form an interwoven narrative of connections and possible in-character misfortune. I've thoroughly enjoyed Echoes and want to see it thrive, this area being where I believe I would be best suited to aid. I strive to find a suitable location to collaborate amongst a team and develop bonds that can create amazing memories whilst helping better the server for others.
What distinguishes you from other candidates, and what unique contributions can you bring to the team?:
Ideas / Creativity & Dedication
I am dedicated to the positions I assume, thus I will spend countless hours when tasked with something or simply desire to. For example, if I am asked what additional weapons could be added, I take the time to go through options and dive deeper to find possible unobvious answers. I am creative, typically able to think outside of the box for new concepts that might prove interesting to implement.
Generally, I have proven to be well versed in the organization of written work to provide the least amount of confusions amongst viewers. I'd be able to make suggestions in terms of formatting and construction of things (when applicable) to increase the common understanding.
Conversational Skills & Understanding
Overall I identify with my ability to properly communicate with people. I have been able to mediate and perform conflict resolution, as well as simply uphold conversation and interest in those around me. I am open to learning things and understand that others currently in the field simply have more experience than I do at being a weapon dealer. However, I catch on quickly and ask questions if I ever need clarification. It would be wonderful to grow from those around me as well as form those bonds to collectively achieve a goal to better the East Falls Black Market.
What prior experience do you have collaborating with a team?:
Other Server Experience
I have been in other roleplaying servers where I have explored various aspects of functions that require collaboration in a team. For example, I have been a part of a Swim team for over a year. This displays my dedication to such a role, as well as the ability to cooperate with others. I have recently been promoted to Co-Captain of this group and work even closer with the Captain and opposing team's Captain / Co-Captain. In addition, I have been on a Town Hall team as a Lawyer for 8 months or longer. I decided to have interns where I work with those who I gained to form a suitable schedule for them, as well as working with my coworkers to establish collaborative efforts in teaching them things that are not in my specific field. I have also been a part of shops on a server. Examples are restaurants and regular retail. In retail, each employee must do their job to get the shop to run at full capacity. As for restaurants, you must communicate with staff to properly guide customer service. I work as a greeter, thus having the obligation to tell the waiters where the person is seated so they may accurately do their own job. I have been in a gang, collaborating with other members to work towards a collective goal. I've participated in various events, following instructions. I've worked to protect objectives with another (security) and ultimately proved successful in interaction. These are countless examples of areas I've excelled in collaborating with a team to come to a desired result. I am dedicated to the positions I receive and am willing to place my all into it.
Real Life Experience
In real life without diving too far into it, I have participated on a soccer team for years. Often, the members switch which requires me to get acquainted with each person to form an understanding. This understanding allows the team to operate more effectively. We work on each other's strengths and weaknesses collectively, balancing each one out and striving for a goal we hope to achieve.
Are you familiar with all the rules about weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?
Indeed I am. I have also reread these prior to application to be sure of the rules and grab a refresher.
Purchasable Weapons & Items
Items: Ballistic Mask, Rope
A ballistic mask covers the face of the individual, only able to block hits from the front. The rope aids in restraining people.
Blunt Weaponry: Wooden Baseball Bat, Metal Baseball Bat, Brass Knuckles, Crowbar
A wooden baseball bat may knock someone out, a metal baseball bat may break / fracture bones such. Brass knuckles rapidly KO and a crowbar allows someone to pry open a residence's door.
Sharp Weaponry: Machete, Chef's Knife, Butterfly Knife
A chef's knife and butterfly knife may only cut through fingers, however a machete may slice through a hand or foot
These can advance up tiers once the prior tier is acted upon.
- KOP (KO Perms) | May mug 5 dollars, only blunt weapons or fists utilized, knock the person out
- BP (Bone Breaking Perms) | May mug 10 dollars, only blunt weapons or fists utilized, can KO and break bones, may use rope to restrain
- VP (Vital Perms) | Cannot mug, may utilize any weapon, may kidnap and hold hostage, rope & zip ties can be used however they may find a way to break free, you may knock the opponent out to commit said perms or kidnapping for ease, you are allowed to break into a residence if there is IC proof of the target within. There are different courses of action, only one able to be utilized out of the following: Remove one of four limbs, breaking limbs / blinding an eye / burning a portion, non-lethal stab.
