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Preferred Name:

Este - Ali - Hex

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How much do you know about first-aid and general medicine?:

Most of my formal education has been in subjects revolving around or relating to medicine, I spent two years of my University career studying to be a psychiatric nurse, my knowledge of general medicine, treatment and prescriptions was strongly developed from this education. In terms of first-aid, I have multiple certifications including; 

- Emergency First Aid & CPR

- Occupational First Aid - Level 3

Both of which have allowed me to work as a safety officer at my formal employment position.  

This education has allowed me to get a good foothold in medical treatment, from stitching, caring for varied types of physical injuries, and more complex internal injuries like ruptures, chronic conditions and infections.  

I am also eager to research and learn about other, less commonly known material in order to further expand my knowledge and create a more immersive medical roleplay experience for myself and the players I interact with.


Give us 3 examples of injuries, and their resolution:

-Compound Fracture: A compound fracture is a broken bone that protrudes through your skin due to a force or blunt trauma induced injury. Treating a compound fracture comes with multiple layers that require dedicated attention, as it is not only a broken bone, but an open wound is created as a result of the bone piercing the skin, which increases the risk of complications through blood loss, tissue damage, or infection. Typically with compound fractures, the first priority when a patient arrives is stabilizing them. Pain medication is typically administered and in severe cases a nerve block may be utilized to reduce severe pain around the afflicted area. During this clinicians would be working to clean and sterilize the open wound created by the protruding bone in order to reduce infection or contamination. 

After the patient is stabilized a doctor will use an X-ray or CT scan to assess the damage of the broken bone and how to align it safely, the doctor will also check for nerve damage around the injury and any continued risk of blood loss. After assessment, surgery is typically required in order to realign and reduce the fracture to allow for the bone to heal, typically resulting in a cast. In more severe cases rods and plates may be inserted to ensure the bone stays aligned during healing. After the healing process physical therapy may be required in order to regain efficient motor function in the area of the fracture.


-Fractured Nose: Treating a broken nose is often a much less complex injury to treat, depending on the severity. Firstly it is important to reduce any bleeding, as all injuries require, this can often be done with a simple cotton plug and a cold compress, in most cases, patients arriving at the hospital or clinic with a broken nose will have already taken the steps to contain the bleeding. Upon arrival a physical examination is performed by a clinician to assess damages, this is usually done by hand, pressing around the bridge and other areas of the nose to check for obstructions or implications of worse injury.

If the break doesn’t misshape or damage the nose significantly, over the counter pain relievers and cold applications are often enough to allow the fracture to heal. In severe cases where there is risk of pooling or significant misalignment, nasal draining, manual realignment or even surgical intervention may be required. These include a clinician using a local anesthetic to manually realign the nose with their hands, delicately pressing on bone and cartilage to set it into place. or using a general anesthesia to undergo reconstruction surgery, where bone may be removed and realigned.  


-Head Wound: There are many different types of head wounds, for this section it will primarily focus a blunt force strike resulting in an open wound. Upon arrival a clinician will assess the patients wellbeing, this includes consciousness, bleeding, and the overall condition of the injury. If the injury is severe that takes priority, if the wound's size is deemed concerning, sutures or staples may be utilized. Applying a local anesthesia to the wound and closing it with the aforementioned suture, in some cases where the scalp is involved adhesives may be used instead. 

Once the wound is closed and cleaned a sterile dressing may be applied to encourage healing and reduce the risk of infection. With the injury treated a clinician will likely move to evaluate the patient for further damages like a concussion or fragmenting of the skull. Using a light a clinician may check pupils for dilation, if the patient's eyes do not respond to the light or has an atypical response, there is likely risk of concussion, an MRI or CT scan will be used to determine the internal injury and its severity. If it is determined that there is a concussion, a clinician may prescribe relevant pain medication to help the patient, or they can recommend over the counter medication such as ibuprofen. A clinician may also keep the patient at the clinic for further observation if there is potential for further complications 


Why do you want to join the hospital faction on Echoes? Answer this OOC:

There has been a large lack of applications towards Clinicians and the Clinic in general since the server started reviewing them. With the rise of criminalRP and Police applications it only seems fair to boost Clinic staffing as well to match the population of East Falls. This allows me the unique opportunity to combine a personal passion for the medical field with the desire to create good roleplay and a more lifelike server! 

