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JujutsuSorcerer Lead Lore Player
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Please use this format for all business applications. If you do not use this format, your post will be deleted.


Please state the IGNs and Discord Usernames of the employees of your business (including the owner). You need at least 3 employees already in your business:


Please explain what your business is? (What does your business sell, provide, and/or offer?):


Please state your reasons for wanting to start this business on Echoes?:


Please elaborate on the background of the business ICLY and how it formed? (What’s the lore behind it?):


Give a brief overview of what a typical opening would look like in your business?:


How prepared are you to handle ICLY and/or OOCLY disturbances related to your business?:


What will your business need? (Buildings? Items? Characters? Moderation?):

Preferred Name: Z or Zu

IGN (In-game name): JujutsuSorcerer 

Age (optional): 22

Why do you want to be a writer for Echoes?:

       I've always enjoyed roleplay and creative writing and I believe I could be a valuable part of crafting an intricate lore for Echoes. I've played many roleplay servers, including the school roleplay server, and and have taken courses on creative writing as well. I enjoy creating lore and timelines for events, and I believe I possess the skills to assist the Echoes writing team in delivering a great story and roleplay experience.

      I would also like to add that I was told about this role by my girlfriend SanrioRoll, who is a member of the writing team in Echoes. I have helped her in the past with brainstorming and ideas for Echoes as well.

How do you think lore could be improved on echoes?:

       The lore of Echoes could feature many more ideas. For one, a nice timelime of events spanning perhaps a century or more, that can neatly pinpoint when, where, and how certain events and lore pieces came about. Secondly, the story could be dramatized in some aspects, for example, the founding families could have different key values and have disputes amongst each other leading to certain laws, events, or even town-wide altercations to occur. This could help to establish rivalries or conflicts in the town to help push roleplay stories to unfold, whether that be Crime Roleplay, Government Roleplay, and etc. Other aspects could be personal or recorded witness accounts of the supernatural, disputes amongst townfolk, unruly government officials in East Falls, and many others. Lastly, an inclusion of the lore within the roleplay. The town could have a weekly newspaper that informs of all recent events, there could be textbooks or old documents that explain the history of certain lore pieces (such as old labs, the forest, schools, or government buildings), and/or people that are deliberately placed key figures in the roleplay for new (or old) players to learn more from, or to even ask questions. These are a few of the ideas I had for improving Echoes and its writing team, and I believe they could add a lot of value to the Echoes story.


Give us a few examples or portfolio of your past works:

Example 1:

The One With No Face


[What follows is a lost journal found within Wisteria Forest from law enforcement officials after a search for recent missing person reports. Due to the grim and disturbing nature of the journal's contents and its accounts of mysterious entities, some portions of the journal have been redacted for public release. Many have tied the journal contents as proof of supernatural activity within the town of East Falls. The town government of East Falls has blatantly denied these claims and chalks the journal as nothing more but "drug-induced delusions". Law enforcement has expired their search for the missing persons some time later, with no explanation for why no one was recovered from the forest.]


Journal of James [REDACTED]


September 25th, [REDACTED]

I'm making this as a log of sorts. I'm doing a quick venture into Wisteria forest for the night and I want to see if anything is really in there. I've heard stories of the Wisteria disease and the weird history of the town so I thought id go see for myself whats really happening. Its currently midnight and I'm camping in the forest for the night. Ive heard animals and insects for the past hour and so far- that's it. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it feels like im being, tested? I'm not sure how to explain, but every minute that goes by here I feel a sense that something is watching me, or even observing me. Theres a dense fog at night in this forest but I can swear through the fog i can occasionally see a bright light for just a second- but then it goes away. I'll try to sleep for the night but I plan to revisit several times.


October 3rd, [REDACTED]

Today's trip had me the most unnerved. The last few days nothing has happened within the forest despite how cautiously ive been going in and out of the forest. But today was unusual. Frighteningly unusual. I woke up in the middle of the night to check my campsite, and as I zipped open my tent, there were three men, all in uniforms that I can describe as- official looking? I'm not sure but they didnt seem like homeless people or robbers, they looked like they were important trained people. I screamed for them to go away and all three of them scattered out of my view. I grabbed all my stuff and left the forest as quick as I could. I'll take a break for a few days before I head back.


October 15th, [REDACTED]

I hear them. They're walking around. Every footstep I hear, just gets closer each time. I'm scared. I'm so scared I can't run or yell. I have a pocket knife but I'm too scared to move too much to grab it. Oh god please just make them go away. 


October 16th, [REDACTED]

The people have gone away. But I'm scared to even leave my tent for a second. Who *were* those people? Why did they come here and what do they want with me? I'm not sure if I have ventured too far into this forest now but I sure as hell know now that there is definitely something weird going on here, and I'm sure whoever those people are , play some role in whats happening here. 


October 16th, [REDACTED]

Oh god oh god oh god they're back theyre [REDACTED] back! I'm panicking again , I have no clue what to do. They're louder this time, I hear radios and I even hear weapons?? I need to hide this book quick. I pray I write in here again soon.


October 17th, [REDACTED]



October 20th, [REDACTED]



December 25th, [REDACTED]


...I remember that one clearly. I remember him the most. He had no face. Everyday it'd be something new and it would be awful. It felt like the worst pain imaginable. My bones ripping and distorting, my blood rushing and boiling, i could feel it all. I wasn't even human to them. Not to the man with no face. I'll never know who he was, but I'll remember him forever. I'll find him. I will. 



All accounts are considered drug-induced delusions and have not been officially proven to have occured and are not evidence to any conspiracy within East Falls.


Example 2:

East Falls History: A History of the American Dream coming true.

[The following is an excerpt page from an old history textbook recounting the events of East Falls from its humble beginnings to its now mysterious atmosphere. The following pages are scattered and torn about, but there are a few remains of what the book describes about East Falls' past.]

Page 10

       It was the mid 1800s, and the American frontier was a major staple for new civilization to come about. It was the perfect stage for towns to be brought about, and in the upper corner of the east midwest a town would be settled. The land was ripe and perfect for farming, and quickly new farmers from the East coast piled into the land.

       Decades would go by as farmers tested and worked with the land's soil. They faced many difficulties trying to grow crops, and consequently forced them to go bankrupt and vacate the land. 

       The difficulties are believed to be due to the types of crops the farmers attempted to grow, with many farmers mistakenly trying to grow wheat, tobacco, and soy on the land. Although, historians and geologists argue the land should still be able to grow other crops due to the nature of the soil and the conditions of the environment, arguing that they are "reasonably ideal" for many other crops. The true cause of these many decades of struggle is still debated, but ultimately one crop proved to do suddenly well around the end of the 1800s. 

       Corn became the most popular export from the land, all being provided by one farmer. His name was [Character Name] and he became the most successful farmer in the land. Many farmers were forced to leave their homes as their farms couldn't keep up performance compared to the corn production of [Character Last Name]. As he amassed wealth over time, he would buy farms from other farmers to expand production. As more and more success built in the land, a small population would begin to move there, settling small farms and businesses, and earning profit whilst contributing to the wealth of the [Character Last Name] family. This family would go on for several generations throughout the early 1900s to keep their corn business strong and supportive of the community. The founder [Character Name] would eventually go on to help establish the town government and consequently the town itself of East Falls. He is one of the four founding family members who helped to establish East Falls in [Year].



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