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Preferred Name: Strit/Raggy


Discord: dr_strit


Age (optional): N/A




Why do you want a business on Echoes: 1984?: The server has just begun so I feel like a brewery/bar will benefit the server by giving it a proper way for alcohol to be brought into the server. Instead of having other businesses buying their alcohol product from thin air, they will actually have players that they can get their stock from. Things like this can allow the server to work together as working civilians, this also allows more interactions and scenarios to take place.

Business Discord: https://discord.gg/5UwQacg6AS

What will your business sell and/or do?: My business will brew and sell alcohol, not only will it brew in bulk to stock other company’s shelves, some goes to the bar connected to it, hence the name, “O’connor’s Brew N’ Sit”


Provide the lore of your character, and how they came to open a business. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500): 

Ever since Raggy was a young wee lad, maybe 10 years of age, he’s always been obsessed with the feeling of growth and accomplishment. He always saw his dad, Brayden, coming in and out of the house for work, and he loved being able to see the progression of his father’s wealth from his job. Eventually Raggy’s dad put a lot of money and effort into making his own business. His father always invited special guests to the house for dinner, that was when Raggy had gotten to meet his Uncle, Uncle Declan. Declan had his own company, a casino, and he was damn near three times as successful as Brayden. Declan always ended up arguing with Brayden anytime he came to the house but the voices were always too muffled for Raggy to hear through the walls. One night. February Twenty Fifth, Nineteen Seventy Two, Eight Thirty two at night, one loud bang came from the center of the house. Raggy shoots awake, too afraid to look outside of his room, he peeked under the door and saw his father walking towards his door, seeming to be putting away an object in the back of his waistband. Raggy jumps back in his bed before his father opens the door. Brayden walks in, “I’m taking you to go see the fireworks with your Aunt Samantha” He reassures Raggy the bang was just a firework, and that they hoped there were more. He spent the night at his aunt’s house and upon waking up realized that his father was gone and nowhere to be seen. His Aunt Samantha told him that his dad has to go to a meeting in Canada, but as Raggy grew older his mind started to realize what happened that night, but wanted to know more about the truth. At the age of 16 he finally grew the courage to ask his Aunt what really happened that night, why his father left, and why he never came back. Hi Aunt explained to Raggy that the only reason Declan was so successful was because he took advantage of smaller businesses and stole their assets. Once he stepped the line and began searching to attack Brayden’s business he had to take him out and leave the country because he didn’t plan for something like this to happen. Now Raggy is Twenty Two and wants to continue his father’s legacy, and will create a legitimate business that will be more successful than Declan ever was.


What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble OOC?

I would politely ask them oocly to talk to a staff member about the situation and to not escalate the situation oocly


What would you do if someone came into your place of business and began to cause trouble IC? 

I as well as some of the other employees will help de-escalate the situation icly to make sure nobody gets harmed. If things get too far out of hand I or one of the other employees will call for the police to come and help with the situation.


How would your business greet and provide service to customers (e.g. “Hello! What will you be getting today? *The man began to click into the register, getting ready to serve the customer.*)?: 

“Howdy there fella” *The man tips his hat before starting to load pallets of bulk alcohol cases from the truck into the building*


“Hey! How may I help you?” *The bartender asks as they slide a menu towards the customer*