Not only does the hospital faction allow for me to participate actively with other members of Echoes on a more grounded level, but also allows me to continue to build on my own characters' story in a fun, and engaging way. I hope to be able to contribute to the faction with new ideas and event collaborations to keep the faction engaging while still fulfilling its purpose. To be able to provide a service for players that engages them so they do not miss out on any roleplay experiences, often I have seen that players have to skip treatment roleplay, which can sometimes separate from the story of their character. I only hope to work with other members of the Hospital Faction to continue to grow and cultivate a fun roleplay experience!


How would you deal with someone that was FailRPing inside of the hospital?:

It’s most important to be respectful with handling situations that are taken outside of character, especially regarding FailRP. If a player is fail-roleplaying I would kindly remind them of the rules, in hopes they were just unaware, and that they have an obligation to follow them, as they are engaging in roleplay. I am more than willing to answer any questions they may have regarding the situation at hand as well, as it’s much better to inform players over arguing with them over rules they may not know. If the problematic player persists, It is best to pause roleplay and contact staff to confirm that they are in fact breaking the rules, ensuring I have screenshots and evidence displaying the failed roleplay to make it as easy as possible for staff to handle the situation.


Provide us with 2 some-what detailed actions of your character helping an injured person. You can choose the injury or illness.

Han-Gyeol Gyeon motioned the patient towards a sanitized bed, taking a moment to rest his ornate cane against his office desk, a soft exhale escaping the refined man. A pair of gloves slipped onto the clinician's hand, snapping as he pulled them tight. Han grabbed a stool pulling it close to the patient as he sat, weight leaning slightly forwards. “So, you say you’ve been having some issues breathing through your nose, a fever, and congestion, how long have these symptoms been present?” He paused, looking at the patient through his glasses with a calm gaze as they spoke, his eyes maintaining a confident reassurance. Upon hearing the young woman's answer, Han rolled his stool to the side, a tray of sterile instruments on display. a gloved hand selecting a simple flat tongue depressor returning to his position. A hand reached up, flicking on a small lensed light fastened to his glasses. “Could you tilt your head upwards and say ahh for me? I’d like to take a further look.” With the patient's cooperation he’d place the depressor on her tongue and lean inwards for further inspection, during this process she remained quiet, inspecting for any signs of inflammation or discharge, afterwards he took a moment to inspect the nostrils for similar signs. Flicking the light off he’d push away, setting the depressor in a tray for cleaning. Han took a moment to wipe his gloves with a disinfectant wipe before shifting to grab an otoscope, returning one last time to the woman sitting atop the bed. “One last check, please stay still.” The soft warmth of the otoscope light would hit the woman's ear as he took a moment to observe for any swelling, just like before. Once Han-Gyeol had concluded his inspection of the sick woman, he pushed back, sending himself rolling towards the tray to place the otoscope next to the used depressions. With a soft hum he removed his gloves, a finger hooking beneath the pale blue glove to peel it off and toss it in the nearby garbage. “It looks like you have a sinus infection, I’ll prescribe you some amoxicillin, other than that simply rest and you should see improvement. Please contact the clinic if the symptoms persist after taking the antibiotics, you’re free to go ma’am.” He smiled, stepping back to grab his cane, walking the patient out before returning to clean his station.


