Preferred Name: Shad (or Shads)
IGN (In-game name): SHADSY_
Age (optional): 16 years old, July 2nd, 2008.
Discord: shads7
How much do you know about first-aid and general medicine?:
I don't have a lot- but I do a lot of studying and such on those kinds of things! And well- my grandpa and dad get hurt a lot at work, so even though, I don't do much to actually treat them myself, I try my best to look up research on how to treat them. Even though, I don't do much, I still try my best to help them out!! Well- I do know a tiny bit of the basics of first aid.
And well, I wanted to become a nurse or doctor when I was younger, so my knowledge on some of that stuff on that stem from wanting to become a nurse and be able to help people!! So, besides all of what I said above, that's also something I did.
Give us 3 examples of injuries, and their resolution:
Concussion: If it's not too serious, it's stated to get a bunch of rest and to take it easy in general. Though if it needs bandages or stitches, I'd do both of those first and probably give them acetaminophen (tylenol) to help with the pain, which you need to take acetaminophen for pain relief within the first 24 hours. Then after that, put some ice on the wound to reduce or calm down any possible swelling or pain.
Broken leg: Well- first you'd want to apply a splint or cast to said broken leg, putting padding in a splint reduces pain for patients usually. And like a concussion, you want to apply ice to reduce or limit swelling and reduce pain, just be careful to not be directly placing on said skin.
Stitches: If a doctor or nurse or whoever first does the stitches, you got to keep the area very clear and dry. Apply some antibiotic related ointment to the stitches, you at least going to keep the stitches clean for 24-48 hours and it's best to cover the stitches with bandages and like concussions, taking acetaminophen will help with pain relief.
Why do you want to join the hospital faction on Echoes? Answer this OOC: There's a lot of reasons on why. Besides needing money, I'd say, I would love the idea of being able to interact with people more in an RP way, mainly since I do RP on here, but it's nothing too serious and exciting. But I would appreciate being able to get out of my comfort zone more by trying to RP with a bunch of others. I also am quite an active player, lately I'm practically on Echoes, almost single day!! And I heard from someone, that the clinic could use some more active doctors and that's why I'm here today to apply! And if you're wondering, most people rate my activity from 9/10, and with being homeschooled means I'm a lot more active than other people with school!
How would you deal with someone that was FailRPing inside of the hospital?: Probably if I saw that, I'd warn a higher up or calmly correct them and state that they shouldn't do that, since it could get them in trouble.
Provide us with 2 some-what detailed actions of your character helping an injured person. You can choose the injury or illness.
*He'd get down on his knees, ignoring the same ache they give as he moves to the patient's side. He uses his eyes to closely examine the patient for any noticeable injuries. If they're unresponsive, he'd pick them up and over his shoulders, before bringing them into the clinic for more proper care. He place and the patient on the bed, before checking their vitals and all of the other necessary work.*
*As he stood at the desk and drew a small sigh, before speaking again,* "Hello, how may I be able to help you out today?" *He'd say, as he waited for a response from the patient.* "Ah, a fever, you say?? Well, let's head to the back and then, let's go." *He says, leading them to the back room and then bringing them down to one of the many rooms, for him to treat them.*
Provide us with your character’s backstory. Please attempt to limit yourself to more-or-less 1,500 words (maximum 2,500): Tyrone Amir Temple was born on February 26th on 1923, in a small town in America, called Maquoketa in Iowa. Tyrone grew up with a tight neat family and he had a problem with making friends, you could say he was a *bit* social distance. And with being so social distance, he didn't have many friends and well, with no siblings, he's been very lonely. Because of that, he mainly spent most of his younger years alone.
When he was in his early 20s and after he got one of his first degrees, he met a lady named, Cecilia which he closely grew close to. Regardless of being alone for almost his whole life, it felt easy to speak to her and just get along with her. After knowing each other for a year or two, they both started dating sometime by the end of the year.