- MP (Murder Perms) | Cannot mug, utilization of any weapon (blunts must be kept a short description of act or F2B is applicable), rope & zip ties can also be used however they may find a way to break free, may break into a residence with IC proof, may kidnap and hold hostage. The options for such permissions are as follows, only one may be chosen: You may lethally stab the target where a 10 minute OOC timer will determine whether they become deceased afterward, fracture up to 6 bones in any part or remove 3 limbs (The 10 minute OOC timer will occur, however they will simply fall unconscious rather than death).
Cause for Permissions
Permissions can be passed up to 3 people when non-gang affiliated. When in a gang, these permissions can be passed throughout the gang (and associates). This is acquired via a description of the target and explanation of what is required to be done.
KOP: Disrespect / Harassment (Insult or touch twice), attempted arrest by an officer, request for backup (may break the device only, to halt the act), item or money scams (may mug what you had back), taser fired and hit you (cannot mug taser), an attempt or successful removal of mask, officer intending to utilize a baton on you (must be out - may mug the baton).
BP: Use of KOP (Must have at least landed one hit to be eligible for BP retaliation after a KO), a snitch to EFPD with no result (No questioning, detainment or arrest), threatened by a weapon (may mug the weapon not including tasers), an attempt at breaking an entering only to fail (perms on all breaking in to your property), an attempt or success by an officer to utilize a baton upon you (may mug baton).
VP: Use or attempt of BP, someone has broken into any of your properties (perms on all), snitch lands you in trouble with EFPD (detained, interrogated or arrested), stolen / scammed goods sold for profit (Unable to return items - Only KOP on seller), kidnapping or hostage situation on you OR a gang member (perms on everyone involved in the situation), use or attempt of a weapon attack, snitch gets your property raided by EFPD (VP on snitch), continuous injuries from prolonged conflict (KOP utilized 6 times against you).
MP: Use or attempt of VP, ex-gang member relays information to a rival gang, ex-gang member relays information to EFPD (Even just telling allows MP), gang wars (No passing perms, last 7 OOC days after the end of conflict), seen attempting or committing murder on a government official (Any corrupt government official may act on MP), arrested and found guilty of a death sentence crime (MP against any member of council known to vote "yes" - can be passed to gang members without description).
Combat Permissions
The citizens of East Falls have varying roll levels, however they typically decline as 30, 25, 20, 15 and 10 (miscellaneous). EFPD have the exception of a +15 addition to their roll. I will limit my writing for this part, however I will emphasize core differences / intriguing aspects of the system.
- An arrested character warrants 2 OOC days exempt from GangRP whilst a killed character warrants 5 OOC days before the player may participate in GangRP
- When KOed, the character will undergo a daze that does not allow them to CombatRP for 20 minutes OOCLY (Knocked out for 5 minutes OOCLY)
- Must hit the head 4 times to properly KO an individual (Certain weapons increase this counter faster)
- KO counter resets after no combat for 5 minutes OOCLY
- Only smaller weapons can be drawn mid combat, larger weapons must be drawn before a player enters range.
- 1v1s allow for double & triple actions (On success it will skip your next turn). Only one can be aimed at a vital spot! Every action is rolled for and the failure one makes the rest inapplicable. (No instant KOs)
- Dodging is an action and can only be used to reasonably counter the final move done (It also skips your next turn)
Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested three times, you will be removed from the black market? This goes for anything. I.e arrested twice, killed once vice versa.:
I understand this risk and accept the conditions.
Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential additions to the black market to others?:
Of course. It is only natural to keep the confidentiality a secret until spoken publicly by a lead / staff member.
IC Information:
It seems you have caught yourself in an interview with the lovely woman before you. She greets you with the flash of a welcoming smile, shifting to be seated in one of the wooden chairs of the dockyard.
Full Legal Name:
"My name in full is Raelynn Monterrosa," She nods in acknowledgement to such a forward inquiry, confident in her response.
Criminal Alias:
Her supple lips pressed firmly together until her once warm smile curved downwards into a menacing neutral, "Straight to it are we? My alias is 'Dare.' It's quite the meaningful name."