Han-Gyeol Gyeon pushed open the front door of the clinic happening upon the newest patient, this one scorched across the arm with heavy burns. He held the door open for the man. Letting out a quick “Come in, I’ll get this treated right away” The tap of his cane filled the hall as he walked the patient to a burn treatment bath making sure they kept their arm off of any clothing. Slipping on a clean pair of gloves he would step forwards to closer inspect the burn. A dissatisfied hum escaped him as he noticed the leathery, white discoloration of the skin along the man's arm. His lips thinned as he stepped back to grab some cloth scissors, and a needle, which would prepare with a mixture of Ropivacaine and Epinephrine. He returned to the patient with a gentle voice sounding out. “Please hold still, this will ease the pain, and allow me to treat you.” Han calmly used the scissors to cut upwards along the shirt, clinging to his bicep, then Han would promptly inject the mixture, allowing the numbing agent to take its course as he discarded the needle and set the scissors away, replacing them with surgical scissors and tweezers. He settled in, clearing out any debris with diligent hands, and removing dead skin and tissue from the area surrounding the burn, setting the removed contaminants into the disposal. After some time preparing the wound he would set the tools into a steel tray for cleaning. Moving aside to grab an ointment and a sterile, non-adhesive bandage, carefully applying the antibiotics and covering the burn assuring it was not moved around while doing so. After treating the primary issue Han would set up a mixture of antibiotics and electrolytes in an IV, putting the needle into the opposite arm's inner elbow on a slow drip. “Please rest, we’ll get you moved to a bed soon so you can rest and we can monitor you, you’ll be just fine after some recovery.” With that he moved to remove his gloves, tossing them aside as he shifted his weight, hobbling towards his cane which he took with a soft exhale.


Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):

Gyeon, Han-Gyeol is a native resident of South Korea, growing up Incheon he lived a secluded life, both of his parents being important corporate figures within Korea, he spent most of his childhood and teenage years living as a bargaining chip to his parents furthering careers, which required him to speak in an incredibly formal, precise and polite form of Korean. As he grew up into his mid teens he found himself spending extensive amounts of time alone, having to feed himself, only truly gaining the attention of his parents when they sought to teach him the ways of business in South Korea, Han found himself rapidly declining in his physical health. Losing weight and following a very early onset stroke, induced by his immense stressors. He began experiencing intense difficulty in using his lower limbs which his parents credited to his negligence, he became trapped.  

It was only when Han-Gyeol was found by the caretaker of their home, begging for help that his parents never gave, was he sent to a hospital for both psychiatric, and medical treatment. Han spent three years in and out of hospital undergoing various treatments, through this he found the unique support from a particularly fond doctor that supported his desire to leave his family's clutches and pursue a career external to the business he was meant to inherit. Han-Gyeol finally left the medical rooms behind, his stroke weakening muscle control in his left leg especially. 

As a young man of eighteen years, with little money and even less understanding of the world he took off for the United States, which luckily was leading to his future education at the University of Chicago, a venture his parents very hesitantly supported. Though, they found it was a convenient way to get rid of him, now that he would not be a pawn for their business ventures. The distance between his family grew as the years passed, Han-Gyeol remained ever so isolated, but at the very least, he had found a passion  in his education, and with high hopes he carved a path towards a prominent career 

Through his schooling, which started in a simple biology bachelors, he found his way into the medical world, this time, on the other side of the clipboard. Though his education was a road with little trouble, due to his prestigious upbringing, Han-Gyeol by all means, was an academic savant. He completed his bachelor's degree in an earlier than expected fashion, sending himself into the premedical with a dazzling display of grades that only an honor roll student could truly match. This trajectory very much remained consistent through his theoretical education, Han’s drive for knowledge was very much the only thing keeping him alive.

Unfortunately, this venture would not be without its own setbacks. With his now permanent ailment he could not compete with other more capable doctors during his practicum, little was done to accommodate Han-Gyeol, and hope was quickly beginning to leave the young man, who was now reaching the cusp of his late twenties. With many complications and long winded conversations with Doctors and Deans alike, Han was able to scrape by with his Medical Degree.  

