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Sciroth Event Player
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9 days ago
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Minecraft: Sciroth
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Preferred name: Jay



IGN (In-game name): Sciroth




Age (optional): 20




Discord: Sciroth




What are you applying for (lore/event)?: Event but I am willing to help with lore here and there




Why do you want to be a writer for Echoes?:

Writing has been a passion of mine ever since I can remember. During high school, I wrote a short novel on Wattpad and more recently I wrote a novel about one of my characters. I see writing as a comfort, whenever it is writing some thoughts down in a journal or making a whole fleshed out story and I believe I have some great ideas for the Echoes storyline. The paranormal storyline of Echoes really intrigues me and I'd love to be apart of it and see how far and how fleshed out the story goes



How do you think our current writing could be improved?:

Your current writing is great so far, I love the lore behind the Wysteria flowers and the effects your character gets from it as well as the ghosts that haunt other players. However, what I suggest is the reporters of East Falls writing articles about the ghost sightings, maybe even an ICLY reward for finding more information similar to a wanted poster in the wild west. I would also love to see more lore interactions between the residents of East Falls and the paranormal. For instance, a ghost could stalk one or multiple characters and inflict bodily or mental harm as long as the player agreed to it OOCLY. Or, it could go down a different road where a character that belongs to someone on the staff team gets inflicted with bodily or mental harm from a ghost which affects how they interact with other citizens. 


Give us a few examples or portfolio of your past works:

A novel I wrote based on my character Ixoria Belmont


A horror story I wrote on Wattpad 



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