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Shhh267 Player
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Minecraft: Shhh267
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Preferred Name: Aaron


IGN (In-Game Name): Shhh267


Age (Optional): 17


Discord User: hellomynamesaaron


Experience Related Questions:


Why are you applying for the Event Team?:


I honestly like the idea of being able to contribute to the server by planning events with a team. I’ve seen first hand how much staff members value their team members, and I would like to be part of a team that respects one another. So, why not join this one?!


What creative skills would you be bringing to the Event Team?:


I’m more of a keep calm and carry on type of guy. So, if anything were to go wrong, then I would be able to creatively think of a way around it whilst also keeping players entertained while staff members or other event team members sort out the problem behind the scenes. My calm demeanour helps me to think fast, strategically, and creatively which will help me out a bunch if anything were to go wrong during any one of our events.


Do you have any other prior experience on other Minecraft Servers?:


No, I don’t. However, I know of a server that hosts events similar to this one known as “SRP.” Although, I have never had any experience with running them.


Scenario Questions:


You are hosting a large Event and a group of players becomes disruptive and is not following the rules. How do you handle the situation?:


Firstly, I would politely ask them to pack it in, or if they’re in the way, move. If they refuse to listen, then I will screenshot it and send it to a staff member. I will then let them handle it from there. If they do continue to get in the way, I could potentially ask for permission to /vanish them on the spot so that they can’t be seen by other players whilst also asking staff members to provide them with a warning with proof why they should get it from the screenshots I sent them.


How would you encourage player participation in Events?:


I would announce the events via discord and in-game 30 minutes before the event starts. For example, I would announce something like: “You have 30 minutes! Pack your bags and bring a… flag? To our spectacular valentines event! Trust me, you don’t wanna miss it! (P.s. We’re giving out free cookies)!”


Availability & Commitment Questions:


How much time can you dedicate per week to Event planning and hosting?:


Time Zone: GMT


Mondays: Available from 6:30pm – 11:00pm

Tuesdays: Available from 6:30pm – 11:00pm

Wednesdays: Available from 6:30pm – 11:00pm

Thursdays: Available from 5:30pm – 1:15am

Fridays: Available from 3:00pm – 1:15am

Saturdays: Available from 3:00pm – 1:15am

Sundays: Available from 3:00pm – 11:00pm

Please keep in mind that these times may vary depending on whether or not I have plans. I will let you know a day before if I have any and at what time I'll be going!


Do you have any commitments (i.e. school, work, etc.) that might affect your availability?:


 I do; I currently have college on the following:

Mondays: From 9:00am – 4:30pm

Tuesdays: From 9:00am – 4:30pm

Wednesdays: From 9:00am – 4:30pm

Thursdays: From 9:00am – 12:00pm


Please provide 2-3 Event ideas that you have and 1 Step-by-Step of an Event’s layout (Example below):


Event 1: Survival of the fittest!

Description: This event takes place during the purge; an event where players taking part will be thrown into a massive pit by event team members holding guns. Once each player has been thrown into the pit, they must fight each other using weapons to survive. The last player standing wins! The winner gets a reward of 1000 dollars whilst the others who take part get 100 dollars for being part of the event. Once the event ends, each player who gets killed during the event will be revived. However, they won’t know that until the event finishes which is why they will get rewarded with some in-game money for taking part!

Planning and execution:

Step 1: Event team members will all be given guns.

Step 2: Each event team member must run around the map and find players who aren’t in any safe zones to take part in the event by pointing guns at them icly. Please note, each event team member MUST ask oocly if they want to take part as players will not be aware that their characters will be revived. Also, event team members can only take a maximum of 4 people with them. However, if said players are in a group at the time of being picked, they can all go to prevent any complications.

Step 3: If yes, the players who wanted to take part in the event will be taken, and thrown into the pit.

Step 4:  If no, the players who did not want to take part in the event will be taken to the spectating area of the event so that they can watch the players who fight in the pit.

Step 5: Once everyone is in their respective places, event team members who are holding the guns will then explain the rules in front of everyone (both the spectators and players) before allowing them to begin. The rules are as followed:

1.       Players must not attempt to leave the pit (although, that will be impossible anyway).

2.       Players must not spare any other players.

3.       Players must not shoot anyone outside the pit (again, depending on the way it is built, this should be impossible too).

4.       Players must /lay once killed - players who refuse to /lay when killed will be immediately kicked out (teleported out) of the event with no rewards!!!

Step 6: Finally, the players can begin after hearing the command “Let the strongest survive… Begin!” from the event team members.

Step 7: Once the last player is standing, they will be rewarded with 1000 in-game dollars. The players who did not survive will be rewarded with 100 dollars and told that they can bring back their characters and void their deaths if they want to.

Extra information: Each player spectating is allowed to bet on a certain player to win. Bets could be handled by either a staff member, or a spare event team member!


Event 2: “I’ve played these games before!”

Description: Why not bring Squid Games to Echoes RP? We could make a whole 1 week squid games event where each player will be brought into the squid games lobby and provided with 1 game per day. Each game will be similar to the ones in squid game, with a few games added by us to keep it unexpected! Players who die will be automatically teleported back to the normal echoes RP server whilst players who survive will be sent to the lobby again to play the next game the next day! The player who wins the whole thing receives a reward of 1000 dollars X however many players join. In other words, each player who dies adds 1000 dollars to the cash prize at the end! The winner might also receive any purchasable item from the shop to keep it competitive! Literally Squid games! Staff members and community team members will act as the guards, with the event team lead, or one of the directors being the frontman! :D

Side notes:

We could even host a mini "player rebellion" event where each player receives a gun and gets to start an all-out war with the guards at the very end for a bit of fun. (After the winning player receives their rewards, of course).

Making events last over a longer period of time (in this case, 1 week long) will also give the staff team time to work on plugins and updates whilst we keep the players entertained. I'd say it's a win win situation if you ask me!


Event 3: Don’t fall!

Description: Each player will be tasked with completing a parkour challenge. Once each team member completes the first level of the challenge, then they will proceed to the next level. Remember, they MUST work together to complete some of the parkour challenges so they will need to be prepared! If players manage to fail a level 3 times, then they’re out! Once they’re out, they will be teleported to the spectating area so that they can watch other players compete in the race to the finish line! The first 3 teams to complete the parkour challenge wins a trophy! A bronze trophy for third place, a silver trophy for second place, and a golden trophy for first place!



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