Then of course, the next era of issue came into play, unable to find consistent work in hospitals, and his funds quickly dwindling, Han-Gyeol found himself in the small town of East Falls, at the quaint clinic, hoping for the ability to work in a little more of a. . .resigned environment, one that could both allow him to show the care he was robbed of as a child in the only way he knew how to, while still respecting the ailments of his own body. providing treatment at a pace he could manage. Even with his newest sights set, he is still haunted by the critical voice of his father, telling him to always be perfect. to be uniform, or all his work would be in vain.




‘Han-Gyeol Gyeon’  



Phone Number:


A printed message would be on the paper, “Hello! Thank you for applying to Echoes’ Hospital. We appreciate your interest! Please read through this paper and answer the questions. We will consider you for hiring once it is submitted. We will try to get back to you as soon as we possibly can. Thank you again!” The paper was signed by the hospital director.


Educational Degrees: 

Doctor of Medicine, MD

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, PhD

Masters of Physical Therapy, MPT 

What position are you applying for? You may state a position that is not currently available, and it will be checked once that slot opens:



Physical Therapist

(If available)

Why do you want to work on our team?:

East Falls is a unique town, it doesn’t quite show on any particular record for prestigious or well funded medical practices. Which is precisely why I find myself drawn to it. I believe that I can be a valuable addition to the staffing team. I am fully qualified with an MD, and a more than relevant PhD after all. The town is relatively quiet, and allows for myself to work at a precise, and efficient pace, without risk of personal harm, due to my own injuries, of which I assure will not interfere with my work ethic. 

I would like the opportunity to work with this small, passionate team to see it grow, help cultivate it into a world of medical education, and assist it in becoming a pillar of the community it very much deserves to be. Even small towns are built on the backs of the people whom we deem public servants. 

Whilst in the hospital how should you and your co-workers behave? If you see something wrong, what should you do about it?: 

Working in a hospital requires a certain level of composure, we should hold ourselves to be calm, respectful, and welcoming to patients and inquiring guests. In our line of work patients are the utmost priority, we administer care, do checkups, treat wounds and illness. That is the duty of hospital staff. Creating a tight knit community of workers is most beneficial to this system, as the staff will often be working together in various ways, from the sharing of files, to the sharing of a medical room, teamwork is imperative.  

While everyone being friends would be a lovely experience, the reality of this career is that it is just that, a career. An air of professional courtesy should be held within the staff of the hospital, to avoid any mixing of emotions or intentions. 

Should some of our staff, including myself, find it within ourselves to disrespect such established behaviors, through disrespect to one another, or our patients, I would have to kindly inform them that they are stepping out of a line that exists for the very preservation of the workplace and the safety and respect of everyone within the premises. If even then, they choose to misbehave, then a formal complaint will be registered with the Lead Clinician in order to handle the situation effectively.

What experience do you have working in a medical setting? If none, put N/A:

Completed practicum at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, through the University of Chicago. 

What responsibilities do you hold as a hospital staff member?:

It is our responsibility to keep the clinic orderly and clean so that we may aptly treat our patients with whatever they may need. It’s our duty to refine our knowledge and understanding of medicine in order to maintain medical relevance with treatments towards all patients regardless of an individuals quality of life, class, social circles, etc. As stated in previous questions, it is our responsibility to keep composure the best we can to avoid any debacles in the future. We owe it to our fellow staff and patients.  

We provide high quality care and support to patients, ensuring that we keep working efficiently and in a way that does not harm ourselves or our equipment!  We are to address the needs of the patients and work with our colleagues to implement treatment regimens, and solutions for their ailments. It is vital, that as a small town hospital we maintain clear communication and operate with compassion regarding patients and their families so that we build a safe and respectful environment that they see as somewhere welcoming, of course this does not mean we are to neglect protocol nor our clinical duties, simply merging kindness with clinicians is a valuable asset. Upholding professionalism is also imperative to our responsibilities with work, we must value confidentiality with our patients, administer regulated, within standard care, and keep organized documentation of each case so that our Clinical Lead may operate with ease in the administrative setting.