She stated that she loved his passion to help others and treat them with the most respect ever. Tyrone tried his best to treat Cecilia like his queen, he loved her very much and... In all honestly, he wanted this to last for a long while.
And well- when fooling around one time, Cecilia ended up getting pregnant with they're first children, Tray and Treyson Temple, both twins.
When he was around 27/28, Tyrone and Cecilia had another son, called Mikhail, around the time Tray and Treyson were 2 years old.
When he turned 28, he got his 2nd degree, which he was not only encouraged by his love and passion for helping otheres, but also because of Cecilia and well- his young sons too. She kept him going, even when things felt tough and didn't always feel like they would work.
And then a year later, he had another son, called Chusei Temple, which Tray and Treyson would've been 4 and Mikhail was 2 at the time. In his early (/almost mid) 30s, he proposed to Cecilia and got his job, as a pharmacy! Which pharmacy's help dispense and give out medicines, they give advice on how / when to take their medicine and well- they answer questions.
And well- he was pretty busy with his job a lot of time, especially when he was really trying to make some smackers (cash/money) to try to support his family and all that. Especially when he left like it kept growing and growing.
Though as he stayed with his job for a few years, he kept trying to save up his cash for many things, bills, the kid's future school and maybe even Christmas or birthday presents. Sometimes it was really hard to get a bunch of cash, but he always tried his best.
And eventually the years went by, things did eventually get better. Though... For a long while, Tyrone had to leave and move somewhere else, to support his family from a far distant. He was of course saddened by this fact, but he also knew that if he wanted to support his family, he needed to do, what he needed to do.
When he moved and left the family, he traveled around the world a while, you could say he's been a bit everywhere. He tried sending postcards, Christmas and birthday gifts for the family. So, he tried his best to stay in loop with his family.
As he grew older, he eventually wanted to spend more time with his family... Getting older, you get afraid of being alone and all that. So he planned to visit them as soon as he could. And eventually, he heard that they started living in a small shady town, called 'East Falls'.
And now, at 61 years old, he's finally here and with his family again. And after years of traveling and being without retired for a bit, he finally decided that he's needed back on the team!! He really wants to be able to help out others again. Despite him being old, he knows he's still able to help deep down and he has a lot of knowledge on medical related stuff.
And despite being 61 years old, he actually looks pretty good and slick for his age or in other words, he looks younger than he actually is.
Though he is truly happy to be here in this shady town and with his family again. With all of them again and it's really nice to see the family grow and grown into a truly tight, big, bonded family!! He's incredibly proud of Tray and Chusei... Even though he wouldn't admit it out loud, he's truly proud of how far Tray and Chusei have gotten.
Despite him possibly passing on some... Terrible conditions to some of his sons, he's proud of how well and strong they're doing, despite that.
When he was a young adult, he was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (or GAD for short), which causes an increase of risks of panic attacks, constantly feeling worried and tense. He took some therapy for that and as well as prescribed antidepressants. Though despite finding out that he was diagnosed with this, he always pushed past it, always tried his hardest and put a lot of energy on focusing on his career and well... Of course, becoming a doctor now.
Name: "My full name is Tyrone Amir Temple."
Age: "I'm 61 years old! My birthday is February 26th, 1923."
Phone Number: "Mine is 197.5"
A printed message would be on the paper, “Hello! Thank you for applying to Echoes’ Hospital. We appreciate your interest! Please read through this paper and answer the questions. We will consider you for hiring once it is submitted. We will try to get back to you as soon as we possibly can. Thank you again!” The paper was signed by the hospital director.
Degree(s): "Well in 1956, I got an degree in biology. 1959, I got a degree in MD (Medicine doctor) and then in 1950, I got a degree in a 2nd degree in MD."
[ OOC Note: I might've gotten the years and all that in the wrong order, so if I did- I apologize for that. ]
What position are you applying for? You may state a position that is not currently available, and it will be checked once that slot opens: Doctor.