To counteract the tensed atmosphere she had cultivated, her tone softened and added a playful ring to it, "Asking a lady such a thing is rather bold. I am 22 years young, on my way to 23. Surprising, right?" She chuckled, full of mirth.
"I am female and follow the pronouns She/They," The woman leaned forward in her seat, her forearms making contact with her thighs in order to support the steeple of her hands. Her fingertips occasionally drummed against one another in thought, eagerly awaiting the next inquiry.
Ethnicity & Race:
"German Hispanic (Spain)," She pauses briefly after the word 'Hispanic' erupted from her throat. This allowed her time to cup her hands, forming a gesture suggestive of parentheses once she continued with the word 'Spain.'
Former Associations / Occupations:
Her maple hued gaze widened ever so slightly at the mere existence of such a question. Enacting on this, her 5'3 frame leaned back against her chair and she crossed her left leg over her right. A slight bounce was prominent in the supporting limb as her lips parted to vocalize her methodical answer, "I have been apart of none in East Falls, however I was an associate to one in Japan." A moment of silence passes between both the individuals in the room, her glances sharpening in a calculated manner.
Highest Level of Education:
Raelynn is then seen slipping her right hand into her pocket, "I have a Bachelors in Health Sciences. Originally wanted to be a Clinician. Silly me," she spoke, her tone almost reverent if it weren't for such a distant expression. Opening to show her palm, the woman displayed a metallic circle that appeared to be engraved as if it were an enlarged American one dollar coin. The object danced amidst her fingers absent-mindedly, yet you could not help but believe she kept a watchful eye.. never to let her guard falter.
Describe your character's appearance in detail:
Being of Hispanic descent, her tanned skin was a prominent feature of hers. However, it contrasted greatly with her pastel green hair that cascaded down the subtle curves of her hourglass figure. Raelynn had maple brown eyes that seemingly glimmered like the sparks of a reignited flame while her smile mimicked the warmth of the sun. Her stature only raised to 5 feet and 3 inches above ground. As she began to serenade people with the angelic sound of her voice, a noticeable accent could be made out. It alluded to her Germanic descent. She wore one of two outfits mainly. There would be her regular outfit with a black A-Line skirt (white buttons), reddish-pink tie-front top with long sleeves (light flowing material) and black mid-calf boots. Her alternative outfit consists of a crimson tie adorning a white shirt that is partially tucked into her grey tubular skirt with a right sided front-slit. She wears a black cropped jacket overtop of the shirt and matching gloves to protect her hands from any fingerprints. Her tiger and flower tattoo slightly seeps out from the cuff of her right sleeve. Her foot apparel consists of black heels with crimson gems lining a connection in the shoe.
Describe your character's personality in detail:
Personal Life
To the unassuming, Raelynn is a caring individual who greets people with a warm smile. She has a bubbly personality that causes a playful rumble when mentioned to be short amongst those she deems her friends. She is loyal beyond belief and maintains a positive outlook on situations that could otherwise prove negative. Although she remains this way, she is noticeably not naive when it comes to trusting people. To most, it appears as though she is straightforward and will not halt what she thinks. How wrong they are. She often does not express her own pressing emotions, choosing to neglect them and push forward for the sake of others.
Business Oriented
Once in the mindset of a woman solely there for business and respect, she becomes distant and chilling to the bone. She is direct, straight to the point and will only speak that of which she has properly calculated within her mind. Although there are brief periods where she assumes a welcoming nature, she remains loyal to those who benefit her personally. Loyalty is large in emphasis, as no matter the form, she holds a great deal of this form of expression. She enjoys being unpredictable and being able to control the situation, her gradual shift in demeanour thoroughly confusing to those who may cross her.
Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail (300+ words):
Raelynn's background is one that speaks of misfortune, betrayal, anguish and acceptance. A will to rise above it all.
"Well then, snuff out the last of this candle's flame. I dare you."
9 Lives: An Undying Light
Location: Zaragoza, Spain.
It was a cool night in the middle of winter, quiet except for the occasional whip of the unusually violent winds. Almost mimicking that of the weather, the only sound that reverberated through the tattered walls of a broken household were the constant aggravated screams that seeped through a young Raelynn's bedroom door. There was no clemency and even as her small hands clasped at her ears, the noise never ceased.
Location: Cologne, Germany.