How would you manage a patient that was being uncooperative or rowdy?:

Managing a patient that may be uncooperative requires an empathetic yet professional approach. In order to de-escalate the situation and keep everyone safe one must assess the situation, try to find any causes for the behavior that could be managed in an orderly fashion, whether it be fear, confusion, substance influence or an underlying medical condition. There is a lot of hesitance when it comes to interacting with medical personnel as well, sometimes from poor childhood experiences, or sometimes just a lack of trust. We must do our best to communicate with the patient in a way that reassures and validates their emotions without feeding into them. 

Setting boundaries and expectations for behavior is also of critical importance, too often rowdy patients come into the hospital expecting to be pampered and treated even before other more critical patients. Setting these boundaries and emphasizing that they are for the well-being of every patient. If the patient shows a risk to themselves or others it is important to intervene in a nonviolent way, and if that does not work physical restraint or removal of the patient may be needed after gaining the appropriate authorization, if needed police may be involved to remove the uncooperative patient from the premise, this should be a last resort


The paper ended with another message: “Thank you for taking the time to fill out this paper. We truly appreciate it! Before you can submit this, please sign the document!”

Han-Gyeol Gyeon, MD, PhD






Preferred Name:

Hex or Ali











 . . . . . ╰──╮-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------╭──╯ . . . . . 

Why do you want a business on Echoes: 1984?:


Echoes has been a really big point of roleplay interest for me since it’s started development. Between the eerie forests and the nostalgic trip that East Falls offers. I want to add something that is so often seen in similar media. I believe my business would add a unique addition to roleplay for the player base, evolving the town into a more dynamic and lively space, especially with the future intention of implementing vehicles. Not only is a shop a fun way to elevate my own roleplay potential, it also gives back to the players in the form of content and spaces to be, and ways to customize their living environment!

What will your business sell and/or do?:


Burnes Auto Body will provide a means for vehicle owners to service, purchase, and modify vehicles to their liking. Depending on the function of the future vehicle plugin. Until the plugin is implemented, it will act as a place to request decorations for players who choose to live in Fall's End Trailer Park or Shady Pines. Providing a unique service, much like construction or interior decoration, Burnes Auto Body adds a little taste of the standard home to modular living, at a fraction of the cost!


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Discord: https://discord.gg/mRbbGMcCrq (WIP)

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Provide the lore of your character, and how they came to open a business. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500):


Everett Burnes spent his entire childhood tinkering, from dirt bikes to old beaters, learning just what makes a machine tick was his passion, a trait he inherited from his father, one of the good ones, at least. Born to a simple life, Everett spent his youth living in the rural town of Aberdeen, Saskatchewan. 


Being the oldest of two siblings he grew up as the parentified child, with his deadbeat father running the local mechanics, and his not so reliable mother, he hadn’t much choice in the matter. Everett was not a role model child either, often allowing his siblings to run rampant for the sake of his own curiosity in his mothers work, he looked up to her, and desperately wanted to follow in her footsteps. 


As time passed by the residents of the small, selective town of Aberdeen began to leave, business slowed, customers became rare, and the income scarce. Everett, his younger sister and his parents, packed their bags and moved south, to about the only place they could afford at the time. 

East Falls, an oddly familiar town, was where his father established the first cinders of a new life for the four of them, it was not easy and the fragile dynamic of the family suffered greatly at the hands of it. Finding themselves quickly moving to one of the nearby trailer parks, Everett had been reduced to the cramped modular homes he'd once found so interesting, this allowed his creativity to flourish, it's easy to tinker with cars when your home is on wheels! He poured everything into making the place more livable, from small decorative changes, to rewiring shoddy fuse boxes. After lots of practice, and a few especially painful electrocutions Everett had turned his skill into quite the little hobby, even helping neighboring RV's with simple changes.