Why do you want to work on our team?: "Well... I miss my old jobs and just the old times in general. I loved the feeling of being able to help people and make them feel secure and safe.. Even though I'm not as young as I was back then, I still wish to be able to help out others. Rather it's family, friends or whoever, I just wish to help them."
Provide a list of staff titles and their jobs/descriptions: "mhhh... My first job, was a nurse at nursing home. Then when I was a bit older, I got my first real job as a physician. Then sometime in the 1960s, I was a pharmacy for a bit. And now.. Even I may be old, I wish to help and be able to do something in the community."
Whilst in the hospital how should you and your co-workers behave? If you see something wrong, what should you do about it?: "Well, I think everyone should be treated with respect and proper authority to each other. So, I'd treat them with politeness, kindness and properly as normal. Though if I saw a member do something wrong, I'd kindly correct them and maybe give them a bit of a guide, on how to do it right next time."
What experience do you have working in a medical setting? If none, put N/A: "I've worked in many places and in many different medical roles. My first job was a nurse as a nursing home, then a physician and then as a pharmacy for a bit. Before now applying and wanting to become a doctor."
What responsibilities do you hold as a hospital staff member?: "Well, most doctors, have the responsibilities of assessing patients, providing treatments for patients, taking care of them and much more. Nurses, usually monitor vitals (and doctors do this too, when needed), they do examinations on patients and give medicine and some treatment to patients, though doctors can do this as well."
How would you manage a patient that was being uncooperative or rowdy?: "I'd stay calm and professional as I try to calmly state that I'm trying to help and that I want to do the best I can to treat them. And if they have any fears or problems with whatever I'm trying to do, I'd listen closely to they're concerns and worries."
The paper ended with another message: “Thank you for taking the time to fill out this paper. We truly appreciate it! Before you can submit this, please sign the document!”
Preferred Name: Shadsy (or Shad)
IGN (In-game name): SHADSY_
Age (optional): 16 years old, July 2nd 2008 !
Discord: Mine is @shads7
What are you applying for (lore/event)?: I've always loved writing!! Even when I was a kid, I just loved making stories and I've been making stories/writing since I was probably 10-12 (and well now!) And so, in general I've had a decent bit of experience when it comes to writing!! On SRP, in Misfits, Shiawase and Thrift Shop discord servers, I've been accepted as a writer!! I put a lot of effort in my work! And I can write all kind of things, like backstories, descriptions, biographs and much more!!
Anyways- I'm here to apply as a writer because I would love to help out in the Echoe's server community!! Soooo- I'm here now, because I wish to help out, since this server has a lot of big potential, and I would love to see it grow bigger than it is one day (regardless of me getting accepted or no!) I love to help out others and I love sharing my writing skills whenever I can! Especially if me and someone bond over writing!!
Why do you want to be a writer for Echoes?: There are many reasons!! One of those reasons, has to do with how I simply love writing and another reason, would be that I wish to help out Echoes!! Now I know that there's a few amazing writers on here, but if some of them aren't too active, maybe because of work, school, ext. Then I wish to help there, since I'm homeschooled, I have lots of free time compared to possibly some other people!! Because of that, I'm quite active on both discord and MC itself! So, there for, if some writers were to be too busy, then I can step him for them!! And well, some of the other reasons that I sort of want to be writer, is listed above or I kind of mention things that relate to that.
I'm also quite kind, caring, hardworking, and pretty loyal to my friends!!
How do you think our current writing could be improved?: Well, I'm sure all of the writers here are really good!! Though, if it comes to a certain thing that they might need help with or are too busy to work on a certain thing anymore, then I would be glad to step in for them/to help them!!
Now I admit I'm not probably always the greatest writer and I admit that I'm Dyslexic, but I always try my best to improve and learn tips and tricks from others! I write for fun, joy and so much more! And I hope that I'll be a great addition to the team!!
Give us a few examples or portfolio of your past works:
[ if you need anymore examples, then let me know!! ]