As she grew older, her parents ceased the heartbreak. It was simply out of convenience they remained together after all. There was one uplifting sentiment to her family however. This was the fact she was provided with two younger siblings who she cherished deeply. One was named Quinley, a distant boy who was the middle child. The other was Verena, a deaf girl who was the youngest of the bunch. Although her parents no longer argued, there came the issue of neglect. Raelynn was forced to mature rapidly and problem solve in order to support her younger siblings. She would learn sign language in order to communicate with her sister, as well as to teach the children so they were well equipped. It also managed to function as a means of secret conversation. After all, they did not desire to witness their mother's searing fury or watch as the disappointment spilled into those hazy blue eyes of their father. The current brunette spent the majority of her time either working when of age or being the caretaker of her dysfunctional household.
When she reached adulthood, Raelynn strived to be free of her family. Yet, this desperate freedom came at a cost; leaving her siblings behind to pursue these goals. She ultimately decided to remain home until she had further reason to depart. This is when she met a man named Akimitsu. She was immediately drawn in from the visiting foreigner. A light in the abyss she felt ever so drown in. He encouraged her to view the world from another perspective, and even invited her to live in Japan with him once they entered a romantic relationship. She had never felt such a compelling emotion. Love.. could this be love? She had no clue in reality. Like a moth to a flame, Raelynn was drawn in and decided to formally leave her life behind. She spoke of visiting Quinley and Verena, though she could never estimate when. In honour of their memory and against the ideals of her family, the woman got a tattoo of a tiger surrounded by flowers. The tiger symbolized her protection over those she loved, acting as a second mother and guardian. It also represented the authority she maintained in reference to control of her life. She was determined to assert her beliefs and enforce her boundaries for those who currently could not. The flowers were symbolism of her love and hardships. The tiger, enveloped in flowers, still stood strong amongst the hardships that her own care caused her. A will like no other to continue forward. However, still for fear of judgement and resentment, the woman kept this tattoo a secret. She still cared for her parents, regardless of her troubled upbringing.
Location: Tokyo, Japan.
Moving in with her then boyfriend, Raelynn believed life would look up for her. However, progressively over a few months, Akimitsu became increasingly controlling. He knew she was now isolated from anyone who could possibly show her care. Utilizing this exploitative measure, she was viewed more as an object rather than person. She was unable to alter her appearance, only if it involved someone else's liking. Oh how similar these experiences were. She was continuously bound by thick metaphoric chains, suffocating in a silent pressure within. In addition to this hellscape, Akimitsu was involved with a popular local association that dealt with criminals. He would utilize this fact to convince her of a community fueled by loyalty, one where she would be accepted and anyone would have her back. How naive she was back then.
Her primary course of action was delivering unknown packages to certain areas, then it grew into something she attempted to ignore. The crimson liquid that adorned each member, dripping in the deafening silence of the night with a sickening plop. Ragged breaths, those poor souls. She supposed that was the price for dishonesty. Yet, she soon realized it was rather senseless to pummel someone for a fraction of a reason. At least the one benefit she can attribute to her work amongst this unnamed association was the learning of effective combat measures.
Simultaneously, the woman operated as a college student by day. She pursued medical studies in hopes of perhaps becoming a clinician one day. That would soon change. Her motivations were to aid people, while also following something respectable her boyfriend and family in Germany would approve of.
Tuesday, September 16th, 1981
The stars shone through the parted clouds of this chilled autumn night, the breeze gently rustling the light brown locks of the 5'3 woman. As she rounded the block to her joint residence, a hand reached from the inky abyss of an alley, wrapping around her waist and pulling her frame back. She stumbled, her lungs burning with the urge to scream, however the opposition's other hand swiftly moved to cover her supple lips. She kicked and squirmed desperately, feeling her heart sink in panic.
A voice rung out, familiar and true, "Calm down, Rae. You're overreacting." It was almost eerie and off putting with how it was spoken. Chilling, distant, not meant to reassure her despite the words.
Her brows furrowed, attempting to recognize the sound more thoroughly. Her nails dug into their biceps, clawing and helpless. Then it clicked. She froze, her maple hued gaze darting cautiously upwards to see the visage of the man she had loved; Akimitsu. A sly smile, cruel in nature. A target. She was a target. He released his painfully tight grasp on her face, allowing her to have the luxury of speech. She released heavy breaths once allowed.