Reaching his mid teens, with his sister becoming old enough to fend for herself for the most part, Everett was finally graced with some freedom, a freedom he spent working on his very first vehicle. An old truck he had found on its last legs. With countless hours, months, and even years spent in the shop, and the reluctantly offered help of his father. Everett nursed the wheezing machine back to life, just in time for his already eggshelled relationship with his father to crumble.


Everett was by no means an easy kid, having his fathers temper he was rough, rowdy and all around abrasive. With a general distaste for the lack of accountability his parents showed in regards to their children, there was seldom a dinner table conversation that didn’t end in raised words. Towards the end of his senior year his relationship with his father had become so strained that he refused to allow him to work at the shop any longer. Cast aside by this notion, Ever packed his bags, and any money he had earned from odd jobs into the old 4x4 and drove out of town, not daring to look back, especially not with his sister waiting in the driveway, he’d left, with no intention of coming back.

Everett’s journey on the road found him at a local trades school, where he applied the knowledge he had learned from the time spent at the Auto Body. Everett was a determined mind, fueled by his desire to be a better man than his father. Finishing with an Automotive Technician certification, and had even continued his passion into larger vehicle certifications, semi-trucks, and RVs being his personal preference. Unfortunately his spark of defiance was quickly snuffed, as a few years passed and tuition prices began to rise, and his income ran thin, Everett had to do what he had hoped to avoid the entire time.

A letter to his father, messily scrawled and shoved carelessly into the postbox would make its way to them, and one in return, to Everett. Surprisingly, his father had agreed to his request to come back, only on the condition that he inherit Burnes Mechanic & Autobody, under the guise of charity, though of course it came with a twist. A portion of Everetts income, would line his own fathers pocket, to ‘fund his retirement’ as it was written. With a few. . .choice words, Everett agreed. Returning home to his sister, whom he barely recognized anymore, he left, was distant, just as his parents were.

A long few weeks of learning the ropes of not just working, but owning a business ensued, transferring of regular customers, financing, building rent and so on. After a short dip in income Everett finally began to fill the shoes his father had left, a new era ushered into the quaint little town, and Burnes Mechanic and Auto Body. Work was by no means booming, but it was enough to pay the rent, and to keep the man busy with what he loved, which to the now more gruff than anything man, was all that mattered.


Now, with his shop in full swing, Everett offers his unique, albeit rugged charm to the folks of East Falls. From simple oil changes, to even going as far as towing or out of shop calls for those who didn’t quite make it there in their vehicle. Everett’s low prices and fast work is a staple of his business. Along with a little growing side job of Recreational Vehicle renovation and modification, bringing his own special addition to the long standing shop, a new, simplified name, Burnes Auto Body..


. . . . . ╰──╮-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------╭──╯ . . . . . 

What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble OOC?:


Out of Character trouble is often a result of toxicity and rude behavior, naturally if someone is misbehaving I would request they be respectful and tell them that the trouble they are causing should stop. If they persist and the nature of the trouble is not of misunderstanding but maliciousness/trolling, I would escalate to staff if they do not respect these requests.



What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble IC?:


In Character, Everett is by no means a small man, nor one to shy away from a little bit of strong arming, especially not in his shop. He’d likely take it upon himself to solve the issue through a good, stern talk. But if the troublemaker persists, a firm grip and an escort of the premises will do just fine. In the case that more unsavory trouble is being caused, such as damage to property, violence, or harm of employees and clients, he would not hesitate to call the police.


. . . . . ╰──╮-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------╭──╯ . . . . . 

How would your business greet and provide service to customers (e.g. “Hello! What will you be getting today? *The man began to click into the register, getting ready to serve the customer.*)?:


*Hearing the familiar chime of the shops front doorbell, the small amount of clattering from further within the building would cease, a raised* “Be right with you!” *Sounding out from beyond the door labelled ‘Employees Only’. After a short moment, the grease stained Everett would push through the door, tossing a just as stained cloth over his broad shoulders, flashing a rugged smile.* “Welcome to Burnes, I’m Ev, what can I do for ya today?” 

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