"What are you doing?!" Raelynn exclaimed, returning to an uncomfortable squirm.
He snickered, rolling those emerald green eyes of his, "You're not particularly needed anymore, darling. You've done your job, and quite well I might add, however you know a little bit too much."
She felt the fear strike her soul, the glint of metal across the unwavering moonlight that rarely illuminating this sizeable crevice. He had a knife, and he planned to plunge it deep within. She felt true hopelessness. This was nothing like those trainings.. those times she had to beat someone. No, this was a betrayal. He promised her protection, love, loyalty, none of which he had held for her.
A resentment began brewing, igniting her bones to their core. She would not give up, she would come out on top. She shifted so she was able to bring her leg back enough where it slammed against him, causing the older man to drop her in the process. As she thud to the ground, he let out an angered yet pained groan. A maniacal look passed through those dull green spheres for eyes, his figure looming over her smaller frame. He raised that weapon and she knocked him off balance, using this to lower his guard and attempt to wrestle the knife from him. Once acquired, she straddled his waist and rest over him, raising the weapon.
She had always been wronged by every individual in her life.
"I dare you to kill me, I dare you to try," She spoke, a roar of years in torment and lying dormant ready to awaken.
Perhaps it was safe to say that Akimitsu was left with a consistent reminder of what he had failed to do that night. As for Raelynn, she decided to finish her Bachelors in Health Sciences and then move out of Japan for good. Even the medical degree was a stark reminder of her life full of misfortune.
The Move
Location: Wyoming, East Falls (1984)
Raelynn arrived shortly after discovering a document called 'Dockyard of Despair' about a loving couple who let no waters prohibit their fondness. 'How absurd' she thought, however part of her desired for this to be some form of hope. One where she could have a new life and meet people who would remain loyal to her. Ones who taught her the meaning of love. She would dye her hair in the end, distancing from her past life and reassuming control over things she never once could. The meaning of her tattoo even altered in her sight. A testament to never allow another to walk over her. To move forward, never looking back. To overcome. She is no longer fearful of displaying this, thoroughly enjoying her tattoo. Even if she could not break her criminal tendencies after a prolonged period of mistreatment, she resisted the most she could. She assumed the alias 'Dare' under the sentiment that no one could remove the flickering flame of passion that she now released and embodied.
After all, she dares you.
Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:
Night, the one guarantee of a criminal. It concealed hidden figures that slinked along unscathed. However, basking the the moonlight was a 5'3 figure along the dock. It illuminated almost in a heavenly manner. How could such a woman be whom this individual strived to meet with? She was anything but intimidating, surely. As 'Dare' pivoted upon her heel, a ballistic mask protected those soft features from view. After all, it was risky to interact openly with the knowledge of being a weapon dealer. She gestured towards boxes that rest between two containers. As the man glanced over, he noticed the metallic glint of an object. Eager to collect, he stepped closer. However, almost as if anticipating his every move, 'Dare' approved at record speed. She stood, her frame blocking the man. In fact, despite being unable to see her expression beyond the obstruction, he could infer the disappointment etching throughout.
"Are you forgetting something?" A sharp, calculated tone although muffled reached his ears.
He shuddered, feeling as though a chill crept up his spine. It was a silent threat, that he knew. Reaching into his pocket, he grasped the money of which was owed for such a weapon. 'Dare' counted the cash in front of the man, releasing a hum in thought before pocketing the currency. She never once turned her back on the unpredictable individual, her steps careful as she backed towards the crevice to retrieve the item. She picked the metallic baseball bat up into her gloved hands, soon lightly passing it over to the gentleman.
"Thank you so much!" He cried out, almost unsure whether to lower his nerves.
A gentle snicker, "No problem. Now, scurry off. Wouldn't want the EFPD to come sniffing around," she hissed. The two sounds contradicted each other. Perhaps assuming her next reaction was dangerous. Always expect the unexpected. Isn't that how it goes? Who was she to care.
Additional Information:
Another thing I am aware of when applying for this position is that I cannot work as certain East Fall positions (Government, Police, Clinician) as well as accepting a lower ranking in a gang when applicable.
Other than that, thank you for taking the time to read my application! No matter the result, have a nice day / night <3